The Angry White Man


Active Member
I know I am an angry white man..but why dont the immigrants go back to ther country and fght for what they want...they came to america for a new life..and now that they seen what is possible in a country..why not take back their own and make a difference..jus

Vi is amazing!1
but everyone has good points though and i repect you all


Active Member
What good paying jobs are illegal immigrants taking? I was under the impression that they mostly worked as housekeepers and fruit pickers. Go ask them if they think their job is good paying. Correct me if I'm wrong and undocumented Jose is making 32 dollars an hour.

I might have misread your statement and you're in fact against ALL foreigners, illegal or not, which of course wouldn't surprise me.


New Member
What good paying jobs are illegal immigrants taking? I was under the impression that they mostly worked as housekeepers and fruit pickers. Go ask them if they think their job is good paying. Correct me if I'm wrong and undocumented Jose is making 32 dollars an hour.

I might have misread your statement and you're in fact against ALL foreigners, illegal or not, which of course wouldn't surprise me.
Reread my post. I was very careful to use the term ILLEGAL. The good paying jobs I referred to are mainly in the construction industry. Take a good look around and you'll see what I mean. Who's hanging the drywall? Who's laying the sewer and plumbing lines in new housing tracts? Who's working on paving crews? Who's laying the bricks? Who's laying the floor tile, the carpet and painting the walls? Who's pounding the nails and replacing roofs? These were all good paying construction jobs before "Jose" decided to take advantage (and I don't blame him) of a misdirected government policy of NON-INFORCEMENT of our immigration laws.

And by the way, which of my posts would lead you to believe that I'd be against "ALL" foreigners? Point it out if you can.

And also by the way ... your assumption that the Mexican worker is only picking fruit and cleaning houses is a bit racist in its origin. Not saying that YOU are racist here at all, but the notion that Mexicans aren't capable of doing far better than what most Americans are brainwashed to believe, is false. Mexico has a deep culture in music and the arts. The people of Mexico are inventive, very family oriented and moral. Unlike Americans, they tend to mind their own business as well

The root of the reason that Mexicans are coming here to work is because their own economy has been put in the shitter by a governmental system that doesn't allow free markets to flourish. In Mexico, the few plunder the many. A few connected families control the vast fortunes of the country, while at the same time, control the destinies of the people.



Active Member
Of course I don't think that Mexicans are incapable of anything more that fruit picking. I just assumed that it would be more difficult to get jobs, for example in the construction industry, without papers. I worry that people are focusing their anger in the wrong places. Instead of hating on the immigrants, the people of America should support a government with real solutions. Businesses should be heavily fined for employing undocumented immigrants. The people are there, and they aren't going anywhere. From that starting point, a solution is needed.

I just got the impression that you were hating on all immigrants, I'm sorry if I misconstrued. There are people on here that sure hate the Muslim religion, and everyone involved in it. It's sad that some people can ruin the reputation of so many.

In Canada we could use some more people, so send em our way. Alberta is sitting on the second largest oil deposit in the world, after Saudi Arabia, and is in a massive state of development. There is a huge debate in Quebec at the moment over "reasonable accommodation" and what that entails. I have to admit I'm torn, on the one had I'm all for expression of religion, but on the other I don't want to be assimilated in my own country. The fact is though that my country doesn't belong to just me, and that everyone here has a stake in making it work. They banned Halloween costumes in the schools of my hometown in Ontario, and instead now have "Black & Orange Day". This of course because for some reason Halloween costumes are offencive to some people.

It's a slippery slope, and we must tread lightly.


New Member
"It's a slippery slope, and we must tread lightly."

I couldn't agree with you more. Down here its called political correctness. Its ruining England and France. Down here, some of the schools are installing foot baths for the use of Muslim students. I wonder what would happen if parents started insisting on the installation of the Stations of The Cross at taxpayer expense for Catholic students to enjoy, or a closet in every classroom paid by taxpayers where the supply of yamicas for Jewish students are stored?

Policical correctness will be the downfall of your country and mine if we let it continue.



Well-Known Member
What good paying jobs are illegal immigrants taking? I was under the impression that they mostly worked as housekeepers and fruit pickers. Go ask them if they think their job is good paying. Correct me if I'm wrong and undocumented Jose is making 32 dollars an hour.

I might have misread your statement and you're in fact against ALL foreigners, illegal or not, which of course wouldn't surprise me.
Shows how much you know. Illegal immigrants aren't even picking strawberries here anymore- the indo chinese are now doing that. The illegals are pretty much doing all kinds of jobs for 30-60% of the pay. Jobs that used to pay 32$ an hour are now a thing of the past since the Mexican illegals will do the same job for about 17$ an hour. Go out and see what's going on in the real world.


New Member
There's a lot of misunderstanding about the Mexicans who are coming here illegally. The propaganda mills we call our media would have us believe the immigrants are here to "do jobs Americans won't do." In reality, they are here to do ANY job they can get. Any job here in the States is better than MOST jobs in Mexico. In addition to the job magnet, there is the welfare state magnet too. Hey, good jobs, free government programs, no need to learn the language ... and no chance of getting busted and sent back to Mexico if you're caught. Nice setup if you're a Mexican national working in this country. Who besides the Mexican worker is making out? The Democrats in the congress and senate look at the Mexican as future votes once amnesty is given. The Republicans look at the Mexican as cheap labor for the business factions that lobby the Republicans. Who loses? The average, American working stiff, that's who.



