The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
sweet thanks guy i have already ordered the easy ryder fem :( didnt relize they had smaller yields im dum i know is there really no way u can LST a little to gain more
i don't know mate you'd have to find some1 that's grown a few of them out, theirs a massive thread on here for nothing but autos worth having a look at and the guys on their all help each other out as autos are still pretty new and most don't know the best way to go about growing them i think colorblind started the thread i'd look for that mate tons of info and other auto growers their they'll prob know best mate

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
might be an idea mate to have a look at what dons put up if your only growing 1 seed out they are pretty cheap and you will have lots of help if growing a normal strain on this thread and a bigger yeild mate

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavat'ry
On Wednesdays I go shopping
And have buttered scones for tea
He cuts down trees...
He's a lumberjack...

change of plans, it looks like the "normal" haze still has weeks to go on it yet. every day it's sprouted more white hairs.

well there#s the dozy motherfucker at 13 weeks. what an utter and total waste of my time. 4 months of daily attention for what!



yeh ill deffo be buying some more i think im just gonna grow this 1 and see how it turns out then grow more and more anfd more muhahahahah a mate of mine just started an outdoor grow like 40 plants in the woods some where lol mad

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no probs man, only a few shops but they have the connections to worldwide banks.

shit man you can become a seedbank any day of the week theres plenty of places you can buy seeds at wholesale from loads of places if you know where to look. i was considering it myself but i love the growing too much and growing and selling beans is asking for it

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
no probs man, only a few shops but they have the connections to worldwide banks.

shit man you can become a seedbank any day of the week theres plenty of places you can buy seeds at wholesale from loads of places if you know where to look. i was considering it myself but i love the growing too much and growing and selling beans is asking for it
i don't blame you mate given the option i think i'd rather be growing and smoking rather than watching others do it lol i'm gonna run with heavy duty fruity aswell as chronic for the next round i'm hoping the heavy duty fruity tastes good coz i don't like the taste of my blue cheese every1 else loves it but not me:-( lol


Here is what i have done so far if anyone cares . Advice and constructive criticism the key word being constructive would be very helpful seens as i have only the knowlage gathered form studying this forum for weeks :) tolk me a long while to rip all the bricks out and figure a way to get them past the parents but worth it in the end stealth is key.

that is all the pics start to finnish the space is 30" top to bottom 18" fomr left to right and 13" front to back.



Well-Known Member
i don't blame you mate given the option i think i'd rather be growing and smoking rather than watching others do it lol i'm gonna run with heavy duty fruity aswell as chronic for the next round i'm hoping the heavy duty fruity tastes good coz i don't like the taste of my blue cheese every1 else loves it but not me:-( lol
Am not a fan of the blue cheese some lad grows a nice 1 but still not for me raw cheese plz

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i don't blame you mate given the option i think i'd rather be growing and smoking rather than watching others do it lol i'm gonna run with heavy duty fruity aswell as chronic for the next round i'm hoping the heavy duty fruity tastes good coz i don't like the taste of my blue cheese every1 else loves it but not me:-( lol
i could give up smoking i have a few times but i couldnt stop growing. proper HOOKED:bigjoint:

my heavy duty fruity

big box full of sweet fruityness, not the heaviest hitting dope ever but quite tasty:bigjoint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Here is what i have done so far if anyone cares . Advice and constructive criticism the key word being constructive would be very helpful seens as i have only the knowlage gathered form studying this forum for weeks :) tolk me a long while to rip all the bricks out and figure a way to get them past the parents but worth it in the end stealth is key.

that is all the pics start to finnish the space is 30" top to bottom 18" fomr left to right and 13" front to back.
ahahahahaha mad rep+ loving the stealth, your folks may sus you though. good luck with the smell.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Here is what i have done so far if anyone cares . Advice and constructive criticism the key word being constructive would be very helpful seens as i have only the knowlage gathered form studying this forum for weeks :) tolk me a long while to rip all the bricks out and figure a way to get them past the parents but worth it in the end stealth is key.

that is all the pics start to finnish the space is 30" top to bottom 18" fomr left to right and 13" front to back.
looks very stealthy mate you wanna blank most of the top off and put a vent in the top covered with some tights or something to stop the dust dropping down on your plants and put a little fan in the top aswell to help take the smell away