starbucks wont send our troops coffee????


New Member
OK ... I'll try ...
"you are wrong".
Easy. cn

seriously, if you consider it to be propaganda (i.e. disinformation) on both sides, why present yours as truer?
I'm not trying to portray either one of them as being truer, just pointing out the hypocrisy, thank you BTW.


Active Member
Pretty outrageous that some troops would just send a message suggesting free coffee.

Starbucks has a business to run. Just because you're an ignorant mid-east-war sheep, doesn't mean you should get free shit.

These troops can go ahead and boycott Starbucks all they want, it doesn't mean a fucking thing to Starbuck's underline. After-all, the war is just fucking their taxes up ultimately.

Keep fighting for the government that is using you. Surely that should be rewarded...

The war is a fucking joke, and anyone fighting in it is a blind ignoramus. Coffee is the least of what you shouldn't get.

Standing up against that unjust war will always be a much more noble action, than raping & pillaging the countries you were ordered to rape & pillage. Sheep will be sheep. Fucking sad... & a fucking disgrace.


Well-Known Member
The claim that induced me to respond was that Starbucks was anti-Christian. You are not backing that up. That is the extent of my interest: to either see you back it up, or to expose it as hyperbole. I'll ignore your moving the goalposts in mid-debate; no sale.

Chick-Fil-A via its captive WinShape foundation has been shown to actively support groups preaching violence unto the gays. That's much more than claiming they "support traditional marriage".
I want to know what Starbucks has done or been doing to actually assail Christians. Normal ones and not the dominionist fringe.
No; let's liberalize that If you can show that Starbucks has funded violence against the fundies and dominionists, I'll pay attention to that as well. cn
Groups that ACTIVELY preach violence? Can you back this up?


Ursus marijanus
Groups that ACTIVELY preach violence? Can you back this up?
I am believing Chesus' list. Lobbying to remove legal protection from African gays who face genocide ... surely that qualifies. Trying to re-educate gays into not being gay is also active violence, as it is an affront to their human nature. cn


Well-Known Member
Southern Poverty Law Center officially declared "left-wing hate group"

Though always left of center, the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) once had a reputation as a fairly objective civil rights group. Founded by direct-marketing millionaire Morris Dees and partner Joseph Levin Jr. in 1971, the SPLC made important and honorable contributions to many of the historic civil rights gains of the 20th Century. According to its own materials, the SPLC was "internationally known for tracking and exposing the activities of hate groups."

Alas, "power corrupts," as it goes, and the SPLC, having amassed tremendous power and wealth over the years, has regrettably become corrupt to its core. By way of an ever-escalating wave of "us-versus-them" money-grubbing schemes, Today's SPLC has morphed into a far-left political activist outfit, famous for promoting a panoply of extreme liberal causes.

Southern Poverty Law Center "SPLC" Deemed Hate Group

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s David Holthouse, along with other pro-sodomy and anti-Christian hate groups have published attacks on pro-religious freedom and family activist Kyle Bristow, in a disgusting attempt to silence his opposition to their campaign for the normalization of sodomy.

Now, pro-family groups nationwide are intent on rebuking the Southern Poverty Law Center’s propagandistic tactics by seeking both legal and non-legal recourse.

The controversy began when Kyle Bristow, a senior at Michigan State University and Chairman of the universities Young American’s for Freedom chapter invited Ryan Sorba to speak on the issue of his forthcoming book, “The Born ‘Gay’ Hoax.” Sorba argues that the "gay" identity is a complete fabrication, contrived by pro-sodomy activists in a legal and public relations campaign to gain minority status as a suspect class under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Isn't this fun?
More evidence that the right lives in a world of its own making, devoid of conventional meaning or corroboration.

Beenthere? Is being "pro-family" the same as being "anti-gay"?


Ursus marijanus
More evidence that the right lives in a world of its own making, devoid of conventional meaning or corroboration.

Beenthere? Is being "pro-family" the same as being "anti-gay"?
It is not. He tried to backpedal to that position (but in reverse with my challenge to "anti-Christian"). They are not the same.


Well-Known Member
Chesus, haven't you figured out that very, very few on this forum take you or you copy and paste campaign seriously? LOL

To me you're nothing more than the forum nuisance I get to beat up on regularly.

I take it seriously Beenthere. In fact I take all evidence of one thing or another seriously. Now it could be that your not taking "cuts and pastes" serously is indicative of the possibility that you do not take evidence or fact (when it is contrary to your preconceived notions) seriously as well.


Well-Known Member
MM, I agree. Growing up in Chicago, I would often wind up in a DD at 3 AM drinking coffee and eating their delicious donuts.

I realize it is a matter of taste but Starbucks tastes like somebody brewed it three days ago and then left it to burn. No offense intended for all of you starbucks fans.
Hell yeah it does...everything that passes out our local starbucks counter tastes burnt..I have been 2x in 4 years...once for some burnt hot chocolate, and later for a burnt tasting caramel iced coffee...both times were terrible and burnt tasting...I haven't patronized any starbucks since, nor will I. Gross...


Well-Known Member
Never heard of Starbucks being anti Christian...Seems they would be smart enough to not burn coffee if they can see through Jesus.


Well-Known Member
If you do not "support the troops" then you are not Politicaly Correct. The right loves to point out how assinine insisting on PC behavior is and they actually believe that they themselves don't indulge in such PC expectations.

Seems however, that they do - try not holding your hand to your chest during the national anthem, or not wearing a flag lapel pin, or not lauding the military like an aching teenage girl. Put on your best Oliver North "I was just doing my patriotic duty" face, slaver and fawn - espeically if you yourself managed to avoid military service because "you had more important things in your future". If you don't, then you might be . . . unpatriotic.


Ursus marijanus
If you do not "support the troops" then you are not Politicaly Correct. The right loves to point out how assinine insisting on PC behavior is and they actually believe that they themselves don't indulge in such PC expectations.

Seems however, that they do - try not holding your hand to your chest during the national anthem, or not wearing a flag lapel pin, or not lauding the military like an aching teenage girl. Put on your best Oliver North "I was just doing my patriotic duty" face, slaver and fawn - espeically if you yourself managed to avoid military service because "you had more important things in your future". If you don't, then you might be . . . unpatriotic.
The term "patriotism" has been frightfully dumbed down. Magnetic ribbon on trunk lid? (best umpire tone) Safe! Campaigning for a non-mainstream candidate? Yer outta heah! cn
