What are your HIGH skills?


Active Member
I'm able to imagine reality better? differently when I meditate, if that makes any sense? I can see what is like a super fine vibration of what seems like a string of Time itself, I think, what I believe has plucked this string is the energy of the evolution of our universe. It's funny because on each of the vibrated strings is the same exact reality, yet slightly different, its a kind of 'almost' redundancy sort of situation....its weird

I also have some noted improved ability on the keyboard.
:-PI've never been able to verbalize this:clap:

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I make some of the sickest tracks while i'm stoned. Like I'll be sitting there smoking not thinking about anything and them Bam! A whole drum pattern and melodies, basslines, guitar riffs just pop into my head outta nowhere. So they sound great in my head, but the real fun is after iv'e gotten the beat to a certain point and I listen to it and it sounds exactly like what was playing in my head. What a fuckin sense of accomplishment that gives me! It's a real confidence booster too cause it lets me know that whatever my mind constructs can be accomplished. It don't seem so far fetched once your imagination has materialized something that you and others can admire and be in awe of.


Well-Known Member
haha im good at being super stoned and still being able to pull it off as if i were solber
especially when talking to cops :o

grow space

Well-Known Member
my super skill while high is "Super Perception" to certain things, like I can sense a person next to me so well :)


im a pretty badass halo 3 player when im high. and also i cam come up with and cook some pretty tasty stuff cause i get the munchies and start thinking about what would taste together. :weed:


Well-Known Member
i strap on my space bo0ts and save the world from space monsters.,.,and i can draw better.,.,and do sum nice art shit when high eye eye eye eye eye


I drive better, I know everyone says that, but no doubt it's true. I concentrate more on everything, it's almost like I'm in a virtual reality video game sometimes instead of real life, I find it super entertaining!

Definitely anything with art.

I do work faster and don't fuck up as much.

It also enhances my ability to communicate in a crowd.

One last thing, shit makes me super nice! Whenever I'm baked I'm always really happy. Like at work, usually there are a ton of idiots and sometimes I get kinda pissed, but if I'm baked it doesn't matter what happens, nothing pisses me off! haha, I love that!


Well-Known Member
yeah man, to this day i have only lost 1 time in hundreds of wrestling matches. some official, some not so official. whats your weight?
right now im at 158-160 lol.. but i need to cut down to 149 now for season.. actually starting to cut tomorrow lmfao.. 1st day of real practice.. oh and im 5'9" i hope i can make weight this year.. last year was hell..