The super closet is on the way


Active Member
So i just recently purchased the super closet that is advertised in high times! I ordered the 400 watt light and the added CO2.
72”H x 36”W x 24”D

I also ordered 12 female Blueberry and recieved 12 free God Bud for ordering previous seeds.

This is my first personal grow and I think that this website is totally kick ass, with the knowledge that is to be gained from reading it. I also see that it seems starting a journal likes this proves to be a fantastic way getting shit right in the grow room. I have a fairly good idea on what i'm doing but it's always nice to get input from people who have already learned the hard way so hopefully i won't have to make the same mistakes that they did.

So i guess my first topic on this thread is going to be, germination techniques?

My previous experience was to slightly dampen a paper towel with warm water and place the seeds in a fold of that paper towel and then place the moist towel in a ziplock bag for 3 to 5 days. My previous germination results ended in like 9 out of 12 seedlings. only 6 of those nine took root. any other ideas on how to get better germination results and for better root starts!?

Pictures of each of my steps to come shortly!!


Well-Known Member
Those closets are kinda a waste of money. I bet it set you back close to 2 grand huh? Man just think of what you could have done. You could have had like 2 600w, a veg room, co2, and anything else you wanted and could have customized it all. I kinda think of these things like those cell phones they sell for old people. You know the ones that have huge buttons and only call and receive calls. Im not calling you dumb so please please dont take it the wrong way, but i think these are sold for people that dont really want to put the time and effort into making a room and doing it all themselves. And have total control over every aspect of it. With this you are going to plug it in and you are done. I dont think you can change anything else. You dont have control over anything...its all automated. I know a guy that had one (not this one exactly but one of these "grow boxs" and is sending it back because not only did it get way to hot in the seedling part (due to the light in the veg being below it) but also its all set on timers. You cant change anything. I guess its ok if you got the money to spend and just want something on the side but i wouldnt make that my main grow. Just think of what you could have done with the money that thing cost. You could have customized EVERYTHING just how you wanted and probably saved a ton. Oh well, to each their own and i hope it works out. BTW the guys name is buckthesystem, ask him about it. He's sending it back :(


Well-Known Member
its a closet with a fan and lite in it, id say if youve got money to burn then go for it. whern you expand you cud buy more?. if your rich, im sure theres a diy build your own grow closet somewere, it just seems a shame when you out grow the closet an grow/go on to bigger things, seems a waste of money, but looks and sound good. hope your grows good too. good luck with it, are you going to start a grow j.?. germ in cotton wool or paper t. then i put on top of pc or sky/cable box in a little plastic tub/cup, and they should pop, by day 3/4. depending on env/seeds, once theres a tap root about 2 to3mm then plant the seed tap root down, in some soil and perlite/vac. mix with some pebbles in the bottom for dranage, i also use 1/8 sand too, but thats me.and it should pop in 1 to 2 days plus. good luck, keep us posted


Well-Known Member
You're right crazy metal. I didnt even think of that. What happens when you want more or bigger plants. Then you are stuck with a 2000 dollar box where with a room you could add on, remove from, or tear down completely and rebuild. I guess if you bought that you have some money so maybe thats not even an issue you for you. But even if i was rich i wouldnt just spend it just to be spending it. Oh well, keep us posted dude. I want to see how it goes. Hope you get some stinky ass buds brosif!


Well-Known Member
i always say if a man works for his money,he can spend it on what ever his heart desires.if you enjoy working with plants in the super closet,then thats what lifes about.

Hound Dog

Active Member
Good luck with that Supercloset bro!!! I'll be keepin' an eye on your journal for sure. Make sure you check out JonnyBlunt88's grow journals. He is tearin' it up in that box!!!:weed:


Active Member
Okay for all those cheap asses out there, money is not an issue for me. I work a lot and have some extra spending money and not a lot of spare time; Ergo buying my closet makes it easier and works for me.

Yes i did read jonnyblunts journal and that is what inspired me to get this closet. I'm a renter who's rentee likes to stop by every now again so keeping my beautiful herb closed off in a small closet just works for me.

No I won't grow out my closet, this is more of an interesting hobby where i just enjoy sowing and reaping the crops and benefits from those crops.

I'm creating this journal so i can get help with the actual process of creating the most beautiful plant in the world so i would appreciate just the advice not the shoulda woulda or coulda's, ya know what i mean?


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. I'm not doubting you one bit, buuut you will only be able to veg the plants for a short period of time, knowing that most plants double even close to triple in flowering. Just keep that in mind and you'll be golden! I've also used the paper towel method and had great success, a lot of people use the cup method but it has never worked for me. I would use what ever works the best for you and what you know will work. It would suck to loose those seeds you spent your money on. Good luck man I'll keep my eye on this one.



Well-Known Member
Hi Mo, I think the supercloset is very good for a stealth setup. It is the only cabinet I can think of that has a lock on it and doesn't look out of place in a house. Those vent of the back are another story but you can probably cover those up.

Like Crazy metal said put the seeds in a warm place and your germination should improve.


Well-Known Member
Hey MO. Don't let these buzzkillers give you shit about your decision to buy a SuperCloset. They were all newbs at one time too. Just like me and you.

