The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
they've been able to do that phone thing for donkeys lads. my lasses brother had his dumped after a taxi hit him n fucked off. they traced it and where it had been to within 5 ft over the space of 6 hours.


Well-Known Member
unless your mobile phone has been logged as evidence and not just in ur prop they are not allowd to touch it.. they cant forensically. sxamine your phone without reason and suspected charges i. e conspirocy. simple theft pr watver they aint allowed. thats not to say a nosey copper wont be nosey BUT wer i live ur prop is sealed in a bag so u would jnow if its been tampered. in short if it aint evidence it cant be touched so unless ur in a crimimal ringit wont happen.
as for chrdz... we know why hes vanished but thats. a whole nuther deal

all the weeds gone jealouse fuks on estate talking shit coz i bought a big tv lol fuk them hahaha just got a new ps3 of the wifey awwww i love her.. now i cant get rid coz its a preizzy
cod here ee come woohoo


Well-Known Member
oh amd they dont do.shit with they just get kntouvh with uour neywork provider and get a primtout of every in and out... ollllddd news been doong that 10 yrs at least. need a warrent still mind


Well-Known Member
unless your mobile phone has been logged as evidence and not just in ur prop they are not allowd to touch it.. they cant forensically. sxamine your phone without reason and suspected charges i. e conspirocy. simple theft pr watver they aint allowed. thats not to say a nosey copper wont be nosey BUT wer i live ur prop is sealed in a bag so u would jnow if its been tampered. in short if it aint evidence it cant be touched so unless ur in a crimimal ringit wont happen.
as for chrdz... we know why hes vanished but thats. a whole nuther deal

all the weeds gone jealouse fuks on estate talking shit coz i bought a big tv lol fuk them hahaha just got a new ps3 of the wifey awwww i love her.. now i cant get rid coz its a preizzy
cod here ee come woohoo
Exactly they are not allowed, just like they are not allowed to smash someones door in unless they can PROVE fear of violence but that does`nt stop em doing EVERY raid with the big red key lol


Well-Known Member
oh amd they dont do.shit with they just get kntouvh with uour neywork provider and get a primtout of every in and out... ollllddd news been doong that 10 yrs at least. need a warrent still mind
Unfortunately you are quite wrong, ive seen it happen first hand when I was arrested for assault, waiting in the custody suite lad got booked in before me ( was drugs raid arrest) an when they took him off to the cells first thing the custody sergeant did was rip his phone out the evidence bag, look thru it then seal it in another evidence bag whos number he THEN wrote down as correct on the computer

EDIT: They do also contact your phone provider if they can prove grounds for a warrant but either way if your phone does not have a lock on it they WILL look thru it to see what they can find


Well-Known Member
kevin murphy was a grass?,he sent me seeds,lol mydoor went in...
if he was gunna get anyone fucked i might have been the higest mate,, prik still owes me a oz

Unfortunately you are quite wrong, ive seen it happen first hand when I was arrested for assault, waiting in the custody suite lad got booked in before me ( was drugs raid arrest) an when they took him off to the cells first thing the custody sergeant did was rip his phone out the evidence bag, look thru it then seal it in another evidence bag whos number he THEN wrote down as correct on the computer

EDIT: They do also contact your phone provider if they can prove grounds for a warrant but either way if your phone does not have a lock on it they WILL look thru it to see what they can find
well any solictor worth his salt would have ANY charges brought from that mobile phone information thrown straght out of court,, i been up on a cospirciy to supply charge and other nasty shit,, its no joke,, so no im not wrong,, u just get sum dodgy coppers,, as i said any evidence gained from said mobile could not have been used for any further charges,

if the police was folling this thread i think a few of us whove been posting harvest day weehaa would have been busted ya think?


Well-Known Member
i reckon the plod are monitoring it but most of us are too small scale to bother with, resources can only be stretched so far.


