Strawberry Cough, Shining Silver haze 400w Stealth Cabinet Scrog

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
So I think there must have been a male flower in there somewhere. Dont understand how. The reason I think this is that one or two calyx have split and the looks to be immature seeds.

Should this happen at 7 weeks? Exactly 49 days since I started 12/12.

In a space as small as mine shouldnt plants that are pretty much right beside each other both get pollinated. I have colas from what i think is the pollinated and unpolinated plant within 2 inches of each other and one has full amber pistils and they are restracted and the other have full white extended pistils.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated as I'd be so annoyed to have seeded weed 2 weeks from finish.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Have now started the flush for the final phase of these plants. Checking trichomes with a hand held microscope daily to look for the changes in colours of pistils. Strawberry Cough seems to have stalled out a little bit but the haze continues to put on weight. Knew that the Strawberry cough didnt yield that big but expected more than what is there. Some of the pistils on the Haze have started to turn amber so I feel we're getting near the end. Nearly all of the pistils on the cough have changed now.

On with a few pictures. Anyone have any thoughts on how long is left?


The Cough





The Haze





Well-Known Member
That looks like nice sticky bud.... Well done.

My guess is a week maybe 9 days.. Just in time for chrimbo too..

Scrog can not be beat on the amount of weight grown


Well-Known Member
after looking at your pix..i would say the couch is pretty much ready to go.once u finish the flushing.the haze i would say about week days or so.they look great!!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
If I'm being brutally honest, I think that nute burn stunted them pretty badly. You would've yielded a shit tonne if you'd grown a heavy indica or something. It will most likely still be some seriously potent smoke!

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Not much to update really but a few pictures to post. Checking plants daily with my lookoscope as my mate calls it.

Keeping an eye on the trichomes. They've started to turn milky on the cough but going to let a good few amber because Im going to to take the haze without any amber trichomes. Want to get two different buzzes. A good head high with the haze and a more couchlock effect from the cough. Trichomes on the haze have just started to turn milky

On target to take the plants at 63 days I think. So weird that the cough had full amber trichs at 5 weeks flowering and barely any of the haze have but from the trichomes it seems they'll be done on time. One eye on Xmas too and want to have some Xmas smoke.

Do the pistils have to have amber before you chop or has anyone got experience with plants that are ready to chop with still mostly white pisitls?

From the pictures if anyone thinks it'd be worthwhile letting them go longer or do you think Im good to chop at 9 weeks.







Well-Known Member
I've had to harvest when the pistiles were clear / white.... Jes, couldn't sit down for a minute when smoking it... always had to be doing / making something..
I think your at the right time to chop...

I thought your scrog was a success mate, maybe when you harvest them and see the amount that you actually get then you may change your mind about it being your last scrog..??

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
I've had to harvest when the pistiles were clear / white.... Jes, couldn't sit down for a minute when smoking it... always had to be doing / making something..
I think your at the right time to chop...

I thought your scrog was a success mate, maybe when you harvest them and see the amount that you actually get then you may change your mind about it being your last scrog..??
I don't think it'll be my last scrog but don't think I'll do the cough again. Have a G13 purple haze, positronics jack diesel and sativa seeds blackberry all vegging at a mates house. Next grow I think I'm going to try squeeze a few more into the cab. If I can fit 2 or 3 more in there I have a few critical + and blue hash seeds from dinafem
So think that would boost my yield


Well-Known Member
I really don't think that haze looks done yet but that's just me. If you look at the cough, it has that brown tinge to it and just looks done. The haze calyx haven't even swelled up yet. I would give it a little bit longer mate, otherwise like ^ said. You wouldn't be able to chill when smoking it, and the effect will wear off quicker than cocaine!

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
I really don't think that haze looks done yet but that's just me. If you look at the cough, it has that brown tinge to it and just looks done. The haze calyx haven't even swelled up yet. I would give it a little bit longer mate, otherwise like ^ said. You wouldn't be able to chill when smoking it, and the effect will wear off quicker than cocaine!
I think your right. Checked the cough today and it's just where I want it to be so I'm going to chop in two days time. Would like to give t 48 hours in darkness before the chop but can't with the haze in there. Anyway a few extra days will suit me before I start my beauties for the next run.

Going to be running Sativa seeds Blackberry, g13 Purple haze and a clone from this shining silver haze i took a while ago. Been preparing them at a mates house so they've been vegging for 5 weeks or so. They're quote small as we had limited space and wanted to try get them mature so we could sex them early.

Also got a few freebies from attitude with my last purchase. 10 freebies that were 2nd grade seeds. Critical + and blueback. Was going to run one of these to get some indica in my selection. Has anyone got any experience with these second grade seeds or either of these strains?
To me it seems that the seeds are just off Color and that's why they are second grade so hopefully I won't get any problems.

Will crack on with another journal for the next grow as I've found the advice very useful from every who stopped by


Well-Known Member
Going to be running Sativa seeds Blackberry, g13 Purple haze and a clone from this shining silver haze i took a while ago. Been preparing them at a mates house so they've been vegging for 5 weeks or so. They're quote small as we had limited space and wanted to try get them mature so we could sex them early.

Also got a few freebies from attitude with my last purchase. 10 freebies that were 2nd grade seeds. Critical + and blueback. Was going to run one of these to get some indica in my selection. Has anyone got any experience with these second grade seeds or either of these strains?
To me it seems that the seeds are just off Color and that's why they are second grade so hopefully I won't get any problems.
Nice, an all sativa grow eh. I like your style haha. Some of the guys were talking about critical + in the UK thread and it got pretty good reviews. A really good yielder that's for sure. I've seen a few blackberry grows and that strain looks really nice. My haze's started showing sex at week 9 veg.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
So better late then never here are the chop pics

Only took the cough down as I figure the haze needs more time.

Took a sprig of the cough a few days before chop and dried it to smoke while doing it. Cant describe flavours in weed but was very happy with the product even with no cure so excited to try the finished product. Felt the yeild on the cough could have been better but a combination of nute burn, nitrogen deficiency and the cough not yielding huge crops all played against me. Although not the biggest yield the buds are hard as rocks and some of the stickiest weed ive ever handled.

Anyway enough of my talk and on with the bud porn. Enjoy!









Well-Known Member
Awesome scrog man..i dont know much about the cough but from what i was reading about it being "touchy" the 3 days with no light may have confused the hell out of it and stunted the growth even more than just the nute burn would have....if u have more seeds layin around i say give it another chance...xD great job again..def will be doin a scrog for my second grow...

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Awesome scrog man..i dont know much about the cough but from what i was reading about it being "touchy" the 3 days with no light may have confused the hell out of it and stunted the growth even more than just the nute burn would have....if u have more seeds layin around i say give it another chance...xD great job again..def will be doin a scrog for my second grow...
Dont have any more seeds of the cough and already have strains in place for next effort. Your could be very right about the 3 days without light. Going to squeeze 5 pots in there and use some bigger pots too. Dont think ill scrog though and see which produces a better yield. Doing Blackberry from seed, a clone of the shining silver haze from this grow, Purple haze. Started these 3 about 6 weeks ago and have been vegging under a 250w cfl but they are very very rootbound as they were in small pots. Started Critical + and Blue hash about 3 days ago and they'll go to soil today. Haze will come down in the next couple of days and then itll be on with the next.

Im out of soil at the minute and very snowed in so would it be possible to use the the soil from the old ones just to start my seeds in small pots?


Well-Known Member
i dont think it would hurt too much to start the seeds in the old dirt... anyone else object?


Well-Known Member
watch out for left over nutes, i would flush it REAL well, but i have heard of people re-cycling soil