The Anti "World Cup" Thread....


Well-Known Member

Seriously... why does anyone care about soccer ?

Red cards... really... hoooooo hummmmmm.... boring....
Running around a big field....
Kick the ball over there... no over there....
I have not watched a minute of the World Cup....
Who's playing anyway?

Is there anything more boring than a two hour 1-1 soccer match?

No there is not...

Well, that is my opinion and I could not care in the least anything about the world cup, who is on our team, and whom got left off...

Can anyone explain why the World Cup causes so much "Fake" Country Pride?
I watched a crowd of peeps watching the Cup.... When others started to jump and get excited... they looked around for their cue...and jumped and got excited...

World Cup/Soccer = Boring... I'd really rather, sit in a park and watch the grass grow....

Share your love here for the anti world cup....who in the USA is watching?


Well-Known Member
Don't most international sporting events create exaggerated nationalistic pride? As for the popularity of football (soccer), the sport has an estimated 3.5 billion global fans. It might not have much of a following in the US, but it does in S.America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
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Just saw a costa rican pussy start crying because he wiped his own face on the arm of an italian.

Not "hit" his face. "Wiped". As in, "slightly brushed".

These pussies cry more than NBA players.


Staff member
Don't most international sporting events create exaggerated nationalistic pride? As for the popularity of football (soccer), the sport has an estimated 3.5 billion global fans. It might not have much of a following in the US, but it does in S.America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
holy shit sunny where ya been?

I actually like soccer so i have nothing to add to the thread


Well-Known Member's got to be a powerful game because Spain got beat earlier in the week and the damn king of spain got the you tell me those crazy mofo's over there don't love their soccer !


Well-Known Member
Too bad Brazil spent all that money for stadiums when the money could have been put to much better use. It is shameful and boring, imvho. :-(


Well-Known Member
holy shit sunny where ya been?

I actually like soccer so i have nothing to add to the thread
How you doing, Sunni? I've been lurking, you know how it is.

Plenty of athletes bring their sport/team into disrepute; football (soccer) is no different. Those cry babies rolling around the pitch don't epitomize football any more than gang bangers charged with murder epitomize American Football.



Well-Known Member
Born and raised in the good ol' USA, huge fan of American football. I never cared for soccer until my son brought up a few points, and in the past few years I enjoy soccer.

He's not much of a football fan but he plays for his high school. His favorite sport is Basketball, but he is MUCH more physically suited for football (6'-2", 225lbs), and he preforms much better at Football than Basketball. So I asked him, why Basketball over football? His answer was: in football you play for 5 seconds. rest for 40 seconds, play for 5, rest for 40, so and so on. Basketball the action never stops, you play both offence and defense, very physical, little rest besides free throws and when taken out of the game. Soccer is the same way, continuous action, play both offence and defense, very physically demanding.
Don't get me wrong, I love my American Football, but in saying that soccer is growing on me.


Well-Known Member
The World Cup is awesome. Let it be known that bu$hleaguer enjoys watching the World Cup.

I will revisit this thread tomorrow with a pic after my red white and blue Jell-O shots have been made for the giant USA match World cup party I'm throwing on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
I was never a big fan until I was in Venezuela and they were hosting Copa matches. The soccer was hohum but the fuckin' protests against Hugo Chavez every night were ROCKIN' !!!!!! Students/protesters clashing with the police, rubber bullets and waterblasters, cars on fire....fuckin' way cool.


Well-Known Member
Its not called Soccer anymore but ...guess what FOOTBALL, and although many mid western cowboys don't like seeing slim young bodies hurling themselves at a 50c ball, gay or not, many many millions of fucked up 3rd world loosers do, they have nothing, they will never have anything, EVER!!! ...but the common love of this sport world wide.

Give thought for a micro second to the 8 million squatters the Brazilian govt. kicked out of the slums to make room for all this hysteria, once again you can blame the Brits for this