taking a plunge in AN's line up.


Well-Known Member
I ment sunshine vs soil not coco eell bot yt at least but heres what I got it down to now ill do it like this all 4 same strain all in aoil first round, going to do 2test harveat with it then im going into aunahine 4 with 2 runs and see which is better.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHHA im so stoned its hard to read this drama and no laugh, everytime i read a post i keep using there avatars as voices in my head HAHA and to have the guy from Napolean D and scooby fight in my head is making me laughh so hard:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
here's a couple pics of some of the girls i got in veg here at the house. had to pull them out of the room anyway today to make a few mods to the room real quick.

here's a pic of my chiller system that i use to cool both rooms. that's my hydro logic big boy prefilter. the last pic are my nutes and some of my tools.
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i have 12 girls in veg right now. they're in 2 gallon pots. i'll be moving them to 5 gallon pots this week and putting them to flower a week to 10 days after that. i lst'd and topped them.

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Well-Known Member
verynice, tomorrw im going to go pick some up. so first trial run will all be in soil with depending on funds either the sensi ab grow, b52 voodoo and technaflora or just the advance line for noow, question scoob or anyone else using thses would a 500ml bottle suffice possibly 1 grow if i start at liek 1/4 to 1/6 strenght nute regime? veg is only going to be about 3-4 weeks, and i seen in the calculator on advance saying to use b52 and voodoo for a few weeks in bloom also.


Well-Known Member
verynice, tomorrw im going to go pick some up. so first trial run will all be in soil with depending on funds either the sensi ab grow, b52 voodoo and technaflora or just the advance line for noow, question scoob or anyone else using thses would a 500ml bottle suffice possibly 1 grow if i start at liek 1/4 to 1/6 strenght nute regime? veg is only going to be about 3-4 weeks, and i seen in the calculator on advance saying to use b52 and voodoo for a few weeks in bloom also.
if they sold a 250ml bottle then i would say get that. you only have 4 plants going if i remember...that will be plenty. you also normally use a lot less nutes in veg so you can get smaller bottles of those. you're using weaker strength and usually less water so you need less nutes.


Well-Known Member
yeah one shop by me has a 250 and the other one doesnt but then oen doesnt have regular sensi listed online but ill go check tomorrow ones alot close then the other.


Well-Known Member
i would say get the 250ml bottles. you won't need more than that. if you only have 4 plants then you're never making more than 5 gallons of water at a time and that's when they are in late flower. in veg you'll be using a quart to 3 gallons max. not sure how big you get them or what size pots you use. either way, 250ml is fine.


Well-Known Member
when do you need them by? when are you starting? you might be able to get some free samples from AN that would probably be 250ml bottles. send me a PM if you have the time to wait for a shipment.


Well-Known Member
well the og is still in a partycup n prolly womnt need nutes right right away, soil is light warrior and when i tranplant i think i might do amix of ocean forrest and happyfrog or ocean and light. im going to call advance and see wat they could do for me but probably within the next week in ahalf to 2 weeks till i transplant waiting till i chop one down hopefuller befroe i get to that stage.


Well-Known Member
250ml bottles are samples i didnt even know they sold those. you will probably get raped on the price that way.. i buy gallons just cause there liters are so over priced.

scoobs. i cant believe you went though all the effort to put those guys foots in there mouths, cheers^^^ i seriously lol'd "dyna salesmen of the year"


Well-Known Member
well the og is still in a partycup n prolly womnt need nutes right right away, soil is light warrior and when i tranplant i think i might do amix of ocean forrest and happyfrog or ocean and light. im going to call advance and see wat they could do for me but probably within the next week in ahalf to 2 weeks till i transplant waiting till i chop one down hopefuller befroe i get to that stage.
for sure man...the key to getting samples is to lie to them. haha. just tell them you've been running house and garden or fox farms for a while but you've always been interested in advanced. tell them you run like 6,000w in your flower room. then say you wanna try out their nutes on some of your girls but you don't feel like getting scammed on a few bucks. say you are worried cause there seem to be a lot of people on the forums hating on them. they will probably give you some stuff to try then. good luck.

