Results of Pinching only..


Well-Known Member
This is 4 weeks into flower. Only lst'ing trick used was pinching... Just the one pant. I think this is the best, all encompassing, training technique.

Any other pinching results? Thoughts?

Whats up Tfishing? long time no holla, where you been bro? damm your girls look great and the pinching went well as well, i know you cant wait for the next 5 weeks to go by looks like it will be some good shit..i'll be checking you out to see the final results..Peace


Well-Known Member
haha hola stink, your babes look awesomee, i'm sure your ready for that final harvest.
I realize i'm a terrible thread starter but nothing really came up when i searched pinching... I feel that this is a totally under-rated supercropping method that is so stinkin easy. -It strengthens the stems, helps control height, and promotes an even canopy.. not to mention leads to some fatty buds. I think this method used in succession with scrog will yield the most, certeris paribus (all else being equal)..


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah keep it crack'n im thinking about doing this next run you'll have to give me some tips... peace +rep


Well-Known Member
This is 4 weeks into flower. Only lst'ing trick used was pinching... Just the one pant. I think this is the best, all encompassing, training technique.

Any other pinching results? Thoughts?

well pinching isnt even a form of lst. it is more of topping. and i dont think this is best. its dirty becuase your usin your hands. also it cause more stress then lst. and again lst is also to keep your plants shorter but bushier. u cant acheive the shortnes with pinching as u can lst. i would have to say top one time and then tie every thing doen is the best way to increas yeild with out stressin the plant to much


Well-Known Member
well pinching isnt even a form of lst. it is more of topping. and i dont think this is best. its dirty becuase your usin your hands. also it cause more stress then lst. and again lst is also to keep your plants shorter but bushier. u cant acheive the shortnes with pinching as u can lst. i would have to say top one time and then tie every thing doen is the best way to increas yeild with out stressin the plant to much

If you have a healthy plant pinching wont stress the plant much more than bending. Plus bending a lot of branches can be a pain in tight grow rooms. I would agree pinching is not as immediately effective as bending in height control, that said pinching can promote just as even a canopy, if done enough in the right places. i would also disagree with it being messy, i don't think a little plant juice ever hurt anyone. It is also about the least time consuming thing to do as well. But i guess it comes down to whatever works.

Anyone else? Any pics of the different techniques?


Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
When is the best time to pinch them? I pinched my plants once they started to bud about 6 months ago but the crop was a total failure.
The buds changed back into branches and it started budding from the new nodes only. All the new leaves were fat and three fingered.
I ended up with half a LB of popcorn. It was dank popcorn but it looked like shit.


Well-Known Member
When is the best time to pinch them?.
You can pinch all thru veg and into your first 2weeks of flower (when they really get their stretch on) but not much after the 2 weeks. Dont be afraid to pinch the fuck out of them, they will love it (as long as you don't totally break the stem off). The idea is basically to pinch the tallest branches to encourage increased growth to all subsequent lower branches.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
pinching id dirty cause u use ur hands? thats all i use is the pinch and it works great and if ur that worried about stress then ur growing junk spend some loot on some real plants and quit growing ur brick seeds open ur mind and come on out of the stone age


Active Member
Another good pointer when "pinching/supercropping" is to do it after you water the plant. Have had some bad results pinching a dry plant. Also try not to ever pinch below a previous bend.

I use this method along with UB's topping for four main colas and get some nice bushy plants.


Well-Known Member
Ive just gotten into actual supercropping instead of tie downs and besides it being alot less time consuming it basicly does the exact same thing. Ive always fim'd my plants rather than topping, some strains dont react well to topping but Ive yet to run into one that has problems after I pinch 3/4 of the new growth, good thing about pinching rather than cutting is the rougher edges seem to possibly promote more than two tops, Ive got up to 4 new colas. Theres plenty of different ways to change the growth of the plant, but the funny thing is the biggest yielding plants Ive seen were never touched throughout the grow, but still I like tinkering around and doing different things. Do whatever your most comfortable with, have a few experimental plants, whether its different lst's, nutrients, lighting, soil, patterns, changing things up now and then keeps it interesting. Good luck to all on the upcoming outdoor season, enough with the little plants, its time to grow some monsters out in the sun....take care e1, peace!!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh i take my comments back i thought u meant pinching as in pinching tops off with your hand, but now that i know your talkin about supercropping never mind i love supercropping its just another form of lst


Well-Known Member
oh i take my comments back i thought u meant pinching as in pinching tops off with your hand, but now that i know your talkin about supercropping never mind i love supercropping its just another form of lst
does supercropping only enhace growth below where u pinch it?


Well-Known Member
it lets the lower growth catch up to frate a more even canopy and also i was reading that that a branch is llike a highway it has a road taking the nutes up the plant and back down. like a 2 laned road. and when u suppercropit breaks that 2 laned road for a few only to com back as a 4 lane highy 2 moving in each directio. meaning it is taking up more nutes and at a faster pace. i will try to find the aticla that i read this to ensure it