Well-Known Member
i reckon the plod are monitoring it but most of us are too small scale to bother with, resources can only be stretched so far.
yeh ther short staffed enough and the digital crimes team have enough with mnitering facebook and jailing people for burnin poppies online (honest) and saying lets riot!! no shit stuf gets said a million x worse than that on this thread so that leads me to beilive,, wer cush,,


Well-Known Member
if he was gunna get anyone fucked i might have been the higest mate,, prik still owes me a oz

well any solictor worth his salt would have ANY charges brought from that mobile phone information thrown straght out of court,, i been up on a cospirciy to supply charge and other nasty shit,, its no joke,, so no im not wrong,, u just get sum dodgy coppers,, as i said any evidence gained from said mobile could not have been used for any further charges,

if the police was folling this thread i think a few of us whove been posting harvest day weehaa would have been busted ya think?
As i said earlier in the thread mate they dont "officially" do it and record what they find, instead they have a look thru, ring upstairs to the stations intelligence officer who then passes it back to the front-line units as "received from an unnamed source who we will not identify for operational/legal reasons"


Well-Known Member
if a member of the public makes a complaint then they've got to act but i reckon most cops dont give a fuck about weed, sure theres a few robo-cop fuckers out there that would lift there grannies for littering but most cops know the score on drugs about well as we do, they've gotta endure junkie shit constant. i think if you pulled the politicians out the equation then the cops wouldn't so much as give the weed brigade a second glance. fuckin waste of time and resources all round, only being pushed forth by middle england middle classes and even theyre gettin fuckin sick of it, there all daily mail readars and are more concerned with immigrants and fuel prices.


Well-Known Member
oh amd they dont do.shit with they just get kntouvh with uour neywork provider and get a primtout of every in and out... ollllddd news been doong that 10 yrs at least. need a warrent still mind
wow ice, you got me rubbing laptop screen down to get rid of the 'splashes' turns out you just throwing out random full stops :/

i reckon visiting a grow shop with own car is a big 'no-no'........would that be enough for a warrant tho?

aint like your paying 10 times going rate for feed just to grow grow shop wont say the 'M' word, it's just fruits we talk about, getting fat juicy fruits...turns out they know little anyway, and will do nothing but hard sell you the latest super-size-me bud bloomer...
but like someone already said, everyone in the shop know's why you are there, so why wouldent the police...


Well-Known Member
The copper that was in the car with me on the way to the station, he was a drugs are all the same type. Giving it "you think cos it's a bit of smoke, that it's ok. I can take you to a guy who's been puffing for 20+yrs. And you should see him, his brains rotted he's fucked for life cos if weed" fucking idiot. I told him yeah he's told YOU it's only weed, the cunts probly been eating vallies like sweets. Pissed me right off trying to pull that one!


Well-Known Member
i dont go to any grow shop fuk that!
i only order of ebay but phone the order in not thru paypal,, most of the time, my postman knows me and knows i get parcels all the time so im golden ther

just jealouse priks on the estate proly snitch me for stoemn goods,, since thats what im usually getting busted for but ive been a good boy,, bought nothing apart from form the shop,recipts the lot!

operation hid the door properly, gotta look for a book case to bold to the door,, u know so wen u open the door the bookcase opens too!! be fucking awsome, move a book and it opnes ahaha
or a wardrobe? dunno,, but if im gunna continue i gotta get this shit hidden, remove the carbon filter from the attick and into the room venting into the bits between the floorboards

gotta do it propely rite? thers fuk all here part from equipment now so let em come!

lol yeh closet comparing weed to a down and out junkie lol they think they kow so much

wen i used to be well naughty i got taken for a drive inot a forest thrown out bak of the van cuffed up and 3 big coppers said "look see how easy it could have been"
then threw me bak in the van and took me to cop shop,, it but the jeebies up me for sure,,


Well-Known Member
love your sig man Im not sure I understood everthing you said (Im english too) But hell im sure it makes sense LOL

pmsl, NO CUNT understands what ic3 says , it the equivelant of doing a cryptic crossword reading his posts. talking about being spied on ; theres a whole section of m15 at gchq that burst into tears when his names mentioned