....Rollitup REPTILE owners thread....


Well-Known Member
i saw one at the pet store yesterday and i think i may get one they wanted 100 forget the type he was sheddin tho looked weird lol


Active Member
California Desert King Snake :-P I've had him since I was 13..he was so teeny, the size of a pencil when I got him :-P He's great.. so calm, but always active.



Well-Known Member
got feeder fish nd some crabs that r mean as shit freddy went nuts guys got a cool vid check it out


Well-Known Member
get some piks up trynagro!! this thread has just turned into the rollitup pet owners thread! :lol: its all good tho, gotta love the love we give or hobbies.


Well-Known Member
I think this one is more for Ganjulia than me, havent owned a snake before. i dont think it would be near as much as a chameleon needs. vitamins, plants, UV light, basking lamp, all the vines...cham set-up came to about 150 without the cham. he was 250 from kammerflauge chams. pure bread Blue Bar Ambilobe.


Well-Known Member
google the type of snake you want first, some snakes dont need much, some do. it all depends on their habitat. usually no more than 75usd to get started.


Active Member
just wondering about how much would it cost to get a set up where the snake would be happy and healty?
Snakes are pretty easy pets, they don't eat as much as other pets and prefer to be alone :) I have a king snake (so he's definitely alone :P) and he was teeny when I got him, small 10 gallon tank (i think) fed him crickets and such until he was big enough for pinkies and so on.. It shouldn't break the bank to start a snake setup.. a tank with at least one heat light and a hiding/basking rock.. The snake itself will cost a lot. As the others have said do your research!! Every snake is different....I do recommend buying a baby one though :D Its cool to see them grow!!


Active Member
i have had a king for a while, now i have texas rat, and a ball python, tegu..
Thats awesome! I love my king, my father had a rainbow boa that my grandmother snuck in her purse onto a plane in like the 70's :P or 60's..one of them..it got lost in the house after reaching 6 ft :( I've grown up with that story and want my own rainbow!!!


Active Member

Edit - True story! This guy is at least 10 years old..we've had two, the other passed about 2 years ago at the ripe old age of 8! This ones still truckin!! Love it!

Ahhh were snake twins XD I'll have to take pictures of my bearded now, gonna go do that :D :D