The Anti "World Cup" Thread....

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, i wasn't really going to get into it, but since you brought it up, can you imagine a line men running around for 90 minutes playing soccer? again, i'm not saying just because they're big dudes, they're out of shape, just pretty much saying i still think over all soccer player are in better shape..
umm, i watch a lot of f1 if you didn't know, and all of the drivers are pretty much like jockeys, super short, and usually super skinny.. then i keep seeing this commercial, i forget what for, but it's tony stewart running around in his racing suit, and jesus h christ, it's just funny seeing how big he is compared to a gaunt f1 driver.
Lol can you imagine how sad those linemen would be when the ref's add another 5 min to the clock!


Well-Known Member
O you mean their not as athletic as fat football players that mostly block other fat football players for 15 to 30 second intervals at a time with 40 seconds of rest in between each play? Yea cool story bro spoken like a true american!
I'm willing to bet you're one of those individuals I mentioned that've never played the game.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Lol let me guess you were a lineman? Football is a team sport and I love it but there are very few positions in football that test every aspect of an athlete..speed,strength balance hand eye coordination...stamina durability...foot ball does test all these attributes but not everyone takes the same and soccer Imo test every player the same way everyone has a different position but for the most part they all have the same job...An interior offensive lineman cant catch a forward pass ..In basketball a center and a power forward shouldn't but can shoot a 3 pointer if they wanted to everyone defends everyone scores!!
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Well-Known Member
If anyone wants to really see how good a sport football is, go and buy one. Take it to the park and see how easily you can hit a specific target from 20-30 yards out, with power. get a friend to play defence with you and see how often you can run past him while still controling the ball with only your feet, try learning some ball skill techniques like keep ups etc.

what you will find is it takes an unbelieveable amount of skill and a lifetime of practice to get good at these things. Professional players ar not only astronomically better than the average local team "good" player ,but they are also absolute beasts in terms of athletisicm and pysical conditioning. So it's a competition between ultra conditioned super skillful players, which is far better than a bunch of fat guys catching a ball and jumping on each other.

I mean what is more impressive here?



Well-Known Member
A seven year old boy was at the centre of a courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with the child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the England Football team, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.


Well-Known Member
In my school we didn't have football because some kid got his neck broke in the 70s so the school never let kids play it again. However we did have soccer, i come from a small town in eastern pa full of rednecks so the soccer matches got very intense. That said, I would have liked to play football but never got into soccer enough to play. Still I always found it entertaining enough to watch. Damn sure more so than baseball or basketball


Well-Known Member
In my school we didn't have football because some kid got his neck broke in the 70s so the school never let kids play it again. However we did have soccer, i come from a small town in eastern pa full of rednecks so the soccer matches got very intense. That said, I would have liked to play football but never got into soccer enough to play. Still I always found it entertaining enough to watch. Damn sure more so than baseball or basketball
That's why soccer is so "popular" in the world.

First, it's "safe". There isn't supposed to be any contact, and that's attractive to mommies and schools alike. Sure you can get tripped and run into each other, but that's not the intent of the game.

Second, there is little to no equipment required. Games like football and hockey are logistics heavy, and since most folks on the planet are poor as fuck, they're not going to spend the cash to properly kit out their kids for sports.

I'm willing to bet more foreign boys would rather play football than soccer given the chance, since it appeals more to our nature as men than simply running around kicking a fucking ball. It's hard to beat the feeling of landing a good tackle or a block, or putting your shoulder into some dudes chest and running him the fuck over.

I'd rather see kids learn to take a hit and get back on their feet the way they do in football, rugby and aussie rules, than FAKE a hit and act like a bitch the way they do in soccer.

Look at this panzy ass motherfucker.

He BITES a dude, than pretends he's hurt.

Who the fuck BITES a motherfucker instead of punching someone? Who the fuck doesn't punch the ever loving shit out of some bitch that bites you?


Soccer is the lamest sport on the planet.


Well-Known Member
That's why soccer is so "popular" in the world.

First, it's "safe". There isn't supposed to be any contact, and that's attractive to mommies and schools alike. Sure you can get tripped and run into each other, but that's not the intent of the game.

Second, there is little to no equipment required. Games like football and hockey are logistics heavy, and since most folks on the planet are poor as fuck, they're not going to spend the cash to properly kit out their kids for sports.

I'm willing to bet more foreign boys would rather play football than soccer given the chance, since it appeals more to our nature as men than simply running around kicking a fucking ball. It's hard to beat the feeling of landing a good tackle or a block, or putting your shoulder into some dudes chest and running him the fuck over.

I'd rather see kids learn to take a hit and get back on their feet the way they do in football, rugby and aussie rules, than FAKE a hit and act like a bitch the way they do in soccer.

Look at this panzy ass motherfucker.

He BITES a dude, than pretends he's hurt.

Who the fuck BITES a motherfucker instead of punching someone? Who the fuck doesn't punch the ever loving shit out of some bitch that bites you?


Soccer is the lamest sport on the planet.
Yes that video is bitch made for sure, and I'm not sure why the guy that got bit didn't kick the other guy in in the face, but soccer isn't all that safe at amateur levels. I broke some bodies leg in gym while playing, I'm not small or weak. Soccer gets intense at high schools. People take it very seriously


Well-Known Member
Dude who played for Mexico shattered both bones in his shin like 3 weeks ago.

Football is awesome I agree but just wait- I am willing to bet that within a decade the sport will have changed a lot due to head injuries and concussions. It just cannot sustain itself and have kids want to play it when the players who are older are just vegetables.

Here in Texas where football is king we're already seeing drastically less kids playing football and more and more playing lacrosse.

I coach lacrosse for the same school where several others in the nfl played in HS. We're seeing a major drop off in players due to parental fear of permanent injury and yet lacrosse is booming. Too many injuries, too dangerous, and most of the players in their 40's are basically retarded.
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Well-Known Member
Didn't really want to post again but wilksey got thinking.

Part of the reason soccer has so many lame ass pansies crying for calls is the nature of the game:

-There's no time outs
-There's one official on the field vs 3 or 4 in the nfl, and keep in mind the field has the same number of players but is 20 yards wider and both end zones are playing field space in soccer
-there's no commercial breaks or 2 minute warnings
- there's no
Instant replays or overturning of calls
- there's no coach's challenge flags

Therefore in my opinion, the pussies who dive and cry- hoping for a call- do so because there's a good chance they'll get the call. The history of the game sadly promotes it due to the lack of replays/challenges/etc, and the players know it simply is what the ref sees.... And his ass apparently from google runs 6-8 miles per game.... He can't see everything.

I agree tons of players are bullshit artists, but I can also see why they do it... There's a good chance it will work!

Also, just wanted to add that I can proudly say that the USMNT doesn't seem to take dives and overreact too much- we play hard and fair and take punches on the nose. Good to see how tough we are.