Police checking card holders on 420???


Active Member
Okay, I was assured by a very good friend that on 4/20 the popo are gonna be going around and checking all of the med patients or something to make sure they were not "sharing". Supposedly it was announced and made public. I can not find anything on this and I have tried google in every way I could think with the info I was given. Anyone know if this has any validity? I was planning on not sharing anyway, but I don't like them up in my business. Not to mention, I find it hard they would be able to get a warrant, or even know where the card holders would be located?
Okay, I was assured by a very good friend that on 4/20 the popo are gonna be going around and checking all of the med patients or something to make sure they were not "sharing". Supposedly it was announced and made public. I can not find anything on this and I have tried google in every way I could think with the info I was given. Anyone know if this has any validity? I was planning on not sharing anyway, but I don't like them up in my business. Not to mention, I find it hard they would be able to get a warrant, or even know where the card holders would be located?
Sounds like a load of shit make this friend prove it or their full of it


Active Member
If it was anyone else I would have not bothered after googleing it and finding nothing. He tends to be very good with this stuff though, so I am hoping for more people to hear it and see if they heard the same thing.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
who would care about this any way? puff on your joint while ou show him your card, and if your a smart recreational toker, you already have your stash the day before 420.... lol a crack down on 4/20 for something that happens all year.

i think people come up with stuff to worry about!@


Well-Known Member
hopefully LEO does not have my name-

or else i have a neat little civil action against the MDCH.

having a voter initialized statute sure seems to piss these fuckers off though , eh?


Well-Known Member
it is a load of shit.

LEO CAN NOT ACCES Hippa Protected Medical Files, unless they have a court order. If they have gained access to our Medical records without a COURT ORDER to do so, they have broken Federal HIPPA LAWS, and should be turned into the FBI for criminal violations of HIPPA Laws protecting Patients their medical records are now, and remain always, CONFIDENTIAL.


Well-Known Member
I'm no lawyer but I don't think "because it's April 20th"
is probable cause for anything.


Well-Known Member
Stop and think about rumours before helping to spread them..... They don't have enuff LEO to check that type of thing


Active Member
I was just about to say the same thing. There are a bunch of people in this state with their medical card. The sheer logistics of trying to locate everyone and see if they are complying are mind bobbling. They do not have the authority, time, or money to do as you suggest.


Active Member
I wasnt spreading it, if you read the first statement, I was very suspicious to begin with. I was asking here to make sure it wasnt true.


Well-Known Member
Actually I have a very good source that tells me
they will be checking on 4 20 and if you don't
have something to fire up they will provide it
to you.

Ahhhhh in a dream world...

Yea they do not have access to those records only
the ones they have seized in the field.


Well-Known Member
i was at the town meeting a few days back.-

and the cheif of police didn't even know the procedure for verifying a card. i told him and he shrugged his shoulders and replied at this point its basicly hands off.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Actually I have a very good source that tells me
they will be checking on 4 20 and if you don't
have something to fire up they will provide it
to you.
lol just report to your local PD (has to be before noon on 4/20) and they will provide you with:
1) one ounce of what ever is in evidence
2) one police issue bong/crack pipe (one pipe smokes all)
3) a "whats shaken bacon" lighter


Well-Known Member
i call shananagins lol..yea that could never happend there's waaayyyy to many card holders..if it did and the cops showed up at my door i'd tell em to go fuk themselves

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I'll issue you a ticket if you're not smoking quality medicine. If the product is good however, I'll be a sport and only confiscate half of the goods. No, I have no such authority to do so. But if you're trippin' who'll notice?


New Member
I'll issue you a ticket if you're not smoking quality medicine. If the product is good however, I'll be a sport and only confiscate half of the goods. No, I have no such authority to do so. But if you're trippin' who'll notice?
come again? ya on the lsd sun?!?


Active Member
You know how much money that would cost the government? But I guess they did just give 40 million people one dollar cash on there food cards so..... But I highly doubt it because again the cops dont know who has there cards, when your pulled over and they find marijuana on you then they can call and verifie you got your cards. So for as far as them coming to your door, NOT A CHANCE!!