So You Want To Grow Marijuana, Your ?'s Answered Here

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stays relevant.
yeah i had some plants that just werent growing well like my others and thats why i asked becasue im giving them the same amount of everything that i give my 4 and half foot tall plants.....they are just runts it happenss happend to me a couple years back too

ahah you dumb fuck



If this is how you're planning on behaving here, tell me now so I can get the ban out of the way. You have no room to be upset, you lied about your avatar, even I called it on the first page. What do you expect? You're offering naive newbs grow advice, when you clearly don't even know about the plant itself... as displayed here:

Play nice...


Active Member
what kind and brand of nutes should i use for veg and flower. if you could tell me where to get them itll be a big help.:peace:


Well-Known Member
personally i hate lowryder it tastes like shit...i would go with white widow or blueberry....but i mean you can go 12/12 from start to finish... shit you can go 11/13 if you wanted to... why dont you go into the thread where the people are doing it and ask them then if theres a wehole thread on that then go to it
The goal is to have the fastest finishing strain from seed to finish.

Thats where im headed now but i figured i'd ask in a thread where someone claims they would try to help first instead of clogging their thread with questions. Thanks for you time.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
i had a bunch of germinated seeds and i put them all in there own seperate cups but one grew 2 plants .....i might have put two in one cup but either way do i have t okill the smaller one


Well-Known Member
yea it has but i dont come to this web site to care if some one lied about a picture or what ever i came to learn and get advise from people with the expirence and smarts to teach me what i want to when some one offers the help im looking for with out me having to go through hell to get it id rather listen to this guy and a few others to learn then read 139482343425 threads soo .... do i have to kill my babie :(


Well-Known Member
yea it has but i dont come to this web site to care if some one lied about a picture or what ever i came to learn and get advise from people with the expirence and smarts to teach me what i want to when some one offers the help im looking for with out me having to go through hell to get it id rather listen to this guy and a few others to learn then read 139482343425 threads soo .... do i have to kill my babie :(
I'm not arguing over his pic being real I'm trying to let you know that if you want knowledgable answers look elsewhere, make a post of your own or ask an actual knowledgable person.

You said it yourself you want to learn from someone with experience that can give you the advice you need. And I'm just trying to let you know GrassMaster is not such a person for these 2 reasons alone should be evident.

  • Less than a month ago he was posting on this forum looking for help for his 1st grow.
  • Less than a week ago he was posting on this forum asking for help with his 5" tall 2 month old plants assumably from said 1st grow.
Basically what I'm getting at is, if you want knowledgeable answers there are people on this forum who will give them to you if you ask, if you want to learn how to grow dead plants you should ask GrassMaster as that is about the only subject I would consider him knowledgable in... Considering especially that alot of his answers on this thread have been less then accurate.


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing over his pic being real I'm trying to let you know that if you want knowledgable answers look elsewhere, make a post of your own or ask an actual knowledgable person.

You said it yourself you want to learn from someone with experience that can give you the advice you need. And I'm just trying to let you know GrassMaster is not such a person for these 2 reasons alone should be evident.

  • Less than a month ago he was posting on this forum looking for help for his 1st grow.
  • Less than a week ago he was posting on this forum asking for help with his 5" tall 2 month old plants assumably from said 1st grow.
Basically what I'm getting at is, if you want knowledgeable answers there are people on this forum who will give them to you if you ask, if you want to learn how to grow dead plants you should ask GrassMaster as that is about the only subject I would consider him knowledgable in... Considering especially that alot of his answers on this thread have been less then accurate.

i love you


Well-Known Member
what kind and brand of nutes should i use for veg and flower. if you could tell me where to get them itll be a big help.:peace:
for veg you want nutes with higher nitrogen, the first number of the NPK on the label.

For Flowering nutes that are higher in phosphorus, the second number of the NPK on the label, and also potasium, which is the third number of the npk on the label.

I personally use Fox Farm products, following their recommended feeding scedual and i am very satisfied with the results.

There are are many products out there and everyone has their own opinions on the brands, you should try different ones and see what works best for you and your strain


stays relevant.
yea it has but i dont come to this web site to care if some one lied about a picture or what ever i came to learn and get advise from people with the expirence and smarts to teach me what i want to when some one offers the help im looking for with out me having to go through hell to get it id rather listen to this guy and a few others to learn then read 139482343425 threads soo .... do i have to kill my babie :(
So would you rather get accurate information, or any old random advice? I can tell you the #1 way to produce big monster sized plants is by watering with bleach instead of water- but that doesn't make it true.

