

SO I have been searching the outdoor forum and I see a lot of info on deep woods planting techniques, as well as inconspicuous, not on owner property techniques that grow large plants in remote locations. What I havent seen much of is outdoor "amongst the garden" ideas for personal use, small 1-5 plant operations. I am curious if anyone wants to share their expeirence, links or photos using stealth techniques to hide plants in your own shrubbery/vegetables. I have some creative ideas, but to see things such as LST, Scrog, Camo Netting, Staking, Hippie Cornfields and the like in an outdoor setting would be very informative and helpful for everyone. Issues such as look a like plants, overly fragrant companion plants and helicopter trickery and among my chief concerns. I understand height restriction techniques such as LST and scrog, but to see photos or read info of the technique in action, outdoors, among other plants is something that is rarely touched upon in this forum. Thanks in advance to anyone who posts on this thread, rep will be given when possible. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
That's why it called stealth... LOL I plant MJ in some of the most obvious spots one could ever imagine and no one ever finds them. Another good trick is late planting. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The only thing I can think of is to either LST it to keep it small or Top/Fim it so it gets bushy and put it near another plant people might not notice it. MY first outdoor grow last year I had just one plant, I thought it was in a good spot but I over visited it and someone must have found my trail... Oh and my plant was 9 feet tall so that didnt help. I am interested in hearing peoples techniques too because i need some advice for this season.


New Member
I will be attempting a sneaky grow on my tiny balcony this year, about 30 feet from where my apartment manager parks every day. Plenty of good folks have chimed in with suggestions there. I will be using lots of plants to cover the smell (chives, oregano, basil, and many others) as well as some plants to block views (pumpkins, catnip, pepper bushes). The whole key will be finding a strain that is relatively low odor, like NL or something. Good luck!

PS - My journal is fairly new and planting season is still months away, but my journal is called 'A very risky grow' and you will find it in my threads


Active Member
have u gave any thought about autoflowering strains as they stay small and go from seed to bud in 2 months .. also putting rows of corn or tomatos in front of them would hide them well ..


when i grow outside i ride my dirtbike way the hell out in the wood then find a spot and i have had noone find my stash.


thanks for the responses everyone! Lets keep it up, I know there are those of you out there with great photos and great ideas!


Anyone out there familiar with the term Espalier? it is a tech used for growing fruit trees in europe. If anyone out there has ever tried this with our beloved MJ, please share, I am starting to think that it would be great for growing your plant relatively low to the ground but make it capable of large yields. Essentially, a plant is topped anywhere from the second true node up, in order to stop the vertical height of the plant. Two stakes are driven into the ground in line with the plant and wires attached horizontally between the stakes. The plant is trained along the wires in both directions, giving you a horizontal plant. I suspect one may be able to just train a MJ plant down a horizontal wire without topping it, although I have never tried and have never seen it done.


this thread has sort of died, maybe I need to bump it. Just to reiterate, looking for outdoor stealth examples around the house. As far as my espalier idea, it wont work due to cannabis having alternating nodes, meaning you would have to train it in a x rather than along one horizontal plane. The outdoor scrog is an obvious solution, but chicken screen in the garden or amongst the shrubbery is kind of obvious. More so than an untrained, naturally growing plant of unknown species. Perhaps high test fishing line? anyone out there familiar with this? I practiced on a male last year by just pinching the stem(lst). I ended up with a giant bush of pollen sacks, that I could see from my neighbors house. I plan on hiding this among tomato plants. I don't know, anyone wanting to help me out, I would +rep you like your my baby's mama.
i am going to just hide them in my garden of tomatos cherry tomatos pole beans. my plan is to completely surround each of my 2 super lemon haze plants with 5 tomato plants
I have grown plants once where as soon as the plant reached like 10 inches tall, I started bending it over using clothes hanger diam. wire, made a bunch of U shaped pieces, each day I would pin it alittle closer to the ground, as soon as a branch would sprout out from the main stem, did the same, everything worked really well, until I had all these tops starting to grow up, then I made a wooden frame covered it with 1 inch chicken wire, just to keep the plants down, but then the buds started growing thru the wire, it was like a hortizional wall of buds, but it did keep them to a height of 3 ft., I did this 20 years ago, I guess its called scrog, now days