second grow first time hydro dwc


Well-Known Member
you're welcome. you are keeping a careful eye on them - if things go south ... you'll know it. and regarding pH... bingo - that is exactly it.

sounds like you're going to have a room full!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
if they are getting brown slime what's the best thing to do?

the plants that have curling also have a light brown tint to the roots and look silky. almost slimy i don't think this is just paranoia. i would take pics but the battery for my cam is on charge.


Well-Known Member
if they are getting brown slime what's the best thing to do?

the plants that have curling also have a light brown tint to the roots and look silky. almost slimy i don't think this is just paranoia. i would take pics but the battery for my cam is on charge.
If you have slime you'll know it - it looks like someone dumped snot in your reservoir (and it stinks). H2O2 is the cure - but make sure you really do have it first - it doesn't look like it to me (plus the green part will be suffering too -- all wilted looking).

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Looking GREAT Kulan. You are boldly going my friend. It'll be good to compare the soil v. hydro. Like the extension to the room, gonna make things easier for ya. Plants looking good, nodes real close together, they're gonna be real bushy. Its easy to see you're putting in a great deal of care. +rep

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
Email: i took a pic but looking at it i think it may have been a shadow as on closer inspection on the pic the brown tint is none apparent, i will include this in my up date in the next hour or so. had a busy day.

DJ: thank you. most of the soil plants are ok, but they are stretching more and the stem is a lot thinner. i have moved the room around again to day i got a new addition to it.

i will be back soon with the journal update.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member

Today the ph is 6.0 i am leaving it till tomorrow when i will top up the res and ph to 5.6 and let it raise up over the next day or so.
Humidity 60%
Temp has gone through the roof today can’t have temps of 90+ and a res temp of 84. I had less trouble keeping the temp of the tent down with 2x150w hps and one envirolite. Not much i can do now but leave the door open.
I have some problems but i will get to them later in the post.
Pics from 10.30am (pics75, 76)

I have been out when i was out i got a new fan humidifier/ cooler. But it’s big well big for my room but it is going in there. Basically it’s a fan with water res with ice gel packs you freeze and put in the res. It is helping. But i still need to get it down some more it’s at 86 i only have one option at the moment and that is to lose a light. I removed one red light and raised the res up so the fan can blow across the bulbs. Now the room temp is 80 which i can handle for now but the res temp is still 82 i know this will take some time to come down by its self. (I think it was email that said he put ice cubes in his res to bring the temp down but it did not work in the long run too much mucking about but i only want to bring it down so it’s not acting like a radiator in my room. So i dropped 4-5 in there it dropped it to 76. I will wait now till morning to check it again.
Ok some pica’s (pic’s77, 78, 82, 83, 84)

77) I got rid of the water sail with the new fan having one built in. Humidity now 70% also got rid of white floor mat as this was acting as an insulate, the floor under the mat was still cold even when the plastic was warm to the touch. The room looks a bit worse but the temps are down.

78 ) As i moved the lights to get the fan in i gat an aerial view shot.

82) This was just after a spray with ph’ed water note the temp. Wahoo

83) After lifting the plants up.

84) Full room shot

So now the problems,
The roots i was a bit concerned earlier about the roots but after taking a pic i realized that it must be a shadow on the roots but here’s the pic anyway(pic 81)

Right now the big problem three of the plants in hydro are getting worse curling two are getting pretty bad but one of the plants in the soil is also showing the same so it’s nothing to do with the res or nute mix, i think but it could be heat damage or bad genetics. (Pics 79, 80)

What do you think?

That it for today
I am sorry but it late so i may miss a few people’s journals tonight but i will catch up with them tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
those leaves curling over along the edge is a classic sign of heat stress. However, your roots look fine and the leaves are very green and this is good. Do you have an oscillating fan blowing on them all the time? that would be a good addition. they should shake a bit "in the breeze". that might help keep them cool.

what i tried to do to keep my res temps down was to freeze gallon size chunks from my back-up reservoir and drop two in a day. what a pain in the ass that didn't work very well. But if you aren't going to buy a chiller (understandable considering the cost), then cooling with ice is better than nothing. if you can at least get the room to 75-77 and the res temp should be a little cooler if possible you should be fine - not ideal but OK. Again - gotta watch the plants - maybe you have a heat resistant strain and they can take it a little warmer.

a constant supply of fresh air and plenty of fans to keep the air moving around helps greatly.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
both the fans at the back do oscillate in a way, the round one the grill rotates the blades are offset so it directs the air in a circler pattern, the new fan has vertical blades that move left to right.the plants they do sway like there in a summer breeze. if i put that humidifier fan on full it bends the plants so i won't be doing that again soon.

i need to fit a proper intake fan and out take fan, i am looking at 2 125mm in-line bathroom extraction fans. one in one out. but its going to cost me about £100 don't know what that is in dollars. but i can't justify buying them yet as my kid are off school for 6 weeks and we will be going out a fair bit so i need all the cash i can.

i tried to drill in to the floor to see if i could take an input from the crawl space below my house only to find a solid foundation i drilled 10cm's and gave up.

i am hoping by removing the light the temps will be better and as i live in england this good(bad for me) weather can't continue long i hope.(sorry any outdoor uk growers).

i is strange that of the 6 plants in there only 3 of them have any problem. but there were two batched of seeds so one of those batches could have a better heat tolerance.
Last edited:

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Morning, been thinking about your res chillin. The smaller the chunks of ice you put in the res, the quicker you will get it to drop. Alternatively, 1 large lump will have less surface are than several smaller lumps. It wont need pointing out that they would also dissolve quicker!

cab is looking immaculate, you know there's a bitch sized spider in there, lol.

