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  • hey GTS, im on my second ebb n grow. and am loving it. yesterday one of my brain buckets, i have two, the top float must have failed and flooded my room,and today is working fine like it has the past 4months...upon cleaning out my other one yesterday water got into the controller box on my other one and now my fill pump wont kick on and both indicator lights on the front stay on....anyway i was wondering if you knew how to repair or replace whatever is damaged inside the controller...seems pretty simple enough on there.....please and thank you Mr.Linder
    hey greenthumb when you gonna start another round? looking forward to seeing another lucas formula grow. i used lucas my last grow and the quality of the sour d i grew was some of the best i had this summer it just wasn't a big yield i think i got 11oz. of dry meds off of 6 plants with 1k of light in the same ebb system you use. im gonna give it another go soon and hopefully the yeild will be alot better this time around.could you let me know of any other lucas formula threads that turned out good?
    Hello green thumb sucker! I really enjoyed reading through your journal of you last grow! I am setting up my grow room in my basement this week and had a couple of questions of your setup... what brand of ebb and grow are you using? You seem to like the setup. Do you use co2? what is your air flow setup in the room? carbon filter for odor? you got 5.8 pounds from 14 plants?! That is the yield I would love to see myself someday. I have a license to grow 24 plants so I figure 12 in veg and 12 in flower, hopefully havesting every 8 weeks. Thanks again for the journal and I hope to hear more from you!
    have you ever used stg inserts? , could you tell me your watering cycles from week to week? im new and have the same system you do and need some help...thanks
    GH Floragrow 2-1-6
    ppm Concentrations
    Nitrogen 200
    Phosphorus 100
    Potassium 599
    Magnesium 50
    Calcium 51
    Sulfur 66
    Zinc 2.00
    Molybdenum 14.30
    Calcium Nitrate 3.4
    Potassium Nitrate 16.2
    MonoPotassium Phosphate 6.3
    Magnesium Sulfate 6.7
    Zinc Sulfate .117
    Volume of Stock Solutions
    Dilution Rate
    GH Floragrow ppm Concentration
    Nitrogen 200
    Phosphorus 100
    Potassium 599
    Magnesium 50
    Calcium 51
    Sulfur 66
    Zinc 2.00
    Molybdenum 14.30

    Calcium Nitrate 3.4
    Potassium Nitrate 16.2
    MonoPotassium Phosphate 6.3
    Magnesium Sulfate 6.7
    Zinc Sulfate .117
    Ammonium Molybdate .387
    Volume of Stock Solutions
    Dilution Rate

    GH Florabloom
    ppm Concentrations
    Phosphorus 501
    Potassium 596
    Magnesium 150
    Sulfur 199
    MonoPotassium Phosphate 31.6
    Magnesium Sulfate 20.3
    Volume of Stock Solutions
    Dilution Rate
    Be Appropriate!
    There may be places where explicit, obscene or vulgar language, graphics or behavior is appropriate however Rollitup is not one of those places. Posts containing explicit, obscene or vulgar language will be removed. Similarly, posts that solicit or offer explicit or X-rated GIFs, JPEGs or similar content files will be deleted without notice! Links to Websites with adult content/images anywhere on the site will be removed. Simply put, we do not wish to be seen as supporting any site that contains adult content - adult content being defined as any material that you would not feel comfortable showing to your spouse, your teenagers, or your boss and co-workers. This represents our values and our desire to appeal to the widest possible audience not to mention keeping clear of any restrictions that our present or future advertisers might have regarding acceptable content.
    Well you ll have a long wait as it is anything but racist and how you think it is racist is beyond me. I am sure you are aware that it is him as the joker from Batman and is the exact same image that was used to make the same picture of George Bush. And dont be one of those fools who wants to say its racists as in Blackfac as its not even the same thing its Batmans Joker image from Dark Knight Heath Ledger. So if your offended by a non raceist image from a batman moview which was first used on george Bush then sorery just ignore me.It signifies how Obama is a joker and complete clown trying to move america into a socilistic being. Half my family is african american and most are democrates and dont like it as they like Obama but none think its racist in anyway and dont know how some people come to such a wild acusation. Ill make sure to remove you from my list. Have a nice day and remember .Vote not to re elect this joker
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