The letter Joe Wilson should write ...


Well-Known Member
What makes you say he's racist? Got any proof?
proof isn't required. in the world of politics, where appearance is all important, accusation is the new proof and intent has no meaning at all. we have buffoons like carter and gore running around the world expounding on the evils of american society so their cohorts can appear to be the well intentioned victims of past corruptions. we have the clinton machine out there inventing a "vast right wing conspiracy" so the last democratic administration can appear to have been victimized by its opponents. we have a growing number of democrat incompetents tossing accusations of racism at the republican minority so they can appear to be the beleaguered underdogs. we have brak and company emphasizing the errors of the last administration so they can appear to be trustworthy public servants, struggling valiantly to right the wrongs of their predecessors.


Active Member
The sad part it that with out the "Race Card" in their hand they can't even put together a pair. Let alone a straight flush.


Well-Known Member
I could make it much more simple:
Hi, I'm Joe Wilson, a rascist douche. My apology to Obama was no more than a token response to my critics from both sides. Being a southern man, I do not take orders from a colored person and I believe, no colored people should ever be allowed to be President. Fuck Obama and the horse he rode in on.
hey, thats horse is your mom

have you no respect


Well-Known Member
Even simpler....

I'm Joe Wilson. I said it, and meant it. Out of respect for my party I apologized to Obama.

With much respect,
Fuck You

I got a little wordy there, but it has the right tone.
Congratulations on nailing it.

Huge difference between the things that were said about Bush, and what was said about Obama (on the house floor, no less, where such outbursts are not allowed - if you want to insult the President there's a whole television channel dedicated to that cause).

What was said about Bush was true.

As to the first, the Dems have been jeering and booing Republican Presidents during addresses for about what, 8 years now? Nice try, you baked the cake so now you can eat it.

Yes, there are many, many television channels devoted to insulting and bashing Republican Presidents... too many to list... fortunately they're all dying much deserved deaths.

It must be a great solace to Joe that he has been proven correct. And now with the push to SPECIFICALLY cover illegals by the Dems, as well as several votes to refuse any guidelines that might actually accomplish the President's LIE, I think Joe is due an apology on the House floor.

Doob you continue to be and always will be a big, wet, flapping douchebag.


Active Member
You forgot to mention that almost all print media and Hollywood bashed Bush, and drooled over Obama.

Everyone talks about Fox, but what about MSNBC? There was a campaign office for Obama set up in their office. Sounds impartial to me.

And, I love when they cry about not being about to get a market share in talk radio.... Market share is not equally divided like Obama wants our economy it is earned by being good at what you do. Is it the fault of Conservative radio that most if not all of liberal radio host suck and have to hide on NPR?

Once again... If the race card is removed from the fight there is no fight.....