Starting my first grow, Would love advice and tips


Well figured id go ahead and snap a few quick shot and post a lil update. Well seems there starting to grow better now, also knowing that i was overwater and slowed down, now haveing the moister meter i relize even then i was still over watering so im assuming now that i wont be over watering theyll start to grow even better as they should be ready for there first water tom since the dry out. But alls good so far, get payed tommarow if i have enof left over after bills ima order some new beans

:leaf::leaf:Tips anyone? notice anythings im doing wrong? always love new advice and reconize it with +rep:leaf::leaf:



Well just to give a lil update, I have completely switched directions i am now running a bubble ponic setup, roughly 20 gallons with six of my ladies that were in the dirt. I built this setup yesterday and they been in there for 24 hours and aready showing signs of new root growth and leaf growth. After doing the research on that system, and knowing i was going to switch to hydroponic setup next time anyway, and wasnt haveing luck with the dirt i might as well go ahead and start it now. But deff excited to see what happens. Will try and post pics sometime this weekend