I looked at my SuperCloset as a quick entry into indoor growing, and a way to flatten my learning curve. I didn't want to deal with the long trial and error process involved in designing and constructing, what seemed to me, a complex system from the ground up.

I've had my SC for a month, and every time I think about the way it's put together I see things I would do differently. Eventually I will build another system. However, until I do, my SC will give me the opportunity to spend my limited time learning to grow. I'm sure there will be enough trial and error involved in that process to keep me occupied for some time. Meanwhile, using the SuperCloset is teaching me what I need to learn about hydroponic systems.

Bottom line? Time or money, decide which you have more of and proceed accordingly.


Well-Known Member
what the diff between a $1000+, closet with a lite/fan, in it. what will be too small prob,later down the line. than getting a$70 closet and $150lite, plus 1 fan$5, i was only trying to save him money, and what if he decides he doesnt want to carry on growing, for one reason or another, it happens all the time, i like the closet and wish i had 10,for free. but they dont seem worth it to me, if it does to anyone else, then good,, go buy one/ten, he asked my opinion and thats what i gave,


Well-Known Member
what the diff between a $1000+, closet with a lite/fan, in it. what will be too small prob,later down the line. than getting a$70 closet and $150lite, plus 1 fan$5, i was only trying to save him money, and what if he decides he doesnt want to carry on growing, for one reason or another, it happens all the time, i like the closet and wish i had 10,for free. but they dont seem worth it to me, if it does to anyone else, then good,, go buy one/ten, he asked my opinion and thats what i gave,
You haven't seen my grows have you...I've gotten my money back in
two harvests. Don't knock it until you try it bro.

Hey mo, got the same closet. I've been experiementing with Blueberry
for a while now too...You got the new model right?

Throw some pics up whenever you get it going...


Well-Known Member
You could have customized EVERYTHING just how you wanted and probably saved a ton. Oh well, to each their own and i hope it works out. BTW the guys name is buckthesystem, ask him about it. He's sending it back :(
Not everyone has the space or opportunity to get away with that.

My apartment manager has already came in my place while I was
out, and thinks it is a wall locker I got in the army. You put all of
the components and extra's that came with it, your looking at paying
at least $1600...I've researched, and would not have bought it had
this not been ideal for me.

That being said, GL with the closet martin.


Well-Known Member
yea i agree with jonny... its good if you have the money, need stealth and dont want to waste (for lack of a better word) time, or for those who dont want to build it

the closet very well will pay for itself if not in the first harvest, most def the second....

jonny inspired me to get one of those bitches.... but being the diy guy that i am, im building it... ONLY because i could spend 2500 on the EXACT setup and shit that I want..... saving on cost so i can get a small decked out co2 and automation climate controls


Well-Known Member
I too have been inspired by Jonny's adventures with the Supercab. I am planniing on building a cab using it as a model. I would buy one completely done, but enjoy the diy thing and want to work on it a bit at a time.

A quick question or two for owners of the supercloset...What fan does it use for the light exhaust? From the few pics I can find, it looks like a PC fan or similar. Also, can you connect the carbon filter INSIDE the cabinet? It seems like this set up would be a bit more stealth. I would like to get a 400W HPS, but worry that it will heat-up the small space to quickly. Would a 250W work? Is the 400W a prob? Thanks in advance for your replys.


Well-Known Member
its a pc fan.

and im sure you could put a carbon filter inside the cabinet.... but you would still have to exhaust the hot air, and if not filtered exhausted with the carbon scrubber, im thinking that some contaminated air may seap out...

they do sell ones where you could place it inside the grow area like : Activated Carbon Charcoal Air Filter Odor Scrubber - (eBay item 160187009874 end time Dec-09-07 14:59:22 PST) and Activated Carbon Air Filter Scrubber w/ Exhaust Duct - (eBay item 160187009863 end time Dec-09-07 14:59:20 PST)

and a 400 would long as you cool the lights, jonny has a 600 watter in his but i dont think he keeps his door closed all the time when the lights are on....

im pretty sure you air cool that light well enough, you shouldnt run into ANY heat issues, with the door closed, let alone with it closed!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply LB.

I'm planning on setting up my cab in my laundry room because it already has an exhaust fan in the ceiling, a exhaust vent for the dryer that I can Y into, water connections and a drain! I've just been trying to work out the heat dissipation aspect of the project. Tell me what you think... I could exhaust the heat from the light out through the dryer vent. Have another exhaust fan venting the cabinet through the carbon filter (exhausting into the room). If the room heats up I could turn on the exhaust fan in the ceiling. I could Y into the water connection for the washer for topping up my reservoir etc... and drain into the washer drain. Very quiet, discreet and unobtrusive. Now all I need to figure out is how to get some quality seeds in that same discreet and unobtrusive manner



Well-Known Member
can you connect the carbon filter INSIDE the cabinet? It seems like this set up would be a bit more stealth.
This is how they set the SC up now...

I would like to get a 400W HPS, but worry that it will heat-up the small space to quickly.
Go with the 400w...this new setup also has two fans, one for cooling
the light and one for exhausting the hot air.

Shots courtesy of need to start a journal bro.

