Well ... they voted it down ...


New Member
As long as my community insists on robbing me or depriving me of my freedoms, my community can go to hell. This has nothing to do with love of money, it has everything to do with love of freedom.
This is the poster child for fascism, eliteism, or moneyism. Money over community, Fuck the community, I've got mine. Fuck that starving fmily down in the ghetto, if they had more drive they wouldn't be there. Us that have made it should shit on those that haven't. Real compassion here dude. Do you also espouse christian values??


Well-Known Member
As long as my community insists on robbing me or depriving me of my freedoms, my community can go to hell. This has nothing to do with love of money, it has everything to do with love of freedom.
This is the poster child for fascism, eliteism, or moneyism. Money over community, Fuck the community, I've got mine. Fuck that starving fmily down in the ghetto, if they had more drive they wouldn't be there. Us that have made it should shit on those that haven't. Real compassion here dude. Do you also espouse christian values??
Do you?

And how does my statement have any connection to money, or lack thereof. It's not like I'm the "Socialist" who lost 30? or was it 40K in the stock market Medman?

Who said anything about compassion?

But then again, that's the problem with the left. I'm supposed to feel sorry for people that are using the law to rob me blind?

I'm supposed to feel compassion for people that probably had the same opportunity as I did and squandered it, and then turn around and rob me blind?

I'm supposed to feel compassion for people that had a better opportunity than I did and squandered it, and then turn around and rob me blind?

I'm supposed to feel compassion for the corrupt businessmen that failed to adequately protect their shareholders?

When it is truly a society where "To each their own" is the law of the land, then perhaps I'll show compassion, until then, go bug the government, they have more of my money, then I do.


New Member
"I'm supposed to feel sorry for people that are using the law to rob me blind?"

Frederic Bastiat had an apt term for this: "Legal Plunder."

The Law

