The UK Growers Thread!


RIU Bulldog
well another 3 day drinkin marathon and ahm fuckin skint, got suppliers phonin me demanding money....ah well ho hum, fuckin usual.
Speaking of a three day bender, how you been sam?

I thought you morbid fucks would enjoy this almost as much as I did


Well-Known Member
Some dirty cow has been fraudulently selling soiled panties on ebay, a police enquiry revealed that she had in fact just been wiping them on her dog's arse.

Two questions:

What type of filthy pervert buys this sort of stuff?

How do you get a Paypal refund?


Well-Known Member
thanks man.. yeh will need a booster further down the line too.. still undecided on that one but thinking maybe bud xl or something, i've got a bit of 13/14 left too
running tap water through brita filter.. usually comes out just under 6 and free from nasties

Nice mantz you be happy with that lot mate let me no if you need any tips dont think you will tho mate, cannas so easy to use

Only thing ill say is mate you might need some cal-mag supp all depends on your water, you usin tap??


Well-Known Member
thanks man.. yeh will need a booster further down the line too.. still undecided on that one but thinking maybe bud xl or something, i've got a bit of 13/14 left too
running tap water through brita filter.. usually comes out just under 6 and free from nasties
Do them britas make the water near RO water?? if so you'l defo need some cal-mag mate best to get some then 1st sign of any deff just add some thats all i did, ended up happnin in flower my 1st run so got the cal-max sorted and it out, so then started usin 2week before flower last run with no probs


Well-Known Member
What do rape victims and windscreen wipers have in common?

When they're dry, they really fucking screech.


Looks like more is happening as well. Seems deficient in all the main elements NP and K. Dunno what medium matey is using but id check the PH run off for starters.
Maybe bit more imfo might help you chaps, in soil, following bio-bizz chart, PH 6.2 i flushed them for 2 waters before I flipped them and they was really lush green, then went onto the bio-bizz feed programme, I did have some yellowing before but nothing like i have now,

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oooovercomplicating. If they look pale, feed em more, if they do anything else, lower the feed :D Hasn't failed me yet.

Anyone got any good skiing/boarding based films they'd recommend? As in feature films, not just ski jump films.


Well-Known Member
Hi,All, newbie here, thought i'd give this section a try, 3livers in flower 2weeks, now 2 looking quite healthy,odd yellow leaf here and there but the 3rd which is the tallest dos'nt seem as strong and is driving me fucking mad, with yellow leaf, trimmed this lot off today, any advice, pics added, i been having this yellow leaf problem for a few weeks even before i flipped them any advice more than welcome
its a PH problem causing lock out mate , you can see by the brown marks on the leaves like spots ... i had the same problem , PH your water to 6 with use half nutes for a week , should start to see it improve , then keep your feed PH at 6 and build back up to full nutes over the case of 3 days , then add some cal mag .... if you increase your nutes too quick or add cal mag to quick you will over fert the soil and cause more salt build up and lock out .....


Well-Known Member
Maybe bit more imfo might help you chaps, in soil, following bio-bizz chart, PH 6.2 i flushed them for 2 waters before I flipped them and they was really lush green, then went onto the bio-bizz feed programme, I did have some yellowing before but nothing like i have now,
Im not a soil guy man but id just give em a good feed with a slightly higher ec than you have been. I dont follow any feeding charts as there often wrong, give em some nutes and watch the new growth.


Well-Known Member
its a PH problem causing lock out mate , you can see by the brown marks on the leaves like spots ... i had the same problem , PH your water to 6 with use half nutes for a week , should start to see it improve , then keep your feed PH at 6 and build back up to full nutes over the case of 3 days , then add some cal mag .... if you increase your nutes too quick or add cal mag to quick you will over fert the soil and cause more salt build up and lock out .....
Shouldnt soil be around PH 7, idk i aint a dirt boy


Well-Known Member
"Did I come out of mum's tummy?" asked my son.

"Yes mate." I said. "I know it's hard to believe but five years ago you were in there."

He looked at my missus slouched on the settee. "Dad? Are there still some people in there?"