What to do with male plants???


Active Member
I just pulled 4 males out of my garden are they worth saving or should i toss them? Can i make brownies or something with them?


Well-Known Member
dry it, cure it, use as blunt-fill, some use tobacco; why not stretch your stash. Just doing for the time being but hey it works


Well-Known Member
throw them in the trash:bigjoint:
worst idea i've ever heard. might as well call the cops yourself an tell them your growing...
depending on how long you let them grow keep the seeds an the rest of the plant make butter or oil an make brownies cookies..

use the seeds an start your own field of dreams but not to close to your house now


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure that non of us are dumb enough to dispose of our male plants in the garbage and then throw it outside our house..

i, like im sure plenty others do, throw my shit in designated trash bags that i take to an apartment complex dumpster, or somewhere with a large dumpster, and throw it in there.. that way its not anywhere near my house...


Well-Known Member
smoke em, studies have proven that the boys have just as much THC (if not more) than the girls

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I would make butter with them after removing the seeds for later growing. Its still worth your time in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
id like to read the "studies" that prove male plants have as much or more thc as female plants. where are the buds at on male plants, surely you dont suggest smoking balls? if this were true, why wouldnt people grow just male plants?


Well-Known Member
i think he means balls
Perhaps.... But that does not explain the "later growing" remark.
i never seen a male plant with seeds, maybe i never let one go that long without pulling it...
It is possible for a male to go hermaphrodite and produce seeds. Most males get pulled before they have a chance to go hermie, so they are not as frequently observed as female hermies.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps.... But that does not explain the "later growing" remark.

It is possible for a male to go hermaphrodite and produce seeds. Most males get pulled before they have a chance to go hermie, so they are not as frequently observed as female hermies.
i was told that a male plant couldnt hermie, i was trying to think of what someone could do if their whole crop turned out male, how to atleast salvage the situation. i thought if you stress your plants into hermies then they might produce a small amount of terible, but still, buds. but i was told it wouldnt happen, which didnt make sense to me


JO if you could clarify this for me, id drop you 1000+REPS


Well-Known Member
i was told that a male plant couldnt hermie, i was trying to think of what someone could do if their whole crop turned out male, how to atleast salvage the situation. i thought if you stress your plants into hermies then they might produce a small amount of terible, but still, buds. but i was told it wouldnt happen, which didnt make sense to me


JO if you could clarify this for me, id drop you 1000+REPS
Hermaphrodism is a common trait in dioecious plants. Either sex can hermie.

Most people are unfamiliar with the male version because we growers are so ruthless when it comes to males. As such, most males never get the opportunity to go hermie.

I'll track down where I read that and let you know.

If I had seen your thread, I would have chimed in.


Well-Known Member
thanks a ton for clarifying that for me

just proves not to always trust what stoned people on the internet tell you


Well-Known Member
I finally found the source and posted in the hermaphrodite thread you started, Kaleo.

Here it is for anyone curious about the topic in this particular thread:
An hermaphrodite, or hermie, is a Mari-juana plant of one sex that develops the sexual organs of the other sex. Most commonly, a flowering female Mari-juana plant will develop staminate flowers, though the reverse is also true. Primarily male hermaphrodites are not as well recognized only because few growers let their males reach a point of flowering where the pistillate would be expressed. Hermaphrodites are generally viewed with disfavor. First, they will release pollen and ruin a sinsemelia crop, pollinating themselves and all of the other females in the room. Second, the resulting seeds are worthless, because hermaphrodite parents tend to pass on the tendency to their offspring.

Please note that occassionally specious staminate flowers will appear in the last days of flowering of a female Mari-juana plant. These do not drop pollen and their appearance is not considered evidence of deleterious hermaphroditism.


Well-Known Member
i used to toss em the moment they showed. but the last time i grew the males i did have were so resin coated i figure ima try makin some hash next time. and im gonna keep pollen. just in case i find a female i love sooooo much i want to keep something of it around, id pollenate a branch at that time

i had a few plants hermie over time and every time it happens i call up a friend whod smoke frikkin leaves if he had em, i give all the seeded bud to him. but that should only happen once then you should know what to look for. seeded plants should seriously only happen once. by mistake. next time for breeding
you can have seeds and still get some buds. it wont be the best but itll still be ganja. look at all the seeded crap in the streets.