What's important is being able to get the advice given to you by someone who knows what they are talking about, and not the advise given to you by someone who hasn't got a clue.

Like I said earlier, anyone who doesn't know the simple life cycle of cannabis should not be handing out advice, maybe I'm wrong- but someone who wants to know if you can flower forever if you just leave it on 12/12 forever is not well versed enough in cannabis... The whole claiming ownership of his avatar is just another way to call every one of us stupid.

is it the worse thing I've seen here? No, but it sure says a lot about his character and how much he actually knows...


Well-Known Member
So would you rather get accurate information, or any old random advice? I can tell you the #1 way to produce big monster sized plants is by watering with bleach instead of water- but that doesn't make it true.

What's important is being able to get the advice given to you by someone who knows what they are talking about, and not the advise given to you by someone who hasn't got a clue.

Like I said earlier, anyone who doesn't know the simple life cycle of cannabis should not be handing out advice, maybe I'm wrong- but someone who wants to know if you can flower forever if you just leave it on 12/12 forever is not well versed enough in cannabis... The whole claiming ownership of his avatar is just another way to call every one of us stupid.

is it the worse thing I've seen here? No, but it sure says a lot about his character and how much he actually knows...

i think i have also fell in love with you.. not sure yet :clap:


Well-Known Member
well i andersand i didnt wanna read the whole argument before but i see now...but no one has answered me do i need to kill my babie


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I'm in the process of making a carbon filter type set up. Just wondering if I have a fan sucking air out through the carbon filter is it really necessary to have another fan blowing in air or could a guy just have a hole to allow fresh air entry. I have a small space 2 1/2' x 4 1/2' x 4'high and my fan will be sucking air out close to the top of my room, I was thinking of just leaving an open hole on the bottom. Looking at a 4" (80cfm) fan and there like $40 here so if i can get away with one it would be nice, thanx.


Well-Known Member
I jokingly said this guy was probably 12 years old a couple posts ago, hes slowly proving that I might not be so far off. If he didn't act like such a dick and a moron I might actually feel sorry for him because you know this is probably how he acts in the real world too and once he grows up all that attitude is going to amount to is zero friends, a shitty job, dozens of people laughing behind your back, and more then likely a few beatdowns.

If you haven't been banned yet maybe you should take this as a valuable life lesson because it could really help you out in the future.

First off, you really seem to feel sooooo much pressure to be this elite super grower when honestly it doesn't matter. Everyone starts from somewhere and theres no shame in being new and needing help we've all been there. But instead you decided to lie about your situation, and pretend to be this elite grower, and I guarantee you not a single person was impressed by any of your lies even if they had believed them, and I also guarantee you that instead now you have dozens of people thinking your a tool and an idiot.

Sadly this probably carries true in real life too considering your signature...hopefully sooner then later you will realise that by acting big, dressing cool, acting cool, driving a cool car, and trying as hard as possible to be cool....all your doing is showing everyone around you "wow look at how hard that kid is trying to be cool, he must be really insecure" Honestly any truely succesful person doesn't need to constantly show and tell the world about their success and how kool they are and say things like "Im A MuthaFuKKiN []D [] []V[] []D You Know It So Stop KiSSiN My Ass" for self gratification. If you took all this to heart it could really change your situation around, but considering your such an ignorant tool, I'm guessing its just going in 1 ear and out the other.... its alright I suppose the world needs tools like you for the rest of us to laugh at.


Well-Known Member
For your questions, for cold and windy it really does depend how cold. There are some strains meant to grow in colder climates, but if its too cold you'll just be out of luck. Going indoors using whatever heater you have along with the heat from the lights can bring the temps up a bit to be fine. As far as wind your just going to want to either use stakes or a cage or some other method, you just want to make sure it doesn't blow over and no branches break.

In your small area just the exhaust fan should be fine with just a couple slits for passive intake.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well done, Rollitup community! That's the beauty of an open forum, anyone can post anything they want to, and the truth will eventually emerge.

Like magic. :eyesmoke:

Rollitup magic ... :bigjoint:

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