Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
when typing a post scrool the screen down and find manage attachments..click it..and upload pics from ur pc..OR..upload ur pics to photobucket and insert them straight to the message you are typing

just like that:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Hi all. 1st grow in 19 years. 6 OG Kush clones under 252 watts of cfl (3500 lumens/sq.ft.). Got them on monday and transplanted the rockwool cubes into 1 gal pots with foxfarm ocean forest. Very lightly watered in with RO water. Checked pH after the fact and it is 7.4, going to get some pH down to correct this mistake. Stems were purpleish (the last 1/4" of growth is now green) pH? stress from moving? Hungry? I also mistakenly put them directly into full light although 6-8" off tops, maybe too much too soon cuz I burnt the fan leaves a little. new growth ok with intensity. Also I put them straight into 12/12.
I have a ton to learn but would like to keep it as simple as possible and organic.
Hayduke, I like that one. Probably just a little stress, yep you need to adjust your ph, cfl's shouldn't burn them, Garden Known has a thread about placing cfl's, may want to check that one, or the book he wrote, Marijuana Buds For Less.
Welcome to the forum. ev3rfr3shhey everyone
hey guys...i just registered here yesterday, found this thread and i'm liking the site from what i've seen and know that every site like this is a community so i thought i should say high. i'm not a total newb to herb but i'm not a total pro either so this site is a great place for me to pick up a few techniques that some of the older guys(and girls) use. hope i can help some people that know a little less and listen to some that know a little more....i'll be around.
Welcome, start a journal, share your plan.

azafdoes it suck?!
here are some pictures...
there is a fan inside it which blows the air up... I do not have more money to invest... just bought 125W cfl for vegging and 250 hps for flowering... that hurted :smile:
No, not starting at all sucks, we all started somewhere, I started with a desk lamp, just do some research along the way, those lights will work fine for a few plants on a low budget, RELAX. I have talked with folks that use just the 125 watt for a plant or two and they grow what the use. don't know how much that is. If it hurted, you will make sure it pays you back right? VV:blsmoke:


Active Member
hey ho :)
I am going to have 3 plants under 125W, so I hope that will work... can anybody tell me how can I start my own jurnal?! cheers


Well-Known Member
hey ho :)
I am going to have 3 plants under 125W, so I hope that will work... can anybody tell me how can I start my own jurnal?! cheers
click 'marijuana forum'..then click 'grow journals'..top left corner click on 'new thread'..voila!..


Active Member
Hey all, I'm new here and have never attempted growing anything. I think I might try a closet grow, starting in the next two weeks, just for myself. No need to be selfish about it, at least right away.


Active Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here and from the states, haha, is that bad?!?! I'm looking to TRY to start growing for personal use only, do not want to see or anything, just to have for myself and some friends....I've been reading up on growing and it seems so complicated...but it also seems, thats to grow a lot....I'd like to grow indoors, but I may attempt outdoors as well and see how it works....can I just put some seeds in a pot and put em in a window with a light? And for outdoors, same deal, cept of course in a 'good' locatioin that won't easily be seen....also, where's the best place for me to buy good seeds, is it true it's better to use female seeds? If I buy seeds onlin\e will they they mail to the States? Otherwise I'll just use some from batches Ive bought. Thanks all!!!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I have been looking around for at least 2 months now and have gotten some really good information! Even though I am almost 28 (few more days) I had my first high about a month and a half ago and I have been a devoted lover of weed ever since. I tried some in college once "schwag" my friends called it... had I known then what I know now, I would have slapped them and found something better... That little hacking-cough-gasping-for-air session in college made me shy away from a really great thing when I would have been able to enjoy it most. 9 years later... Now, in nursing school, I have found that the stress-relieving properties of even a nameless, mid-grade bowl of herb are far more effective than anything I had ever tried before... A pinch of grass and 4 hours later I was a new man... Literally! And its cheaper than movie tickets! After I get my license I plan on building a little hose out in the country where I can grow some things outdoors in a nice, walled backyard with no neighbors to come sniffing around. I'm at least a year away from that dream but I will learn as much from you guys as I can til then.

While there is a wealth of information about growing, there is a very small amount of information on what kind of experiences one will have. I have been smoked out quite a few times and I still can't tell the difference between a cerebral high and a body stone. LOL Maybe I just haven't been looking in the right places...



