Question about air circulation - please :)


How important is air circulation during the 12 hrs of dark? I put mine in pitch black closet - it's cool, but no fans. During the day - I make sure they get a nice breeze :). Is a fan critical? Mine are flowering now 2 weeks - lookin shaaweet. Thanx.


Well-Known Member
i do the same, pretty much. closets aren't too airtight, so the circulation of fresh air should be enough
seen quite a few grows that seem to make do with low circulation at dark time, seem to look as good as others ith circulation
might be a problem if you pack your closet tight with plants

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i leave my circ fan on 24 hours a day. i have my exhaust hooked to a thermostat so it comes on and off as needed. but when lights come on the exhaust pretty much keeps running.
i feel that having the circ fan on keeps the air moving so it deters mold from growing. i also run my dehumidifier when lights are out.


Well-Known Member
I'd say it would depend on how much air room is in the closet. Plenty no prob. Tight space, probably at 12/12.


I'd say it would depend on how much air room is in the closet. Plenty no prob. Tight space, probably at 12/12.

Thanks for replies! I only have 2 plants, but they are big. Lots of room in the closet. I think I'm gonna get a small fan just to make a little air move - get that aroma driftin around :lol:.

Thanx again. Peace