Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again


Active Member
Somebody tried to get into my shed again last night. Last year they got me right before harvest. My grandmother (yeah my grandma helps me grow), is home clearing out a space to move them into the garage. We have a camera on the shed, but it's not like we can go to the police. We're going to lock the shed up like usual tonight, but leave nothing in there but a sign saying "like we wouldn't notice bitch."


Well-Known Member
that fuckin blows.... if i were you I'd set up some crazy booby traps for some wood with some nice rusty nails stickin out of it right in front of the door


Well-Known Member
What i would do man is stay out in ur shed on night with a nice nigger beater (metal baseball bat) offense to anybody its what i call it, and right when the mother fucker opens that door POP POP POP. O also you have to say "Gotta YA Bitch" right before u hit him in the face with the bat. thats what i would do, but if i did not have a felony and could have a shotgun oooooo it would be all bad for that guy.:evil:


Active Member
I'm only five feet so the baseball bat idea probably won't work. And I have kids and chickens so the nails won't work. I'm just going to have to haul them into the garage every night. It won't be so bad at eight plants, but what will it be like with twenty or thirty. And I'm not growing bag weed, I'm growing white widow and thinking about growing sex. I don't want some thief smoking my good weed.


Well-Known Member
Too bad you can't hook up some electricity to the shed. I bet it's someone you know since they come back around harvest.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, you need to think of something. you need to be proactive, or they will be back EVERY year. if you can't set something up so you don't have to watch it, then your gunna have to watch it.... sit out there all fucking night for a week or 3 if thats what it takes. remember, that is YOUR property, and they are tresspassing, and trying to rob you (what they are robbing from you makes no difference, and trust me, the robbers are not going to say that they were there to steal your plants). you have every right to shoot them dead, just for being there and threatening your property and family.


Well-Known Member
get a pack of firecrackers and make a trip line. take an antenna tube a little wider than a strike anywhere match head, put sand paper in the tube and super glue string to the match, put the string throught the tube so the match head is just on the outside of it. get a tiny bit of gas and put it in a cup below the tube (tube has to be secured to somethin) and have your firecrackers right above your cup of gas. run the string across the doorway. when they go off theyll probably scare him and itll let you knwo when the bastard is there.


Active Member
It's nobody we know. We have the camera. I feel bad because last year I accused the kid across the street. I told his dad, and his dad beat his behind. But he swore he didn't do it, and I tended to believe him. And now he's at boarding school, so it isn't him. I just don't want people in my yard, even if they don't get the plants they may let out our pet chickens. Don't get me started on them, they never stay in their cages and they like to eat bud and every other plant in my garden. And I need all the other plants to hide the white widow plants. I don't feel safe with people wandering around my yard.


Well-Known Member
I happen to be a HUGE fan of electricity. Get a hotwire setup that they use for horses and cattle, lemme tell ya, they don't kill, but they fucking HURT. Make it so they "self-correct" and zap themselves.

Also, if you have chickens then how about adding some geese to the mix? They're better watchdogs than dogs, and when they bite it fucking HURTS. They'll let you know exactly when someone has entered the area. Peacocks are also actually excellent as watchdogs, not biting but boy oh boy do they make a hell of a ruckus.


Active Member
I have kids so guns are out of the question. I'm just going to use my garage. It's attached to the house. My grandma found the perfect space, with boxes surrounding it so people can't see when I open the garage, but they will only be in there at night so it won't be that big of a deal.


Well-Known Member
No guns, birds. Birds and dogs. My Rhodesian Ridgeback has done an excellent job of keeping county inspectors off our property, and she ADORES children and has been trained to be cat-protective (just let another dog try to get at our cats, she will make it think thrice).

I suggest making some platforms on wheels or rollers if your ground is firm and level enough to make moving the plants back and forth easier.


Well-Known Member
ive seen many people use those flood lights , nothings more scary when its dark and your trying to steal something than when all of the sudden a huge light pops on that illuminates everything , they will scatter like roaches.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Personally I think the best thing to do is PERMANENTLY move your plants to a new location (never back to the shed).... If you try to setup something that injures the thief you may just piss them off enough to where they go make an anonymous call to the coppers. It's just not worth the risk.

I do like the idea of the camera though so at least you can find out if it's someone you know. Good luck to you :D

Mr. Marge

Active Member
What i would do man is stay out in ur shed on night with a nice nigger beater (metal baseball bat) offense to anybody its what i call it, and right when the mother fucker opens that door POP POP POP. O also you have to say "Gotta YA Bitch" right before u hit him in the face with the bat. thats what i would do, but if i did not have a felony and could have a shotgun oooooo it would be all bad for that guy.:evil:

So instead of just calling it what you call it, you then have to call it something else to let us know what you're talking about.

Here's a shortcut next time. Call it what it is, a metal baseball bat, and leave the ignorant talk at home, in a closet, tucked away in a box so that you don't have to pollute the minds of other people with that crap.

Really, it's ignorant. Grow up and help the rest of us all live as one people.

Much love. Respect.


Well-Known Member
You should monitor the camera and note the time that they come by. Wait for them and just beat the living hell out of them.

If the cops come, they won't find your plants because they're inside, and the robber will know not to show up again.


Active Member
We have flood lights, and I hate dogs. One bit me on the vag. If I never see another dog it will be too soon. We are buying more chickens so we might as well get some geese if they have them.


Well-Known Member
if they have to climb over a fence to get to your shed put some black sludgy stuff ontop of it(ive forgotten what its called)its used to deter burgalers,it cant be washed of ya clothes and its hard to get off ya skin,kinda like black gloss paint but worse,also put some nails or broken glass ontop of the fence,obviously make sure ya kids know its there so they dont hurt themselves trying to climb the fence to get a ball or something,,,,,,,,,,and spot lights are always good,,once they get anywhere near ya fence a bright light lights up the area,,they should definatly run off,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
We have flood lights, and I hate dogs. One bit me on the vag. If I never see another dog it will be too soon. We are buying more chickens so we might as well get some geese if they have them.
WHAT THE FUCK? :? Your pussy got bitten by a dog? :lol: I'm sorry but.. :lol:

I'm sorry. :( I love dogs, absolutely love them (and they usually love me, but not that way).

The geese will probably be better for you, then. wow.


Well-Known Member
If you want to catch's what to do.

Get a motion detector security light. But, take out the bulbs so no light comes on. Now get one of those bulb sockets that you can plug an electrical cord into and screw that in where the bulb goes. Now take your electrical cord and plug it into the security the cord into the house and plug something like a radio or any device that will get your attention when it comes on. So, when the thief comes in your yard you will know he is there. But, he will have no idea that you know. Then have your grandma go out there and beat the f*ck out of him :peace: