The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
it didn't work anyway man the gnats just took to using the drain holes on the bottom to get into the roots. little bastards.

which or rather who's cut did you get of the dog? the one pip in my fireballs i noticed at about 7 weeks i'm going to nip it out and dissect it tonight.
wasent a cut was a fem seedling.
like i say i wouldnt mind that fireball,;-)


Well-Known Member
Afternoon chaps just got up....nice plants lads looking shweeet as a usual

Yeh if I haven't gotta let the soil cook think I'll buy the gear this weekend then I can start knocking it up. Ever since I started growing I've wanted to go all organic but always felt like a big step but fuck it I'm taking the plunge man...oh me ascorbic acid came this morning as well so I'll be using that on my next feed see how much it pH's down like
sounds good man, hit me up for a tea recipe when u need one


Well-Known Member
Sound man will do. can't wait to get cracking with it....I like using clay pebbles as well might whack a few of them in the soil as well


Well-Known Member
Yeh just had to edit it...don't think there is a single fan leaf left on her lol proper N whore...that's why I wanna go super soil and let nature take over ;)