seed packaging


Active Member
i am in europe and looking to ship seeds to states. i need to know what is best packaging method? i want it to be stealthy and conceal seeds. if you have recieved seeds through mail, give me ideas how i should package them.

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
i am in europe and looking to ship seeds to states. i need to know what is best packaging method? i want it to be stealthy and conceal seeds. if you have recieved seeds through mail, give me ideas how i should package them.


stick em in a pen then up ur ass. ill work trust me


Well-Known Member
First post...... and an inquiry like that? Sounds very much like a pig question to me. So, screw off copper.


Well-Known Member
No shit, fuck you asswipe and go chase down pedafiles or something that will really help whatever country you represent.


Active Member
i am just sending some to my bro. i am new to forums and never really posted on one b4. i just want to make sure he gets his stuff and with no problems. oh and i bet that pen idea would work, bet you know from experience??


Active Member
well i got the seeds from attitude, put a review in seed banks. i got them no problem, but did not pay extra for stealth delivery, so when i sent them to states i had to use my imagination and the got to the states in exactly on week with no problems.

Easy as PIE!

well not nothing i did get a good laugh from the posts