The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed, they see orange haiurs and think hey, orange hairs, that is justification in itself. I know i'm guilty :D got a coid that lost it's head to mould, but it's looking like it could be harvested but well, i also peeked a touch of purple coming out so i'm leaving it be for a few weeks and opening up the windows :)


Well-Known Member
my mates just been in and they were telling me they've just got an new house with a lovely big garage and its fully wired with its own fuse box so it looks like i'm gonna have a bit of space to play with, just split the harvest in half and everybody is happy!! im keeping it down to 4 or 5 plants in my own house with a small propagation area at the side, after the bust i cant afford to get caught with anymore than that or its off to the pokey.....and im gettin too old for that shit now.
(that was the message i was gonna send u anyway tip)


i used bio bizz for a good while, just the basic veg and bloom at this point i'd be putting 5ml per litre of bloom and 2ml of grow around 2 or 3 times per week. biobizz is very easy on plants, its hard as hell to nute burn them so if they can handle it just keep feeding them as much as possible.
The bio bizz chart gives ml per litre, so I've been adding that much to *every* litre of water I use - is this wrong???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
IT is clear! :D i had to refrain from deleteing things as most of them were addresses for packages i've yet to post out or copy the addresses of :D This is meant to be the fist week of sobriety hahahaha


Well-Known Member
i got that silver riz holder/grater thingy.. that's the technical term i think
it's also not bad for when you out and about..

Like a cheese greater innit. As i say, doesn't do the best of jobs but it's a lot better than just doing it with your fingers :) hate sticky fingers.

Breeders in the past have stated that their quoted times were from the change of the light cycle, not from when they had pistils or were alternating nodes or mature enough, just the light cycle, presumably for simplicities sake.


Ignore me then. FINE! fucker¬! :p

they're both technically right. As i said, breeders often just base their flowering time on the light switch, i assume for convenience, not accuracy, but yes, in reality, flowering doesn't start until it's mature enough and pistils have formed and the likes. EAsiest answer would be to say take the breeders timing, take that from the flip to 12/12 and then just give or take a few weeks, they're rarely spot on, the number of pheno's that float around due to half arsed breeding jobs, it's often hit or miss on their advertised timing.

Short answer: Fuck flowering time they're done when they're done or when you deem them to be done.
As a first time grower I'm learning all the way.... I started out thinking the the seed specs and the nute guides were going to be pretty much correct, but half way through my grow the truth seems to be the opposite, it's more like (a) some time after switching to 12/12 a plant will hopefully start flowering, and (b) some time after it starts flowering it's ready to harvest, but when these things happen and how much nutes to feed them at any time is pretty unpredictable and you've just got to rely on experience to guide you?


Well-Known Member
As a first time grower I'm learning all the way.... I started out thinking the the seed specs and the nute guides were going to be pretty much correct, but half way through my grow the truth seems to be the opposite, it's more like (a) some time after switching to 12/12 a plant will hopefully start flowering, and (b) some time after it starts flowering it's ready to harvest, but when these things happen and how much nutes to feed them at any time is pretty unpredictable and you've just got to rely on experience to guide you?
thats about the jist of it :)