The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
But of course they dont allow trading......

"With the blessing of Admin, I'm selling my personal Apache AT600. It is in excellent condition just like new. As you guys know this light is pretty heavy and well made, so ill have to work out shipping cost with biuyer, i also have the original box it came in.

I think as greengenes stated it pulls around 700w at the wall, ive never put a killawatt on it myself though. I'm having to downsize my whole grow at this time so its a bummer because the results this light gives is exceptional."
I did say to him in a pm ppl were selling and swapping all over the site but he allows it, it's just the UK thread mainly he clamps down on it. It's a joke how they control this site.


Well-Known Member
On the smoking point , you're right m8, I have a bowl or 50 at harvest festival time ,in me little pipe, but I need me cookies every night or I'm a moody twat. Need to get a cano , Zedd has shared some lovely moments on his :)


Well-Known Member
On the smoking point , you're right m8, I have a bowl or 50 at harvest festival time ,in me little pipe, but I need me cookies every night or I'm a moody twat. Need to get a cano , Zedd has shared some lovely moments on his :)
bloody sad how much i remember from this thread lol im with you on the cano malarky id love to get one still going good with me not smoking odd relapse when im pissed but on the whole not smoking the cigs still 350 for a smoking device it does kill me just the thought lol they are really good tho.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
New, grow a few extra oz's and trade it in for a cano when the time is right. you won't regret it once you're walking about huffin on yer inflated cookin bag. it's a cleaner, energetic high. U taste the product best with a quality vapor as well.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Cano is the way to stopping cigs or was for me. Plenty good nick second hand ones on ebay. I just got a concentrates disk for mine today off a pal. Nowt to try on it tho. Really taste the weed better Imo.


Well-Known Member
how much u makng playing more bs, and the cano is very bad news re how much u get thru, new was saying an oz in 4 days smoking js, well I stock the chamber with 1.2 g and ht t all day long cos I don't smell of weed and don't look stoned, but im fuked

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah I'm smoking a lot more frequently than I used to that's for sure but I'm not really getting through any more weed than normal. Half dozen bags afore heading to work. Bus ride is like floating


Well-Known Member
cant be fucked using mine, think it was new years when i last used it lol.

they are great for occasions and stuff but not the same sensation as smoking, for me anyway.