Question about size of plant


So, first grow and I've had my plants in 1 gallon pots all the way to week 2 of flower. I just realized that the 1 gallon pot was not going to be big enough and am going to transplant to 3 gallon pots tonight. But my plants are pretty small and i was wondering if it was not able to grow much due to the pots?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
could be many reasons why the plant is small. 1 of them would be pot size, but with that being said, i have seen some pretty big plants grown in a 16oz. cups. i for one like a bigger container so the roots have some room. i stick with 3 and 4 gallon containers and keep them 3 feet tall or so. this is due to space and lights.

lights, nutes, water( ph, underwater, overwater ), grow room environment, container size, genetics, etc etc all can play a roll in slow growth.

can you throw up some pics. we like pics at riu.


DSC00086.jpgDSC00084.jpgDSC00081.jpg these are the plants and i took these pics about 5 days ago and around 3 days ago i started LSTing them. is it okay for me to transplant them tonight? they're only about 2 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
Yea, pot size can restrict growth, typically you don't want to repot in flower, try to have it in the pot u want and have all super croping done 1-2 weeks b4 flower, ul prolly just be better off finishing in the 1 gals and make a note for next time.