Poisoning raccoons / plants


Well-Known Member
I can't grow outdoors because something (probably raccoons?) is eating my plants. I was thinking of just buying this and sprinkling it on everything:


It's "gopher killer", but it's basically Strychnine, so I'd think it would kill anything?

Any other good poisoning ideas? I'm not %100 sure it's coons, but I think it is, because racoons are dumb, and will eat anything that smells like humans, even shit that isn't food (insulation, trash, ect).


Active Member
Why poison them? There are multiple ways of dealing with pests outside. From hardening off your plants before planting, to limiting your scent and impact. Lots of products related to keeping animals away and some easy concoctions that you can make.

I gave this to someone else, but spray it around the bases of your plants, 1 part coffee, 1 part vinegar, 2 parts cayenne, ten parts water. Mix that, spray it around after ever rainfall.


Well-Known Member
well i can tell you this, racoons are far from dumb. probably one of the smartest things running through the woods to be honest. as far as i know racoons dont eat these plant put ive seen and heard of them digging them up and around them. wheres the damage? low damage is usually rabbits and higher stuff is usually dear from my experiences


Well-Known Member
you could put some manner of small screens around them...like really small hardware mesh maybe? I have never had to deal with anything more than caterpillars and mice in my veggie garden that is outside.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 male dogs 2 though, so everything that is mine and outside is covered in male predator urine....most everything stays away except bugs...if only caterpillars were afraid of dogs I would be set, but since they aren't I will admit I use Seven Dust. I always feel guilty after though, and am wary to eat anything that is ready within 2 weeks...but that's alright I only have to use it once...right after the first time I harvest some lettuce...that way nothing will need to be taken in within my feeling of safety window...I mean the packaging says 3 days before harvest on most things, but no way man...I have seen what it does to bugs...I would be afraid if you ate some your eyes would just melt out.


Well-Known Member
From hardening off your plants before planting
Doesn't that take a lot of veg time though, and mean putting out big plants?

Seems like it would be easier to kill them outright than try to ward them away, unless they just won't eat the Strychnine poisoned grain (rabbits might not)

Plant looks like it was torn out -- could have been a deer or anything really. Would be nice if you could just buy straight Strychnine (cyanide, ect) and apply it to the plant directly. Seems a lot fairer than just mass-killing everything.


Well-Known Member
go to walmart, buy a cheap trail cam in the outdoor section and set it up aimed at your plants. you'll see everything that goes by and you can better figure out what to use for what.

cams are like 30 bucks if i remember right


Active Member
A couple weeks can mean a big difference in your plant. The stem hardens considerably, young shoots are more desirable and at this time they are everywhere.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
poison sucks for a few reasons, dogs and other animals can die from it ... and most of it is shitty for the environment. Use a trap to get it instead... then either let it go somewere far or dispatch it.


Well-Known Member
I have found most things that eat plants will avoid MJ once it is full of adult leaves...I guess they don't like the smell or taste...most bugs except for effing caterpillars of course...anyway the idea of growing indoors for a couple of weeks doesn't sound too awful if it meant things would stop eating the plants...


Well-Known Member
I have found most things that eat plants will avoid MJ once it is full of adult leaves...I guess they don't like the smell or taste...most bugs except for effing caterpillars of course...anyway the idea of growing indoors for a couple of weeks doesn't sound too awful if it meant things would stop eating the plants...
if hes in the woods, theres tons of animals and animals will just keep coming and will come back after he comes back outside


Well-Known Member
im strongly apose to killing native wildlife, cuz u have a couple plants getting eaten, they were their first, living with their little raccoon family. so u come in and are gonna end their life bc u feel ur plants are somehow more important. its called fuckin fencing, dumbass. and if u say. oh i dont want it seen from the sky, then deal with the animals. ppl have no concept of care unless it affects them, with no regard to other things around them, as long as their life continues how they want, fuck every1 and everything else, right. really bothers me something feirce.


Well-Known Member
buy some chicken wire and put it around and on top. like a cage.
get a rocking chair and then buy a 22 cal. rifle, case of beer, snacks and some bud.
kick back and pick off those little bandits... Yee haw redneck style:leaf:


Well-Known Member
well i can tell you this, racoons are far from dumb. probably one of the smartest things running through the woods to be honest. as far as i know racoons dont eat these plant put ive seen and heard of them digging them up and around them. wheres the damage? low damage is usually rabbits and higher stuff is usually dear from my experiences

yeah there so smart.... this is how you can catch them. get a 4x4 post 2 foot long drill a 3/4 inch hole 3 inchs deep. take a nail drive the nail threw the post about a half inch down the side so it goes right threw the middle of the. so it makes a hole with a nail going threw the center of it. throw a piece a of chicken bone or craw fish tail sardin head anything that stinks and is kind of hard to get in and out. they reach in to get it. grab it and the dummies are to stupid to let go to get there hand out. they wont let go tell you walk right up to them. or there about to die from being stuck for days.


Well-Known Member
Never use poison. How would you like to die in that manner? If you must, use a trap but there are numerous ways already suggested to keep animals away. Unintended animals including endangered species will die too when they eat poisoned food. Live with nature.


Well-Known Member
Problem with a trap is you have to use the right trap for the right animal. Poison is easy, multi-use and *should* be cheap - fucking government seems to ban it like everything else (which is stupid, because you could separate the strychnine out with alcohol if you were trying to kill a person with it)

And to the hippy: you gotta realize that a plant, once finished, is worth about 2 grand. Humans die over less money than that.


Well-Known Member
I have heard u can get things like a powdered coyote urine that u mix up with water and the smell is supposed to keep smaller animals like raccoons away, kinda the same reason the person with the dogs doesn't get a lotta critters on the plants. Was one reason when I used to have a seedless watermelon patch I never worried bout rabbits cause my Rottie kept em away, and my BB gun kept the birds away!!!

Wheeler man

Active Member
I hope fish and game catches your dumb ass poisoning wildlife! Then finds your plants! No judge is gonna go easy on you after that.If you feel you should poison wildlife to help your grow,you deserve to go to jail!