Well-Known Member
Oh hackel. I am so stoked that I found your post and I could reply to it. Woo hoo where to begin?? Well, Marijuana is considered a mild hallucinogen, even though it seems to have some sedative properties, but, an experienced smoker will know that even that isn't always a given, some weed actually gives you a little pick up. For me, the body high has always been associated with either redbud (or schwag, as your friends called it, usually Mexican brick weed), and some strains of really good green bud. I also get the intense body high when ingesting weed, ie making weed-butter and baking something with it. When sauteing weed in butter, the heat activates the cannibinoids and also draws them out, then you take the butter and substitute for regular butter in your recipe and voila. Anyway, when smoking really good weed, I get more of a "head high", where I feel like my brain is sort of buzzing. I feel light on my feet, and very calm. Its much more of an energizing high, where I feel like I could, I don't know, organize my bookshelf, or something like that. The body high, well, usually I just get cartooned when that happens (all I can do is lay around and watch cartoons). I hope that enlightened you a little bit as to the different experiences with pot. You know, everyone has a different body chemistry, well, what I mean is, people react differently, so, you just have to experiment and listen to your body, and see what you like and dont like.


Active Member
Hello everyone. I am new at this. A friend of mine started growing some clones for me in rockwool. He started them out in the 1in cubes and now there in the 4in cubes. My problem is that my friend took of and left me clueless on what to do next. The roots are coming through the bottom of the Rockwell and i need to know what to do next??? I have some 6in cubes that he had here do I just need to soak them then put the 4in on top of them and continue that way of what??


Active Member
Hey whats up?
I'm kinda new to growing but want to start to do so.
I've attempted to grow a couple times but all resulted in failure.
So can someone tell me what I'm doing right or wrong.
First I germinated them and that worked fine.
Then i planted them by some nearby plants to keep it unseen until i could transplant it somewhere to continue to grow, but after about a week the plants just stopped growing and dried up. I'm guessing that it was from a lack of water but i thought i was doing it right. I was giving each of them a couple bottles of water a day but I guess it wasn't enough.
Any suggestions would be great


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Hey whats up?
I'm kinda new to growing but want to start to do so.
I've attempted to grow a couple times but all resulted in failure.
So can someone tell me what I'm doing right or wrong.
First I germinated them and that worked fine.
Then i planted them by some nearby plants to keep it unseen until i could transplant it somewhere to continue to grow, but after about a week the plants just stopped growing and dried up. I'm guessing that it was from a lack of water but i thought i was doing it right. I was giving each of them a couple bottles of water a day but I guess it wasn't enough.
Any suggestions would be great

You a ctually prolly overwatered them..........A couple of bottles a water a day for seedlings is overkill


Active Member
hey guys.. i got into growing from a friends dad.. and lookin at his life... knowing that he was doin great in his life... and still growing... dude thats guy is a veteran.. so i asked him questions and started learning... but recently started growing my own... and im likin it.. but i need alot to learn...

teach me the basics... lol...:blsmoke:


Active Member
I've never grown anything in my life before. my cuz gave me skunk seeds and i tried growing one in a pot plant with ordinary soil out the ground, I also grow outdoors. I know it's female and it's just started growing heads. How long do I wait until they're ready and then how long do I hang it before putting in a jar. Please help out:-?:confused::confused::-|

I was looking at some of you guys' plants. AMAZING!!! Hope i can get mine like that 1 day

Next time i'll leave some pics so you guys can tell me what you think. So far I've had no tips except to hang the tree upside down when it's ready.

I've done a bit of reading i wanna try it all out. I've got 1 question though: Do you guys do something to your plants to give them the shape or does it just end up the way it does. My plant looks so different. It's just straight with leaves coming out everywhere.


Active Member
Firstly I wanna know how some people get 2 main stems on their plants.
I'd also like to know how to make clones of my plants.
I've got alot of skunk seeds and time on my hands. Could you give me some cool ways to grow them(basic though):mrgreen::confused:


Well-Known Member
By topping..FAQ..to advanced tech.... the plant in my avatar was topped..... read up on it any ?'s pm me I'll help if I can... luck..remember read FAQ... also check tying, LST.. these all increase your buds.......


Active Member
Look the Problem is im really lost because i dont know my way aroud the site but ill figure it out. Ok now i know wat topping is, Can i top my plant if it has started with its heads and wer do i cut????

I dont wanna mess my plant up its my 1st time trying and its looking good, But iv done nothing fancy and trying to do the topping worried im going to mess it all up. Should i just leave it?. Its' more or less 30cm in hight.:-?