Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, i'm pretty new here, and i'm just looking for some people to help me with some growing tips. i've recently decided i want to get a nice garden goin within the next few months. i'm looking to do indoor, so if anyone wants to help out with any suggestions, i would appreciate it =)

thank you all kindly!

Wow!! sorry got a thing for red heads:mrgreen:Just let us know when you get started...and Sleeved out to!!, Damn!!:blsmoke:


Active Member
Yep,seen 13 too, it is unusual though.

ye i thought that cause i have two plants and only one of them is like that and there both the same strains...... i cut the watering down on them and they are fine now there comin on really well.... so you were rite the last time..


Well-Known Member
hi everyone im new here, im hoping for little bit of help with a window grow experiment lol, ive started a new thread in noob central and would appreciate any comments on it.



Active Member
hello everyone i was wondering if the setup i have will be good for veg this is my first grow and i have 12 just sprouted im using one 40w u shaped cool white neon and two 10w halogen bulbs and a 35mm fan for cooling i dont know the temp inside of the box its somwere around room temp mabey more is the box big enough ...will this work? any comment's would be great!!


Well-Known Member
hello everyone just register today! i hope to start posting soon so i can get some help and some constructive opinions :)



Active Member
hey peoples, hope everybodys enjoying theyre holiday weekend
this is my first grow and i dont think its going to good .. first of all i have these brown spots on my leaves and my plant looks diffrent from everybody elses my sh*t looks like a bush:confused: comment please... im using sh with there nutes



Active Member
well...hi, I'm charlie, its my first time growing...I've always said "hm...I wanna do that" but now I say "fuck...I needa do that"...soooo with that said, its time for me to start growing =D

any advice on the very first steps would be really nice...since so far all I've read is "jolly rogers guide to growing marijuana" and I saw some video on youtube about outdoor growing..soo yeaa =)


Active Member
Heyyy, whaddup?
Was tryin to find some tips on growing weed, and found this site.
Pretty good, actually, I haven't had to check out any other sites, all my questions have been answered on here.

Er, message me if you have any special tips or wanna chat.

-TaimaTHC (Brinny)


Active Member
Hello to all and happy to be aboard. Just became legal here in Cali, so I am excited!!!! Dr. gave me a permit to grow 25 plants. Have 6 started and 6 clones going with bout 30 seeds started. All plants (12) are kush and 1 of em is a plant from a seed called "Fresno Fuzz". The 30 seeds are all from skunk/cronic bags I have smoked last year.

Look to learn and hope to be some help some where down the line...........



Active Member
yeah. i grew two plants, my mom was drunk and thought the cops would get us so she through my poor plants away =( now I'm growing two more. very healthy,one is about 6 inches, the other 3.5


Active Member
Im new at all of this and i want to start growing inside and, im kinda confused with all these stages and veg. and everything


Active Member
Hello everybody! I am the ThumbCrusher. I am new to this site, but not new to the subjects here. I look forward to helping and learning, as I wait for my latest crop to ripen!