Welcome New Members!


Active Member
HI everyone...i'm idiot on this field, hopefuly I thread in correct way... need yr guys comment about seed bank ' Marijuana-seed-nl'
Thanks for sharing...

Hi again,
I', foreigner living in Tunis with 3 months ahead before next vacation, I will grow top 44 + easy ridercwith window light + CFL, what will be the result at the end?



Well-Known Member
Hi again,
I', foreigner living in Tunis with 3 months ahead before next vacation, I will grow top 44 + easy ridercwith window light + CFL, what will be the result at the end?

hey imang,

First of all i want to welcome you wo RIU. That question would be hard to answer..... I encourage you to grow all the weed you want! However, it seems to me that growing with a combination of window light and CFLs might be a little hard to control when talking about light schedules for your girls! you might want to refer to FAQ or the link below... this will let you know about the light needs,as well as all other info for growing a great crop!!!

DOn't want to discourage you from using the sun light, but your plants will need their scheduled complete dark period and you need to account for this in order to control their growth stage!


i recommend you read this link it has ALL the info you need!

Welcome all new members as well!!!


Well-Known Member
hi, my name is shelby and im new to this site. if anyone could help me out in anyway it would be much appreciated. thanks!
Hi shelby, You need a comma between the hell and I am. Hope that helps.lol Welcome, read a lot. Pick a couple of Grow Journals that sound similar to what you want to try, they have just done what you are going to try. Tell them how great they are doing and ask questions, they will respond. VV:lol:

Old Man of the Sea Greetings, I come in Peace seeking knowledge. I am in the 5th wk of bloom in soil under 1000w HPS. Supposed to be SFV OG seed, current crop are clones of this seed. Good size buds, odor just beginning. I have a little bit of Onga gel but it is expensive. I am using Cha ching to finish the bloom up, foliage beginning to shine and hairs and trichomes are extending from leaf surface. Want to use some molasses to build carbs. What is best indicator of 'Time to Harvest' ? Trichomes, hairs, age, overall appearance?
The best indicator is the trichomes. In order to see them I needed a 30x loop.

Anything I can do cheaply to enhance their final development? I am a horticulturist so I understand more than some might, but go easy with any jargon or slang as I am 47 and don't have a cell phone. Thanks to RIU for a place to learn. I have been reading only without joining until just the other day.
I would suggest you check out the DirtBags thread, do a search for Pornfolio.....
Welcome, we need more of us old people here. VV;-)

HerbIsGood420 thanks for the advice well my the plants are all around 6 to 6 1/2 inches and ammount doesnt matter to me i just want to smoke some weed from the plants as soon as possible so when do you reccomend flowering based on this?
Based on this flower them yesterday, you might get a joint or two 8 to twelve weeks from now. Or you could let them get a little bigger and try to get a few more joints, they are your plants, its your call sport. VV:dunce:

JanaLynne I am new member of rollitup. I am from california, and I am deaf lady 35 years old. I recently got my medical ID, I want to grow indoor pots. I want to get a cabinet and such. How do i get started, there is so many thread that shows how, but i just want to learn the basics.
Welcome JanaLynne, there is a simple book Marijuana Buds For Less by SeeMoreBuds. In it the Author tells and show everything he did to harvest 8 oz of bud from 3 known female plants for less than $100.00. I bought one at Barnes and Nobles for $16.95 + tax. We have a couple of threads that discuss the book here, the Author is a member and has answered all of the questions you may have after reading it in the threads. Check it out. VV :bigjoint:

SuperHyphy just wanted to say howdy to all the people out there.
Howdy and welcome Hyphy. VVbongsmilie

BHB187 hi everyone....how's it goin?
Goin good, welcome, grab a seat and stay awhile. VV:eyesmoke:

imang what will be the result
Originally Posted by imang
HI everyone...i'm idiot on this field, hopefuly I thread in correct way... need yr guys comment about seed bank ' Marijuana-seed-nl'
Thanks for sharing...


Hi again,
I', foreigner living in Tunis with 3 months ahead before next vacation, I will grow top 44 + easy ridercwith window light + CFL, what will be the result at the end?

Well.....hmmm.... three months will probably be a real bummer. You will watch them grow vegatatively for about 4 weeks and then change the light schedule to 12 hours dark/ 12 hours light each day. Before they are ready to harvest you will be done with vacation, I don't see that as a happy ending. Done correctly you could get a decent harvest, check our SeeMoreBuds book, he harvested 8 oz from three female plants, that might help you?? VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice well my the plants are all around 6 to 6 1/2 inches and amount doesnt matter to me i just want to smoke some weed from the plants as soon as possible so when do you reccomend flowering based on this?
hey bro.... you can switch the lights to 12/12 at any time.... if you let the plant vegetate for longer and become mature you will have a greater yield.... Recommended, wait until you have 10" to 12" and flower away!!!

enjoy your weed!!!


Active Member
Hey guys,

I'm another newbie here on rolitup.

I just started growing my first plants not too long ago. I have never grown b4. I had mentioned to a friend that I am interested in growing for my self so I wouldn't have to keep paying so much for it. Coincidentally his next door neighbor is a grower. So my friend introduced me to his neighbor. This guy had converted 3 bedrooms and was running hydro & airo. So we built a friendship and he agreed to teach me and sell me some of his clones.

This new friend of mine is really kewl. But he is a little crazy too. He thinks the world is coming to an end real soon and he has a million conspiracy theories. He is soooo paranoid that he makes others paranoid too. Shortly into my starting to grow. He had a mental breakdown and was hospitalized. So now I have bought all this equipment and a bunch of clones and my mentor has lost his mind b4 the clones made it out of the incubator.

I started out with 9 clones. 3 from 3 different strains (Bubba Kush, Jack the Ripper & White Widow). Only 2 survived, 1 each of Bubba Kush & Jack the Ripper. All of my White Widow died. So I have been relying on reading everything I can to learn what to do.

Unfortunantly I didn't know about keeping a mother until after I sent my 2 survivors into the flower room. I did take 20 clones from the 2 plants b4 they changed rooms. Only 3 clones have survived and 1 of them looks bad. I have 2 good Bubba Kush and 1 bad Jack the Ripper in my veg room. I don't think that the JTR will make it.

After my mentor went away I started to read up on here. I realized real quick that he wasn't doing things right. I have made mass changes to what he has taught me. He didn't monitor the ph, ppm or ec and he used a 2 part grow formula for everything. I have changed all that. I have bought digital meters and the guy who owns a local hydro store showed me what all nutes to buy for the veg room and printed me an 8 week schedule.

As for the BBK & JTR that are in the flower room, They look awesome. I took a bunch of photos and put them on my member page. I added a link to the pix here.

I am looking for any good advice I can get. I seem to have the flower part going really good, but as for cloning and veg, I suck.

I have some questions that I haven't found the answer to yet.

Fan Leaves -- I read somewhere to cut off the fan leaves to let more light to the buds. Is this right? if so how many of them do I cut off?

Regeneration -- Can I send my JTR back to the veg room after harvest? This is the only JTR I have and would like to clone it. or can I keep her as the mother?

This is a killer forum, I'm glad I found it.


Active Member
hi help! growing buds in the freakin desert. I need info on where in the yard to put them. I got no neighbors Its just a matter of how much direct sunlight is best. it gets terrible hot here. any info on growing here would be the shit. I'm from so cal. and this climate is way different from what I know how to grow in that I'm worried I might kill em with to much sun. anybody a veteran of desert farming? please help. I can't stand another year of smoking shitty mexican dirt weed!!


Well-Known Member
Hi every1. First time caller, long time listener. I'm in my 2nd week of flowering & my buds are still kinda small. Should I worry or stay patient? Any advice would be great.


Active Member
ello pls help me how do i start new threads and posts and what is my problem..... hydro.....medium is rockswell...????neut burn nitrogen def??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm another newbie here on rolitup.

I just started growing my first plants not too long ago. I have never grown b4. I had mentioned to a friend that I am interested in growing for my self so I wouldn't have to keep paying so much for it. Coincidentally his next door neighbor is a grower. So my friend introduced me to his neighbor. This guy had converted 3 bedrooms and was running hydro & airo. So we built a friendship and he agreed to teach me and sell me some of his clones.........

This is a killer forum, I'm glad I found it.
Sneaker, welcome to the forum and hope all the info helps you.. there is plenty of it in here!!!!
For clones you might want to check out the Cloning sections.. here is a link to all you might need for cloning




Good luck with those temps!!! And hope you can get your own stuff after smoking shit for a while..... I'm in that position... i only find shitty hash where i live, so i feel your pain!!! Good luck and try in the FAQ to see if you can find good cooling ideas....

Welcome to RIU... This place has all the info you might need.. and also info on stuff you might not even consider!!! Good luck and hope you find it helpfull.
To begin with Soil and Light are the most important... but don't forget genetics!!! YOu can't do miracles with shitty seeds!!!! but you are on the right path...

Hi to you too!! Welcome to RIU


Hope you can get it today!!! It s very exiting to start your grow!!! your expectations increase by the day.... bu remember its a bit of a marathon not a sprint..... Take your time enjoy, learn and most importantly SMOKE!!!! hehehehe
Welcome to RIU

starting your own thread is explained in this link!!! It's not as hard as you think!!!
But good luck and hope you start posting cool questions along with nice pics!!! In this site we seem to like looking at other people's stuff.. so be ready!!!


Welcome all... if you have any questions i'll be happy to help, or point you in the right direction!!!



Well-Known Member
has any body ever grew earlymisty
Hey Golden,

This might not be the right place to get an answer to that!!! Check out other parts of the forum, where experienced growers share more of the information... go into indoors if that is your case, or just try other options!! This is more like a welcome thread.... but anyways.. .i have not grown that, but hey i bet someone on this forum has!!!

Welcome to RIU... and hope you find all info you need to grow a great harvest!!

Op White

Active Member
I decided to do a budget grow. I just have a few questions about buying seeds. How safe is it to buy these online? Is it best to buy a gift certificate visa and use it to purchase seeds? Should I send it to another adress?


Active Member
I am a new member to this site and new to certain types of growing. I have posted a few threads in grow rooms and journals and will update my journal to keep you all informed. I welcome any criticism and critics as I am a newbie. Thank you for the site and good luck to me.