selling the extra?


Well-Known Member
wel most people that smoke pot,wel not most but alot smoke for medical purposes and do smoke an oz a week,i know i never did most ive smoked in aweek is half most! but alot of people do need weed for medical uses and they do smoke alot,so u cant talk bad about people consuming an oz a week!

and if ur going to sell ur own grown shit why not make it ur own prices?is there actualyl a scale that says how much u should charge?no because its illegal,if a person wants to charge 100 bucks a gram then elt them,if the other person is stupid enough to buy it then they r the dumb ones,if i put time and effort and money into growing a plant,i want money in return for the money and effort i put in,so ya,smoking is for peace and smokingmakes everything a little better! but everyone has their own opinion and everyone has the right to do what they want with the stuff they grow


Well-Known Member
I have no beef with anyone for smoking any amount of marijuana, regardless of whether its for medical reasons or for recreation. My point was that so many people came on this thread and just said "smoke the extra!" without considering "Hm...maybe there's a lot extra and maybe this person doesn't consume that much." If those people had put even a tad of thought into their posts, then I would have no problem with them.

Look if you can get somebody to buy an eighth of good stuff for 100 dollars because you told them it's good stuff, then more power to ya, man. You must be a good salesman. (I'm just using the 100 dollar figure for fun). But I have a serious problem with you if you lie about the quality or strain or how it was grown or anything to raise the price. And that's what a few people on this thread were talking about. That's straight up tricking the person and that's what I'm talking about with 'ripping somebody off.'


Well-Known Member
well as long as its actually GOOD weed and the eople r dumb enough to pay that much,even if its great weed,i know alot of people who sell white widow 30 bucks a gram,and nothing less,so i mean u could easily get more money,especially if u grow some kickass bud urself and u put the effort and money into it,and i think most people meant to keep the extra so he could smoke it eventually,unless he dosent smoke then he should sell,or like isaid,sell if he needs the money


Well-Known Member
5 grams a week is alot well compare to how much i smoke and i never have too much bud. you'll finish an oz in a month and lets say u had good yield and got 1oz for each plant thats only 5oz. which will last you for only 5 months perfect for when your next grow is done and harvest.


Well-Known Member
well i smoke a gram to 2 grams aday on a gooday,depends how much i have but when i only buy dubs or eigths i smoke like .5 a day,it gets me by and shit i jsut wish i had some right now! haa


Active Member
"Extra" weed is not a concept pot heads would understand, I know I dont It will all get smoked or cooked into food or made into hash. Or a huge party with a buncha friends where itsa "smoke yourself stupid" party.
I think though that selling your crop adds in extra and unnessecary risk. I don't care what anyone says there is NO ONE you can have absolute trust in.
Say you sell a surplus ounce to a dealer you know, he gets poped, cops say you can go if you just tell us where you got it. So he is lookin at cell or goin back to his couch. You want to be in that spot? Hoping the one guy you sold your surplus to likes you enough to sit in jail for you?
The temptation to sell is there for every one, once you start to sell its a short trip from "I will sell surplus" to "well if i grew 2 extra plants i could make $1000" Now your a suplier.


Well-Known Member
lol i wont sell,its dumb either way but some people do it.and yea i know there is never TO much weed to me,if i had 10 pounds id still say i didnt have enough! that might last me about 15 years but still haha


Well-Known Member
i stopped buying dubs and eights and buy half oz since its the cheapest and it'll last me for 1month and a half. oh yea i havent smoke for a month!!!


Well-Known Member
lol see im a potheadfor my anxiety,bipolar,arthritis,and acid reflux disease!and my stomach problems i cant eat,but yea i refuse to buy more then an eight,its to dangerous


Well-Known Member
3-5 oz hmmmm lets see ......... it would be smoked up buy me and the wife in lets say two weeks and other then taking a sample of mine a week ago i have yet to smoke any of my own . im on my first grow so that goes to show you that i spend quite a bit on smoke weekly and will say one thing there is no such thing as extra weed ..... if you dont smoke much put it in some mason jars and put it up till you need it and if your worried about it going bad dont its like a fine wine it only gets better with age


Active Member
"yea i refuse to buy more then an eight,its to dangerous"
I assume you meant eighth. At any rate its more dangerous to buy an eighth what? 3 times a week than a half once a week. in my area 1/2 is the same as 1/8 charge wise. I buy 1/2 every 2 weeks or so as opposed to buying 2 eighths a week, thats less time in car and less dealings with a dealer, its SO much safer to buy in quantity.

For me at least.


Well-Known Member
"yea i refuse to buy more then an eight,its to dangerous"
I assume you meant eighth. At any rate its more dangerous to buy an eighth what? 3 times a week than a half once a week. in my area 1/2 is the same as 1/8 charge wise. I buy 1/2 every 2 weeks or so as opposed to buying 2 eighths a week, thats less time in car and less dealings with a dealer, its SO much safer to buy in quantity.

For me at least.
cheaper also. :hump:


Active Member
If you want to be stingy = .7 grams for $10 1.3 grams for $20. You can sell an Oz for depending on the strain more than $100. I dont suggest you sell, because 1. You use, 2. Your scared. But you would make a killing since theres a college...


Active Member
in my area an OZ of crazy is around $340, $280 if its just borderline crip.. and 1g is $15. and ppl in my area never do scale there weed riight, for instance if i were to buy a half Shuld be 1.7 but most of the time youd prolly get like 1.3 ... 1.4 ..thats for $25
but id deff sell to my good friends only in bulk tho just push them real cheap and get them outa the way, make ur money in 1 day then over like amonth, espically if u sell the cheap, youd be set.



Well-Known Member
340 an ounce?i pay 250 an ounce tops for some killer bud out here,130 for some ok bud,seedy but ok,and like 60 for schwag usually only buy eigths 20 for medium shit


Well-Known Member
well the only reason i didnt want to just put several oz's in mason jars is that i thought it would mold. does it not?!


Active Member
i wouldnt sell it but just smoke it with your friends.
theyve prolly smoked you out before.

return the favor.:joint: