self - pollinated plant questions


Well-Known Member
last summer i cross bred a superlemonhaze female to a sannies jackberry male i just harvested my best female & i got a few seeds off of it they came off of little pods on the main stem & ive found a few in the buds where they join the stem will they generate female plants??? if so will they be the same as the plant they came from??? i was gonna order some seeds for out in the boonies but if these will work ill use them i took a pic of the pods on the main stem the product from this is pretty decent the white colored pods on the stem is where the seeds came from this is the first plant ive had hermie on mePicture 031.jpgPicture 030.jpgPicture 025.jpg

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
First off you didnt get any seeds off of a female.... females are seedless! males have pollen sacks and hermies have bud with seed.... now that thats all cleared up lets move on....

The only way to produce feminized seeds is to use colodial silver.... do some research. Your seeds will be both male and female which is actually better since you are not disturbing a natural process! If it were that easy to produce female only seeds then regular seeds from seedbanks would be free of charge and feminized seeds would be cheap as hell!


Well-Known Member
Ummm hermies do produce only hermies and female seeds...but most will huermie on you over and over so you end up like diluting your genes down til there is nothing good left and all you have are the bad traits of the plant..since the seeds are that plant and itself over and over and But that is what feminized seeds are...seeds taken from a female plant pollinated with female pollen and the only way to get pollen from a female plant is for it to is better if you use some of the reversal chemicals so you get less hermies, because then you know that that plant will hermie when sprayed with chemicals but not through normal growth...


Well-Known Member
hey missnu what you say makes sense im gonna phase this strain out & some seed is acceptable i want to sprout these & transfer to a remote location due to the risky nature of this adventure i dont want to put out much cash ill weed out males if i have to


Well-Known Member
Well the seeds will be fine to use, just more likely to hermie and I wouldn't use the resulting seeds from any of the next plants...just because they it does take away from the lines a lot...but relaly it takes years for it to really be an issue. A fella I know started with some seeds and those seeds grew awesome weed and he would seed one plant each season so he would have seeds the next time, but in other groups of plants he was still getting seeds and using those seeds, until most of his plants were coming up hermies and he jus tkept getting and using more seeds...15 years later the weed that used to be awesome was just terrible...super terrible ditch weed...because he had inadvertently breeding back the same plants over and over and each year he got less male plants, and he never found it odd...or I guess he didn't realize what was happening...he doesn't even smoke for heaven's sake...


Well-Known Member
hey missnu normaly i would clone & use those but ive got plans for my clones & all i have to clon from is my ace of spades which i arent sexed or large enough to clone from so its either order feminized seeds or use what i have on hand & the latter is looking better all the time this strain generates decent product but the yield isnt up to par but grown outdoors where im not footing the bill for the power is acceptable


Well-Known Member
hermie plants may produce hermie seeds, but it's not a 100% certainty
i've grown out 2 seeds from a hermie plant(self fertilised)
1 seed resulted in a beautiful female, no trace of hermie, the 2nd was a hermie, and a bad hermie at that
it's a crap shoot for sure