small lil flys/gnats


Well-Known Member
Get on it now. They breed like no tomorrow. They shit all over the leaves and live in the soil and roots. Use yellow stickies ONLY to monitor the problem.


Active Member
They will get harmfull as they lay more eggs. The larvee eat your roots. Ive had them just ive set up the yellow stickys and blasted my medium with some "gNat OFF" ive only given my plants one dose and have only spotted 1 or 2 adults and plants dont seem to have a problem with the solution. So we will see so far so good.


Well-Known Member
I noticed a couple of little gnats around mine about 3 weeks ago... I didn't do anything, but haven't seen anymore. Just lucky I guess. Good luck to ridding yours of them!


New Member
if you got vinegar around and some dish soap mix them together in a small dish and place it beside your plants! they will get attracted to the vinegar smell and get stuck in the liquid and die


Active Member
if you got vinegar around and some dish soap mix them together in a small dish and place it beside your plants! they will get attracted to the vinegar smell and get stuck in the liquid and die
100% waste of time.. just go get BTi and be done with it. its made for a reason.

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
.. just go get BTi and be done with it. its made for a reason.
Can someone please tell me what BTI is and what does it look like and where can you get it? How often do you treat? Would treating for the first 3-5 days and then every 3 days break the life cycle of these buggers? Will also be using diatom earth and sand to kick there ass along with the treatment. Thank you for the good info guys. Will be using the sand as a top dressing from now on. These were someone elses problem before I took on these new ones. Damn ass clown should have cleared them up before he sent them my way.


Well-Known Member
For get the sand.

DIATOMACIOUS earth is good but be careful how much you use as it also gives silica to your plants and can cause some issues if over used.

Look for products called the following.


I prefer anything containing SPINOSAD.

Yellow stickies are yellow sticky traps found in most gardening stores.

Each fungus gnat can lay up to 300 eggs in its lifetime.

Each of those eggs hatches some larvae that eat the tiny root hairs of your plants.

The gnat specific products work by stopping the larvae from feeding making them starve thus breaking the life cycle.

The SPINOSAD is a little similar only it effects the nervous system of many different pests.



Well-Known Member
Stickey traps, which are great, are on Amazon and I use Gnatrol which goes to the roots and kills the eggs, which have a 1 month cycle before they are all dead. Stickes are great for the flyers and I use Safer soap on the soil to kill the females (the one's that crawl). You have to keep after them, but they can be elimitated. Peace


Active Member
Ive got an infestation of these and ive been drenching my coco for 4 weeks with GnatOff,but the little critters are still there.This stuff is supposed to kill the larvae,so do i need something else else to kill the adults or will the GnatOff do the biz eventually?Thank you in advance for relies.