Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam


Well-Known Member
Christ on a stick, I was thinking the very same thing not 30 minutes ago as the wind battered the poor dears all over the place....had to cycle into town to pick up a Mama day pressie and I think I cycled backwards most of the way....


Well-Known Member
Cheers Thundercat. Having the ants under control has really helped so far. Those little shits seem to bring in aphides by the truck load.

Broccoli are coming along.
Azaleas are going boss now.
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Loads of flowers on the bawbbleberries
And a little Fireball to end the day...
Peace DST


Well-Known Member
Over the winter some sort of rot set into one of the azaleas. A big chunk of the plant had like some sort of lichen/fungus (that was not mutually beneficial it seemed). I cut what I coudl out and it seems to be trucking along....scratches head (hopefully not chickenpox, lol):)

I got a new tom trellis for one of my larger pots. Was thinking I might grow this one outside the greenhouse but undecided.

We got pods:)


Well-Known Member
I finally got the last of my tomatoes delivered today. One I grew years ago, and four more heirlooms I hadn't tried...
Sun Gold, Paul Robeson, Black Cherry, Super Snow White, and Indigo Blue Berries.....sounds like some chronic. lol
Wish my strawberries looked half as good as yours. ATB!
