

New Member
Ive been buying big bags of perlite to add with fox farm (the one with the fish on the bag) and also happy frog potting soil.. Having good results but I feel like I waste a lot of soil in my 5 gallon pots. I use the soil for tomatoes and cucumbers.

Is there cheaper soil mixes I can buy.


Miracle Gro Potting Mix, or Miracle Gro Organic Potting mix is a good one too.

I think it only comes in smaller bags, but Miracle Gro African violet is good too.


Well-Known Member
I would stay away from mg has a shit load of times release nutes. Those could fuck everything up. There is many less expensive alternatives black gold, or simply making your own soil. Simply get basic potting soil can be like 3$ for a huge back add some EWC for 8$ and some perlite and compost. You can literally have a shit ton of great organic soil for cheap.


Active Member
DO NOT BUY MIRACLE GROW SOILS!!! They are low dollar cost which in turn equals low dollar time release nutes full of high nitrogen....
Ocean forest is also a terrible choice... it if based with peat moss which gets hard when dried... this is not good.
i used ocean forest for 5 years and switched to royal golds tupur for inside and their mendo mix outside... i can up my roots with plant success soluble and great white.
royal gold is coco based soil and take in water right away. my micros and bacteria are working with the humic acids in the soluble for maximum nute uptake
im also using nf coco a and b with teh rest of teh nutrifield line up.

i got this info from the hydro nerds app
those guys kick ass

Royal GOLD all the way

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
I've also been considering different types of soil. This is my first grow. One of the plants is in MG, and the other two are in some cheap stuff I found on clearance. All three plants were very healthy throughout veg, and I'm certain that any fertilizer from the bagged soil is long gone. Now the plants are in flower, and they get a high-quality high-phosphorus organic fertilizer. I don't think you should have issues with any bagged soil as long as you are careful about what nutrients you add to that soil. I'm actually considering picking up a soil/sand/compost mix at the local nursery for $40 a cubic yard in order to save on the cost of soil, but I'm a little concerned about what uninvited guests might arrive in that soil mix.