Topping Yes Or No???


Well-Known Member
Always heard that topping although splits into 2 seperate growth when done correctly for the most part shocks the plant and is stunted until its recovered, practice LST(low stress training) where you tie the stem down multiple times minipulating how it grows another practice is something called SCROG as I am not familiar with this, read the growfaq for these techniques or tag search


Well-Known Member

i have 2 bella donna 3 paki valley and 2 afghan kush at about 46 days and they were topped about 2 weeks ago and over the past 4 days ive trimmed/topped all the node beneath the tops, and so far theyve responded well dont really seem stunted, eh maybe the paki valley is a little behind but if you check my journal the plants had just been topped they had 5 TRUE SETS of leaves befor i topped them and 7 TOTAL SETS of leaves(2 sets were 3 leaves)


Well-Known Member
well when i topped my plant it actually stopped growing up and hasnt grew upwards since i topped it like 3 weeks ago(like 10 days into flowering) so all that time it would have been growing upwards is not put into growing upwards but put into the growth of the buds so yeah i think topping at the right time yeilds more in the end ...but like master cheif said some strains respond to it better than others

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
hey y'all,
new grower here, currently have some Durban Poison in the ground, is there a right up or a 'how-to' about topping? its still new to me. can anyone explain briefly how its done, the benefits?


Well-Known Member
when the plant is at the desired heighth you take a sharp pair of sterlized scissors and just cut the top right above the last node(set of branches) below the new growth....if done at the right time it will yeild much more than just letting the plant grow up cause like i have mentioned before it takes the effort out of growing in that area and puts the energy into the buds.

and for furture refrence not to be an asshole or anything but dont hijack peoples threads in RIU thats a no no and some will go to the extent to rip you a new asshole

hope this helped you out

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
and for furture refrence not to be an asshole or anything but dont hijack peoples threads in RIU thats a no no and some will go to the extent to rip you a new asshole

hope this helped you out
It def helped out, thanks. No offense taken on the comment, but i thought it was on topic with the discussion at hand, and other readers were possibly wondering the same thing. no biggie, ill start my own thread in the future, like i said, i figured id save bandwidth and keep it in here.

Glad to be here, seems like an extremely knowledgable group of folks!


Well-Known Member
It def helped out, thanks. No offense taken on the comment, but i thought it was on topic with the discussion at hand, and other readers were possibly wondering the same thing. no biggie, ill start my own thread in the future, like i said, i figured id save bandwidth and keep it in here.

Glad to be here, seems like an extremely knowledgable group of folks!

if it delt with the same topic as posted harm done bad .....sorry man


Well-Known Member
na dude he dint try to jack my thread that dude sensistarcrosstrainer tried to i hate when people do that get your own thread you fruit cake
Seriously dude, was it really necessary to show your ass all over the internet like that? Keep in mind people really do smoke on this page. I dunno what i was thinking when i "hijacked" your topic, but either way I just now checked it and remember no occurence or even see knowledge worth retaining from this perticular thread. So zelch your kak smakin @$$.


Active Member
I have had much success topping indica strains, they seem to do better and it works out like it is supposed to, adding to yield and what not. When ever I top a sativa it splits but it really doesn't add to yield all that much. I may not be fully correct but it seems to be a common trait with my last two grows.