250ml bottles are samples i didnt even know they sold those. you will probably get raped on the price that way.. i buy gallons just cause there liters are so over priced.

scoobs. i cant believe you went though all the effort to put those guys foots in there mouths, cheers^^^ i seriously lol'd "dyna salesmen of the year"
lol..."shilling it one newb at a time" baby! took me all of a few minutes to take those pics. i have a huge workshop here at my house (2000 sq.ft.). i built a room on the side where i have my small house grow setup. then on the side of that i have a covered outdoor workspace and that's where i keep all my nutes and equipment. wasn't a big deal.


Well-Known Member
idk one store by me has it in 250ml bottles for 40ish then the 500ml is about 65 70ish. and 1 liter was like 115? ithink not to sure.


Well-Known Member
scoob as for that tho would they want pictures and everything? or they just take my word? and if anything i think i found advance products discounted but idk about the site yet. they sell like buy say 2 additoives you get a 3rd free and stuff like that so ill find one with a voodoo free orsomething liek that.


Well-Known Member
^^ are you talking about voodoo juice cause thats the only liter that should be near 100. and budfactorX i think.
scoobs is correct. if you call and give them hope that you have a good size setup and want to try there products they will most likely give it to you.. also http://www.discountadvancednutrients.com/ i think thats the site but theyre cool people and hook you up with samples if you make a decent size order. call and talk to them and they will usually toss in one or two exrta things


Well-Known Member
250 ml [$41.42]
500 ml [$69.02]
1 Liter [$110.44]
4 Liter [$340.46]

for voodoo at one place by me and the other store by me only has the 500ml and 1 liter both cheaper then here but they also have 250 here. and yea it was discountadvancenutrients i seen and looked through there stuff but didnt know if they were legit or not./


Well-Known Member
DAN's Hobbyist Bundle Sensi 10 Gallon Kit grow is 128.00 and comes with sensi grow voodoo bigbud b52 and free over drive. then all i would have to buy is liek the sensi bloom? since ive got everything i ned for the hobbisty level


Well-Known Member
DAN's Hobbyist Bundle Sensi 10 Gallon Kit grow is 128.00 and comes with sensi grow voodoo bigbud b52 and free over drive. then all i would have to buy is liek the sensi bloom? since ive got everything i ned for the hobbisty level
call them and tell them exactly what you want and they will hook you up with a good deal


Well-Known Member
scoob as for that tho would they want pictures and everything? or they just take my word? and if anything i think i found advance products discounted but idk about the site yet. they sell like buy say 2 additoives you get a 3rd free and stuff like that so ill find one with a voodoo free orsomething liek that.
if they ask you to see pictures just let me know and i'll send you some that you can use. or send me a PM and i'll call them myself. i know enough to go toe to toe with them plus i can sweet talk the panties off a virgin. :lol:

^^ are you talking about voodoo juice cause thats the only liter that should be near 100. and budfactorX i think.
scoobs is correct. if you call and give them hope that you have a good size setup and want to try there products they will most likely give it to you.. also http://www.discountadvancednutrients.com/ i think thats the site but theyre cool people and hook you up with samples if you make a decent size order. call and talk to them and they will usually toss in one or two exrta things
i've never used these guys but a lot of people on the forum recommend them so they seem reliable.

DAN's Hobbyist Bundle Sensi 10 Gallon Kit grow is 128.00 and comes with sensi grow voodoo bigbud b52 and free over drive. then all i would have to buy is liek the sensi bloom? since ive got everything i ned for the hobbisty level
that's probably the sensi bloom that is included in that bundle and all you would need is the grow. double check though.


Well-Known Member
just did they have one with one bundle as the grow that coems with all that and one with bloom that comes with the same at the excate same price if i remeber, ill talk to them and discount. but i cant wait