Spider mites... quick question


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever tried thoroughly rinsing plants with cold tap water from a shower head? I just did it to all my mothers, I sprayed the shit out of the undersides of all the leaves. I don't have a major problem yet, I dont see webs just small mites and some eggs. I ripped off the 3 badly damaged leaves and the rest are fine, just a few spots here and there.

Anyone have any luck with this or have tried it?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever tried thoroughly rinsing plants with cold tap water from a shower head? I just did it to all my mothers, I sprayed the shit out of the undersides of all the leaves. I don't have a major problem yet, I dont see webs just small mites and some eggs. I ripped off the 3 badly damaged leaves and the rest are fine, just a few spots here and there.

Anyone have any luck with this or have tried it?
I have a friend who sprayed the bottom sides with water four or five times a day for three weeks during vegetative. He mopped with bleach afterward every time. He says they were gone after that.

Get some forbid 4f, spray them once during vegetative stage and problem solved.

Get some on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Forbid-4F-spidermite-formula-1-4oz-Free-Lightning-fast-shipping-with-tracking-/251153008317?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a79e2c6bd


Well-Known Member
That's what I usually do, except I set my sprayer to jet or sometimes even vertical fan. It also knocks down all the dead leaves which is nice. I've never lost any branches even though I spray pretty roughly. I do it the early morning since I'm also watching out for grasshoppers and caterpillars.


Well-Known Member
I eradicated a mite problem with water rinses and hot shot pest strips. I wouldn't use the hot shots during flower though, only for veg.


predatory mites is always the best way dude, their not expensive and there's a ton of places selling them on-line.. y fight spider mites when you can just get some brutal little bastards to do it for u