New Member
I see a lot of myself in the angry white man but maybe for a few different reasons, example: A real man, white or otherwise, would be concerned with every citizens Right to medical, shelter, and food. The fact that in that treatise, the angry white man only thought about himself and his needs might exhibit a very selfish image of white men and to be honest, it is. The responsible white man sees everyone as a person, not by color or creed or religion, but by the content of their heart shall they be judged. When you all get to this point, get back to me. That's when I'll consider you a man, white or otherwise.
Every citizen should have the right to medical, shelter, and food-not illegals taking billions of our tax dollars. The part about only thinking about himself is justified(IMO)under the circumstances of reverse racism, and how media forces multiculturalism and whites can not open their mouth without the black community screaming "racist". I do not believe races are equal(and I have a right to that opinion)From our skin to the weight of our brains we are different, but that does not mean hate a person for it and I dont. I am an angry white man sick of paying taxes for welfare.


New Member
"Every citizen should have the right to medical, shelter, and food"

"I am an angry white man sick of paying taxes for welfare."

Aren't these two statements contradictory?



Well-Known Member
What happened to him? He's been turned into a very pissed off and angry person by a system that allows foreigners to live here illegally to take our good paying jobs, to cause emergency rooms to close, to cause long-ago stamped out diseases to reappear in this country, to disrupt businesses because they don't speak the language, to cause auto insurance premiums to rise, traffic to increase to beyond the ridiculous and the crime rate to soar. And guess what? ... Its not just the White Men who are angry ... a lot of Black men are too.


Here, here.

Amazing article, I love it...reminds me


New Member
"Every citizen should have the right to medical, shelter, and food"

"I am an angry white man sick of paying taxes for welfare."

Aren't these two statements contradictory?

They are and they are taken out of context. Welfare for ILLEGAL immigrants is what a I am talking about. But that right medical, shelter, and food should not be given for free unless you truly can not afford it(that is not the case with most the folks on welfare and getting food stamps).


New Member
The good paying jobs I referred to are mainly in the construction industry. Take a good look around and you'll see what I mean. Who's hanging the drywall? Who's laying the sewer and plumbing lines in new housing tracts? Who's working on paving crews? Who's laying the bricks? Who's laying the floor tile, the carpet and painting the walls? Who's pounding the nails and replacing roofs? These were all good paying construction jobs before "Jose" decided to take advantage (and I don't blame him) of a misdirected government policy of NON-INFORCEMENT of our immigration laws.

You see, we can actually agree on something, halleleuah. Also there is one thing no-one has mentioned about illegals, If they commit a capital crime (one demanding the death sentence) here in the US and return to Mexico, the Mexican government will not extradite them back to the US for prosecution, they can murder a US citizen and go back to Mexico scott free. How does that make you feel?


Well-Known Member
The good paying jobs I referred to are mainly in the construction industry. Take a good look around and you'll see what I mean. Who's hanging the drywall? Who's laying the sewer and plumbing lines in new housing tracts? Who's working on paving crews? Who's laying the bricks? Who's laying the floor tile, the carpet and painting the walls? Who's pounding the nails and replacing roofs? These were all good paying construction jobs before "Jose" decided to take advantage (and I don't blame him) of a misdirected government policy of NON-INFORCEMENT of our immigration laws.

You see, we can actually agree on something, halleleuah. Also there is one thing no-one has mentioned about illegals, If they commit a capital crime (one demanding the death sentence) here in the US and return to Mexico, the Mexican government will not extradite them back to the US for prosecution, they can murder a US citizen and go back to Mexico scott free. How does that make you feel?
Case in point;

D.A.: Death penalty out if Marine arrested in Mexico -

Mexico has a longstanding record of refusing to extradite suspects to the United States if they face a possible death sentence if convicted.


Well-Known Member
My revolution. You're pissed off about paying your taxes to welfare? You are distracted, google national spending and see where your money is going. Some where around 70% of our taxes are spent on military and defense. Not too mention that we borrow money from China and then give it to Pakistan or other countries to support their military and our agenda. Cut 50% of the above spending and who would really give a shit about the taxes they pay to support welfare. It is all about distraction. The illegal immigrant issue is being played the same as the gay rights, and abortion arguments (both of which the national government has no constitutional right to act on). The constitution does allow for protection of our boarders, I have yet to hear one of the leading candidates set in stone how they are going to protect our boarders. They don't give a shit, its not in their interest to really do anything about it. Dems are afraid to lose the latino vote and McCain isn't going to cut overseas spending to fund real defense here at home. I only see one way to vote, though my vote was probably lost or changed by those controlling voting machines that produce no paper trail. You want something to start with there you go, write your representative and demand a paper trail so your vote will be counted. Again we have given control of our country over to a select private few who are not accountable to the people (those who control the voting machines) just like we did with our money at the turn of the last century. But who am I to tell you you are being fucted by the gov. Learn how you are being screwed and you'll know what you should really be bitching/fighting about. Peace.