I hear you about the holidays, and this damn heat. There are some rain clouds on the horizon.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
DJ: putting ice in the hydro res was a one off as the res temp was higher than the room temp, i wanted it to drop below room temp, i will not be doing that daily. to much arsing around.

the spider is to scare bug away as i have only had 2 fly's, 1 spider, and one moth in my room, i think its working. lol

as for the ice gel packs that go in the humidifier they are the same plastic same type that you use in picnic coolers, well we have a pound shop in my town and you get 4 for a £1 they are 500mils so i will be getting some of them and changing it every 4 hours during the day.

temps are very good today it's still a bit warm outside but the room temp is down and holding at 80. i have just took some pics will update later tonight.

we had some rain earlier on this morning but since then its got warm again.

DJ you got children?

i got 2 one girl(6) one boy(3) all the fun. my girl thinks she's 6 going on 20 and my lad is going through the terrible two's. but i would not swap them for all the world.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Hey, yeah, I have a wee boy aged 18 months and another on the way, due in December. If our second wasn't due in December, id kit out the spare room, lol.

Spider seems to be working then, lol. I got flies, lots of the wee buggers. deployed fly paper the other night and i keep getting stuck in the shit. I think they're all wise to the fly-trap and sundews so I had to take additional measures. Catch up with you later M8

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
wow fell asleep at 8.30ish last night and did not wake up till 7am this morning

so quick update as to what happened yesterday


top up res with 2 litres with6 mil of ionic grow nute

Ph 6 will Ph tomorrow

temp remained at about 80 all day that will do me

res temp 78

till the weather dulls i will be running just the two lights.

so some pics from 11am yesterday (pic85,86,87)

i have dropped the light closer to try and compensate for removing one.

so that's it not much more really as i slept through the 11pm update and pics (sorry)

ok today its dull my temp is at 78 so i am happy.

as i went to sleep early i have not kept up with other peoples threads if i get any time today i will try and catch up if not see you later tonight.


Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Morning Buddy, aye the olde sleep catches up with us all, lol. Its a beautiful morning up north anyways, hmnnn what to do today. I can see they are clearly bushierthan the last pics. Thats all you can ask mate, Keep it up

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
it's glorious, rainy and dull, good for the plants but it means the kids are going to be in all day and not in the garden playing. i have been chucked off my pc by my girl she want to play on the net so i am stuck with the crap laptop. i have seen a 9,000 BTU A/C unit i like for £150 so i think that's the next buy after the hols.

have fun catch you later.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Im thinking my ac was a waste of time. Id need to vent it outside for it to work efficiently. The way I have it set-up, its exhausting clean hot air into my loft space. This is then cooking my growroom from the outside in (much like the bloody sun) making the ac work harder, exhausting more heat, creating more loft heat, costing more money, causing me grief. I switched it off LMAO. I give it a blast after the lights been on a couple hours. Cab is open all day so im also concerned about spiders and flippin flies.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking my ac was a waste of time. Id need to vent it outside for it to work efficiently. The way I have it set-up, its exhausting clean hot air into my loft space. This is then cooking my growroom from the outside in (much like the bloody sun) making the ac work harder, exhausting more heat, creating more loft heat, costing more money, causing me grief. I switched it off LMAO. I give it a blast after the lights been on a couple hours. Cab is open all day so im also concerned about spiders and flippin flies.
I also have to vent my AC to the room that the grow box is in. The front part (the cooling part) is stuck into the grow box and the ass end (with all the hot air coming out) is venting right into my room. A room that is not climate controlled. So the AC has to work overtime to cool it down and probably will only survive for a year or two.

But i am able to bring the temp down by 10 - 15 degrees and that is all i need. I also set up a couple of fans to make sure the heat is pulled away from the back of the AC unit (best i can) while keeping air circulating around the room. so far it has worked very well (and only necessary a couple more months - then i'll have to start looking for a heater)!

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Kulan, hope you dont mind me hopping in here.
Email, from what you say, an ac unit is a summer consumable? would they last longer if vented outside? im guessing yes but you dont want to do that for the same reasons i dont. My loft is too small and the whole house ends up like an oven. I need to plumb a route for the hot air to escape without raising suspicion.:-? Im real close to the unused chimney breast, but I couldnt break through that unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Kulan, hope you dont mind me hopping in here.
Email, from what you say, an ac unit is a summer consumable? would they last longer if vented outside? im guessing yes but you dont want to do that for the same reasons i dont. My loft is too small and the whole house ends up like an oven. I need to plumb a route for the hot air to escape without raising suspicion.:-? Im real close to the unused chimney breast, but I couldnt break through that unfortunately.
I probably could get away with venting outside but i don't feel like setting up the duct work and fans for a summer only thing. but i may do so if/when i redesign things.

yep - AC is consumable. Here is my list of things that i figure i'm just going to have to keep on buying...
pH/PPM meters (i like to have a few around to check against one another)
RO filters
rapid rooters (to hold the seed in place until roots form)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
no problem, i take it the output is std round 125mm ducting on A/C units.
it's just that the exuast system i have planned is 125mm i would not want to change it again when i get an A/C unit.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Mine was 125 anyway, biggest hole saw was 100 so I had to figsaw it, just rolled that baby into place and connected the hose on the other side of the wall to carbon. All my original pipework was 4" so I bought a reducer. I know its increasing pressure on the AC but hell I just bought the filter.