Tube Grow


Well-Known Member I was thinkin' today while lookin' at my plants...I have about a dozen or so plants (about 4-5 different strains) all planted as clones in those red plastic dixie cups.
I have used these cups for beginning soil grows for years...during this time I have observed that the plants get tall, but doesn't branch out much, or they develope lot of small, short nodes. Also in my flower room I grow in 4 gal sq. buckets. they work well, only prob for me is space. the plants end up with beautiful tops, but not much under that because of the thick top vegitation. Very little good size nugs off the sides. remedy this issue, I'm going to do a little expierment. However, I won't be starting this project for another 2 mo. I thought I would ask the forums opinion before I commited to absolutly doing it. Anyways, I figure that if I start some clones in the red cups, get them to a good height, rooted well, then plant them in 1 1/2 ft tall 4" PVC with endcap, drainage holes drilled, they would grow about 1 1/2 ft to 2.5ft id say (depending on strains variables, etc.) of one giant cola. i doubt they will branch out much, but having a lot of space to grow downward, promoting height vs. width. Now the point is...(given my grow space) would you think I could harvest more from 32 plants planted in this fashion, or 10 plants in 4gal buckets, that are kinda crowded. heres some pics to help you visualize :-P sorry for any spelling errors, pretty medicated at the moment. :weed:106.jpg128.jpg121.jpgPVC grow.jpg


Well-Known Member
ah i see. well...the concept being, as of now, i dont think i am getting enough light to the lower part of my plants. I have done a lot of LSTing, supercropping, tucking, etc. but still things are too crowded to get any significant side growth. My idea is to grow in PVC tubes to make a slimmer plant, leaving more space for light to get to the other plants around it. Doing this, it would give me a lot more space to grow in, so instead of my current 10 plants in 4gal buckets, i could do 32 of these plants grown in 1 1/2 ft tall plastic PVC tubes. As mentioned before, I have noticed the plants dont branch out as much as they grow tall in these conditions(slender root growth area) my hope is that the tubes will cause the plant to grow 2' to 2.5' tall without a lot of width happening. If this happens, then i would just get a big central cola, also leaving space for all the other plants grown in the tubes to recieve light. the point is to try to get more bud with more plants, w/ one cola, than with 10 very crowded plants in 4 gal buckets. tell me if that helps at all...if not then i guess ill just have to grow it, then show it.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
I am intrigued by your theory. If you are still following your thread here, I'd say give it a try with a few clones and see how well they work!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
ah i see. well...the concept being, as of now, i dont think i am getting enough light to the lower part of my plants. I have done a lot of LSTing, supercropping, tucking, etc. but still things are too crowded to get any significant side growth. My idea is to grow in PVC tubes to make a slimmer plant, leaving more space for light to get to the other plants around it. Doing this, it would give me a lot more space to grow in, so instead of my current 10 plants in 4gal buckets, i could do 32 of these plants grown in 1 1/2 ft tall plastic PVC tubes. As mentioned before, I have noticed the plants dont branch out as much as they grow tall in these conditions(slender root growth area) my hope is that the tubes will cause the plant to grow 2' to 2.5' tall without a lot of width happening. If this happens, then i would just get a big central cola, also leaving space for all the other plants grown in the tubes to recieve light. the point is to try to get more bud with more plants, w/ one cola, than with 10 very crowded plants in 4 gal buckets. tell me if that helps at all...if not then i guess ill just have to grow it, then show it.
You got the right shit happening. Of course you do have mothers?

The Waiter

Active Member
Why dont u just cut off aroun 1/3 of the lower branches and just grow main colas sog style. If you're worried about space anyways


Well-Known Member
yes Waiter, I am doing that on my next grow that i have lined up. I have 10 pots with trained, super cropped, lollipoped in veg waiting to be transferred to 4 gal pots as soon as my current grow is complete. (which is very soon.) I will also be growing 3-6 in the tubes just for comparison as far as weight per plant. Ill be posting pics as soon as i get it all set up.
Also, McBride, to answer your inquiry, i do indeed have mothers. Thanks, Cannabis love, nice to have ya around.