The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Dst do you know where en scheda is lol think thats how its pronounced lol its in Holland on the German border?


Well-Known Member

ffs oly a control in the seetings guess sum1's got pissed with ther lack or likes and disabled em lmaouahahaha

so how is everyone? im working on a lappy to get sent into hospital with,got the lappy,,gotta fasshoin a charger then load the bastard up with first and most imprtantly PORN
then tv series from the p0ast 20 yrs :)

and havent sum pages of thread gone missing?oh just read they did sum wtf u dont loose threads doinwg a backup lmao u need sum1 who knows what the actually doing as a code r or sum shit the got my PM address lol
seems our names are like a burgundy colour too

Some of us know each other personaly(unfortunatley). We should meet up but I think alot of guys on here smoke too much weed and would b para

id meet up with y'all complete set of wankers or not,,,,and yeh im a parra cunt but its not like we would be bringing our grows with ur now is it?lol

yup ther blaming all loss of posts and threads,likes,reps on a mysql attackk lol il belive em,
so ther saying the only backuptheyve got is from middle of feb lmao even worse this is such a badly managed site hahaha ffs wer all bak to lame stuases now
I'm getting pissed off with this lack of "LIKE".
your bak to a stoner lmao

been upto plants, realised i didnt have extractor or fan pluygged into the time curcuit oops so 40 degrees again ffs recitifed and fixed and ther not looking heatstressed thank god

anyways seems theyve got legs and im stil waiting for me clones :(
chedz sed he got all fems from ttts genetics lol lier but if he aint i hope i do to,,noticed they look like noot even like leaves layout?>


Well-Known Member
Dst do you know where en scheda is lol think thats how its pronounced lol its in Holland on the German border?
Yes, I do impending Enschede, look up.Google fireworks, and Enschede, big old disaster there. And Yeh, its on the border. The first I knew I was I'm Germany was when I noticed the pizza shops had Duits writing, and the roads where a lot better, lol.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do impending Enschede, look up.Google fireworks, and Enschede, big old disaster there. And Yeh, its on the border. The first I knew I was I'm Germany was when I noticed the pizza shops had Duits writing, and the roads where a lot better, lol.
same here when i was in Germany for 2 years it was 40 min drive lol i loved the place like a small dam no one knows about lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so im in birmingham at an education fair thing with my graft. guest stars today included the worlds tallest man. and peter andre.

worlds tallest man at 8ft3 was a fucking travesty poor fucker was being mobbed by urchins with camera phones like an old freak show. poor fucker was being asked to stand up all the time on crutches. pure exploitation, was sickening to see.

peter andre didnt even get into the fair. the security turfed him out on health and safety cos all the squealing birds with a wide on for the 4ft nowt greaser were mobbing the doors. place was like fucking hillsbrough i tell ya.

can't wait to get yem. the midlands are fucking gash.

hotels got a sauna jacuzzi pool n all that but hanging out a fuckin window to have a smoke is doing my swede in.


Well-Known Member
Hey donny lad you down my ends lad are you there for the night if so hit broad street lad should be sum nice gash down them ways lad or hitch a taxi and go glass always buzzin in there !!


Well-Known Member
I said make it easy to understand
basically a dicreetly registered unanemd person has made a site,every time sum1 cliks to t he site he sees wer they have cliked from .ie riu,, then u fill the questions in,,thats it uve letsum complete strangerk now.1 ur REAL IP, 2 u have a active qct on a growing forums,2,ur rough location(even tho he has ip so no diffrence) 4 he knows ur shit,

call me parra but fuk that