Swamp Growing


Well-Known Member
Well I've never grown a serious outdoor garden, but if it were me, I'd use and bury some 5 gallon buckets. You can always just move/transplant the bucket/crop if you need to change your location.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I plant in burlap bags, Fill the bg 1 bag FFOF , some perlite, polymer crystal find your spot , toss the burlap sack down (if in the swamp )put some loggs down .
Cut a hole in the side of the sack that is up , Plant and your good to go .
No digging and having to hide the dirt you ug up
morning dew soaks into the burlap and waters a little
your roots can grow through the burlap so no root binding
Work Great
Good luck and be SAFE

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
i grow in swamps every year with no probs just the odd curious animal diggin up odd plany or taking a chomp out them ... if they really hungry... the key is in the slug bait like whats his face said ... key is to raise them off the flood plain.. i do this with cattle/hog wire with a heavy duty garbage bag (u dont want to be able to see any light penetration) i use this other material i forget what its called but identical it.. u curl the fencing to make a cylinder i like to wrap it around a five gal but u cqn make them any size....u dig a hole 6 inches or more to burry the bottom of the cage... u throw in ur membrane make sure there is a hole in bottom if using garbage bag..... then add soil dont fill the entire cage up leave a foot or more so u can close the opening so no animals can eat ur clone or seedling... i am blessed to have a multiple pear & apple trees and infested with black and rasberry bushes in the surrounding area to keep all critters happy and full.... but being in middle of a swamp literally is best deterrant... hip waiters are my best friends u can fall in sink hole thats like almost 5 ft deep.... ur always knee deep in mud too