Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
Heyyyy watsup Fdd? yea i posted my Nirvana White Widow plant like a week ago.. adn was sayin i thought it had 1-2 weeks left, adn jsut wanted ur opinion.. and u said to post sum pics in about a week or so.. soo im postin these pics now.. cuz i checked the trichs yesterday... and i'm probly at like 30% amber trichs... and thats enough for me. lol. thats actually right where i like it.. cuz i dont like the couchlock stone too much... there are sum white hairs on certain buds still..? but i checked the trichs adn theyre deff amber..

anywayz.. figured i'd post a few pics and show them to ya b4 i chope'd... thinkin about leavin them in darkness till 2morrow morning and then chopping away... what do ya think??


soo wat do u think.. the trichs are 30% amber... im at week 8.. but theres still sum white hairs here and there... do u think i should jsut go ahead and harvest tomorrow like planned?? i jsut really dont like the strong couchlock high.. and dont want to wait too long and not enjoy the high.


Well-Known Member
white widow is a sativa, it gives you an uppity high when ripened properly. it looks really close. maybe 3 or 4 more days, if at all possible. ;)


Well-Known Member
white widow is a sativa, it gives you an uppity high when ripened properly. it looks really close. maybe 3 or 4 more days, if at all possible. ;)
is it a sativa?? i always wondered.. every1 of mine have been short/bushy, such as this one. and ok. lol. i will do my best to be patient! hahaha. thanks again man. my thread is in my signature if u wanna check out the harvest.. cuz i dont wanna post them on ur thread. thanks for the quick reply again. =)


Well-Known Member
is it a sativa?? i always wondered.. every1 of mine have been short/bushy, such as this one. and ok. lol. i will do my best to be patient! hahaha. thanks again man. my thread is in my signature if u wanna check out the harvest.. cuz i dont wanna post them on ur thread. thanks for the quick reply again. =)
i could be wrong. ;)


Well-Known Member
i could be wrong. ;)
lol. i just checked Nirvana and it sais 60% sativa 40% indica... but i think i just got an indica pheno. =) thanks again. ur the man! cant wait to harvest this plant. im thinkin 3 ounces again.. i got 3 ounces from my last WW plant.. with only a 3 week vegg and 8 week flower.... and with only CFL's. =)


Active Member
Damn i Can't believe this Thread is still going strong..well i got a few pics maybe someone can tell me when they should be done, my guess is 2 weeks. Comments please>....

2010-06-03 16.19.13.jpg2010-06-14 18.58.59.jpg2010-06-11 00.02.14.jpg2010-06-14 18.59.38.jpg2010-06-14 19.02.49.jpg2010-06-11 00.15.02.jpg2010-06-14 18.58.38.jpg2010-06-14 19.05.52.jpg2010-06-14 18.59.23.jpg2010-06-14 19.06.03.jpg2010-06-11 00.01.48.jpg I hadda throw in the black light special :-)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
here's some satori halfway thru 8th week flowering. satori is supposed to take around 9-10 weeks but i'm worried they won't be done then. these bitches are maturing slowly. will 2 weeks be enough? the insurance inspector needs to come and i don't know how long i can stall.


these say they have a 50-65 day flowering period and I'm at day 44. So should I start flushing now or feed in 2 days and start flushing after that? Also their supposed to turn purple so what would you recommend to help that along.



Hey bud,

Thanks for your advise, you were spot on with what we have marked on the calendar

Can i ask for a couple more pointers? After the 10-14 days do we then commence flush for a week, or should we start that sooner?

Do nuggets all of a sudden mature up at the end? there pretty firm but was hoping to get a tad more weight

What you averaging in grams on nugd up trees indoor?

Thanks in advanceIMG_0563.jpg



Well-Known Member
Hi there. I was wondering how much longer I should keep mine going. This one is a experimental hybrid, that was one part White Dwarf autoflower, and one part White Rhino. It took on the autoflower phenotype, and it's only been growing 1.5 months or so... it started flowering at one month.

Let me, by the pics, how much longer I should wait before I start a) Flushing, and b) harvesting.

Thanks for your help :)

