Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys in new around here, willing to learn! Trying to start growing myself with some buddies, just don't know which is the best for us. We have access to outdoor or indoor grows, we're just not sure what to go with. Also what it the most cost affective and easiest way to get started! Thanks guys!

You should check out SeeMoreBuds' book. Click Marijuana Books up at the top right of the screen.


Active Member
i'v just got a 300w cfl its about the size of a cat. will this light pump out the right lumens to flower 5 4in plants? oh yeah and how far in to flowering do i sex the plants


Well-Known Member
when you find the category that you want to make a thread in, on top you should see a button that says New Thread. press that, and you just name it, and then type what u want to type :)

Also Welcome to RollItUp :)


Active Member
i'v just got a 300w cfl its about the size of a cat. will this light pump out the right lumens to flower 5 4in plants? oh yeah and how far in to flowering do i sex the plants
once you put your light cycle to 12/12 give it a couple of weeks and look at the nodes. you should be able to sex your plants.

last year I used 2 175w cfl's and my plants did great.


Active Member
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
yo im new in here, I want to learn how to grow weed.


Active Member
grow'n some at the moment but as for knowing how to well just mainly expermenting at moment first crop and all


Well-Known Member
hey new guy here anybody from Australia about that can give me climate spessific advice?
Al B Fuct, currently on vacation, and his friend bongjockey live in australia, haven't a clue were in Australia and I have heard its a 'fairly large place'. Al has a journal posted here, How to Get A Harvest Every Two Weeks Its only a few hundred pages. Al is harvesing in he neighborhood of three pounds a month in a space about 3 meters sq. You might want to take a look at that one, if I were living in Australia I would read everything either of those two wrote.
Welcome to the forum. VV:blsmoke:

Sour D

Active Member
Hi everyone. Just started growing, glad there's a resource like this, cause I'd be lost. I've read some books but its good to know there's a community of people that will share their knowledge about this wonderful plant. Thanks.