what would you do


Active Member
i had the same issue on my street. i talked to the guy first, a few times then i just had it with him so i got my old beater pickup running and waited till he cam hauling ass around the corner and pulled out in front of him. he rear ended me and totaled his car, broke his nose and rist from the airbag. when it was all said and done he lost a car and his insurance had to cover my truck because he hit me.


Active Member
My roommate had a neighbor scratch into his hood and door "slow down, your Dangerous" he stopped speeding not saying its right but he was doing the exact same thing.


Well-Known Member
i had the same issue on my street. i talked to the guy first, a few times then i just had it with him so i got my old beater pickup running and waited till he cam hauling ass around the corner and pulled out in front of him. he rear ended me and totaled his car, broke his nose and rist from the airbag. when it was all said and done he lost a car and his insurance had to cover my truck because he hit me.
Now that's some clever shit right there.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i had the same issue on my street. i talked to the guy first, a few times then i just had it with him so i got my old beater pickup running and waited till he cam hauling ass around the corner and pulled out in front of him. he rear ended me and totaled his car, broke his nose and rist from the airbag. when it was all said and done he lost a car and his insurance had to cover my truck because he hit me.
in augest when i get mydrivers license back thats a plan..i liky


Active Member
i will tell u how to stop him dead in his tracks. collect some poo and throw it at his window then when he gets out of his car then you throw your oranges he probly wont drive down your road again


Active Member
fill u up a water gun full of paint thinner and spray the hell out of his car when he zooms past you. or fill balloons with paint thinner


Well-Known Member
ok, you all are bullshiters.... tourch the car? wtf... all you have to do is let the guy speed... shit, I used to do 90mph+ down a 30mph zone, who the fuck cares.. its fun, try it sometime
The parents of the small children who play on the street care, you dumb motherfucker.

captain crunch

Well-Known Member
i had the same issue on my street. i talked to the guy first, a few times then i just had it with him so i got my old beater pickup running and waited till he cam hauling ass around the corner and pulled out in front of him. he rear ended me and totaled his car, broke his nose and rist from the airbag. when it was all said and done he lost a car and his insurance had to cover my truck because he hit me.
Best idea yet.


Active Member
The parents of the small children who play on the street care, you dumb motherfucker.
It's the dumb motherfuckers who are going to get run over... you know, thin the crowd out a little bit.. Anyways I wasn't being serious, and as you might well guess I'm not being serious now either. You better watch your mouth though, I might call the internet police on you

Anyways, I like the old junker idea... Just try not to get yourself hurt


Well-Known Member
i had the same issue on my street. i talked to the guy first, a few times then i just had it with him so i got my old beater pickup running and waited till he cam hauling ass around the corner and pulled out in front of him. he rear ended me and totaled his car, broke his nose and rist from the airbag. when it was all said and done he lost a car and his insurance had to cover my truck because he hit me.
if you plan to try this, just make sure to check your states 'at fault' laws, they often change from state to state


Well-Known Member
Do you live on a private street? Do you have a HOA? My dad had the same problem at his house. People would cut thru at 60 mph. He got tired of it and got with the other people on the street and added road hmps or speed bumps. Just and idea.


Active Member
if you plan to try this, just make sure to check your states 'at fault' laws, they often change from state to state
you should look into that. i didnt plan for him to hit me i was just gonna slow him dow and make him late to work but how it ended up was even better lol


Well-Known Member
you should look into that. i didnt plan for him to hit me i was just gonna slow him dow and make him late to work but how it ended up was even better lol
i'll say! your story rocked!

one time, my wife got into an accident in a private parking lot, usually a place where no fault is the law (ie, no one is to blame). but somehow, his insurance wrote out a check for $1500 and i fixed the car myself for $300 of cheap parts. we went on vacation that year with the rest


Active Member
i'll say! your story rocked!

one time, my wife got into an accident in a private parking lot, usually a place where no fault is the law (ie, no one is to blame). but somehow, his insurance wrote out a check for $1500 and i fixed the car myself for $300 of cheap parts. we went on vacation that year with the rest
lol chalk another one up for the good guys


Active Member
Try straping a dummy to a bike, when you hear him coming let it ghostride out in front of his car. I'm sure it will scare the shit out of him.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
i have called the cops told them about this ass hole driving down the street every morning doing 60mph+.. cops havn't ben out.i have thrown oranges at his car he still proceeds to drive like a bat out of hell. im thinking of tossing out a spike strip to get him to stop and beat his ass. he has already hit and killed 2 dogs, whats next one of the 8 kids that live on my block.. its 5:30 in the morning every day. what the fuck can i do and keep myself out of trouble if the cops won't do anything about it.. hell they wouldn't even show up when i had someone trying to break into my green house last year... fucking good for nothing worthless cops...
Get a crew of neighbors to hide in the bushes on both sides of the road, and when he drives by, get at least 10 people to open up on him with paintball guns. Bonnie and Clyde style. Hit his car 10 times each, and scatter! If he calls the cops, and they show up, everybody from the neighborhood they interview will happen to have not seen anything.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i have called the cops told them about this ass hole driving down the street every morning doing 60mph+.. cops havn't ben out.i have thrown oranges at his car he still proceeds to drive like a bat out of hell. im thinking of tossing out a spike strip to get him to stop and beat his ass. he has already hit and killed 2 dogs, whats next one of the 8 kids that live on my block.. its 5:30 in the morning every day. what the fuck can i do and keep myself out of trouble if the cops won't do anything about it.. hell they wouldn't even show up when i had someone trying to break into my green house last year... fucking good for nothing worthless cops...
lemme tell ya, i'm a bitch about speeder-byers. i got kids on bikes and all that, so i feel ya. i remember once, i was so outta touch with my street, and my neighbors. i would drive to the neighborhood store all nice and normal like to get the rocky road ice cream. once i had that shit in the car, lookout!!!! there was this curve after a block, and i would try to make it to 50, before i got there. pretty soon i was doing 52.... 53.... once day i hit gravel, and shit my pants. i went over the curb and shit. my life flashed before me. it was that day i quit driving down the street like an ass. i was 13. my old man gave me $3 and the keys to the chevette every other night to get his treat. maybe this guy is in the mindset of a 13 year old. confront him kindly, and you will get the response you seek. harm him, and harm will come of you. if he can't see reason, then it will be on him.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i will tell u how to stop him dead in his tracks. collect some poo and throw it at his window then when he gets out of his car then you throw your oranges he probly wont drive down your road again
that funny cuz that riminds me of a very funny day for be but vert bad for my girfriend then wife now.... we broke up sum 15 years ago and when she came over to bring me my things i waz changing the rearend gears in my truck, so i filled up a 44 oz cup of burnd up gear oil and threw it on her threw the window of her car... hahhahahahaahahahaha