Plant Nutrition and Sugary Supplements


Well-Known Member
firstly the teal colors tell me its in a way over fertilized and the lighter green spreading its way from the outside tells me it could use some more nitrogen.

but in a whole id just keep going as i am and work from their. the plants not going to die.

a transplant may help if you want it to grow faster.

sorry if this doesnt make to much sense im in a hurry i got shit to do tday lol.

just remember a little bit less is more when nutes are involved you dont want the plant getting salt build ups that cause nute lock.

the purple could be genetic or it could be as i said your plant wants more nitrogen but i wouldnt worry about that its still plenty green and sorta teal in colour which indicates to me that its getting plenty of nutes.

hope this helps ill come back and give a better summary when i have the time

sorrty about that but again i wouldnt worry too much looks good for a new grower, its all a big learning curve. i think your plant will be fine and after its been transplanted in a week or two it should start taking off again.

the better a plants root system generally the better it grows
peace out

bong it

sweet :)
can i give rep aswell?
i think that my n wasnt right in the begining, i mixet up all my nuts (yes very little of each ) and as for now its greener,(maybe to green), but i do flash it alittle every 2nd day so it should be fine now.

my soil was over 7 more closer to 8 in ph, might be why the lower leafs are in light green. now its good with alittle lemon and the natural stuff are all around 4 to 6 in ph. ph ph phis the seacret if you ask me.

i just added the nuts 2 days before this pic was taken, all natural except for the 30-10-10 that im only going to use ones every 2 weeks.1 tbls a galon.
going to repot it tomorrow. which ratios will make the best medium? got molases 2.
i was thinking to do 15% perlite 50% warm casting soil mix, 10% regular potting soil 10% sheep manure, and 10% the miracle grow. little blood meal and little of that 30-10-10 fert. sound right?

why my leafs are not going for the light? beacuse they got enough? i keep my cfls and my fluorescent very close.

thank you very much for your time. thums up!

ps couldnt ask for a better answer.

its some kind of purple kush by the way.


Well-Known Member
sweet :)
can i give rep aswell?
i think that my n wasnt right in the begining, i mixet up all my nuts (yes very little of each ) and as for now its greener,(maybe to green), but i do flash it alittle every 2nd day so it should be fine now.

my soil was over 7 more closer to 8 in ph, might be why the lower leafs are in light green. now its good with alittle lemon and the natural stuff are all around 4 to 6 in ph. ph ph phis the seacret if you ask me.

i just added the nuts 2 days before this pic was taken, all natural except for the 30-10-10 that im only going to use ones every 2 weeks.1 tbls a galon.
going to repot it tomorrow. which ratios will make the best medium? got molases 2.
i was thinking to do 15% perlite 50% warm casting soil mix, 10% regular potting soil 10% sheep manure, and 10% the miracle grow. little blood meal and little of that 30-10-10 fert. sound right?

why my leafs are not going for the light? beacuse they got enough? i keep my cfls and my fluorescent very close.

thank you very much for your time. thums up!

ps couldnt ask for a better answer.

its some kind of purple kush by the way.
ph should be beetween 6.8 and 7.3 bro now your soils way to acidic.
4= acidic 8 = alkaline btw
(check my grow guide its in my sig) for an even bigger marginal accuracy but thats what you should aim for.

also theres no real science needed to grow good medacine or prep some good soil unless you want there to be. just put in some good ratios that make your soil look good too you. should retain moisture weel be light and fluffee or loose shal we say so the roots can easily grow and excess moisture drain out.

otherwise just rip someone elses mix off. youtube it :smile:

molasses is your choice bro. if you use your nutes propperly you shouldnt really need any though many people disagree with me. it still reminds me too much of the old sugar water to make the buds weigh more trick. not my cup of tea. plus it can cause pest problems

though as i said before the scientific side of molasses is that your essentially giving the plant some of the natural sugars and energy that it needs thus saving the plant time and energy producing them essentially. but this should already be known to you seems though your using it.

molasses can be used throughout the whole growh or just in flower but if your expecting it to magically double or trebble your yield it wont. plants have what is called a genetic capability and this varies from strain to strain when working with cannabis.

breeders essentially look at the cannabis plant as a frame or a layout shall we say. its what they do modify genetic frequencies to get the desired results in the offspring and subsequent generations. hense its best to look at it as a frame and understand its genetic capabilities. afterall 2 stable low yielding strains arent really likely to cross and start producing massive buds it has to be in the genetics.

the only thing that can really achieve this is mutation and hormones.

ive mentioned u turn a few times.

bong it

ph should be beetween 6.8 and 7.3 bro now your soils way to acidic.
4= acidic 8 = alkaline btw
(check my grow guide its in my sig) for an even bigger marginal accuracy but thats what you should aim for.

also theres no real science needed to grow good medacine or prep some good soil unless you want there to be. just put in some good ratios that make your soil look good too you. should retain moisture weel be light and fluffee or loose shal we say so the roots can easily grow and excess moisture drain out.

otherwise just rip someone elses mix off. youtube it :smile:

molasses is your choice bro. if you use your nutes propperly you shouldnt really need any though many people disagree with me. it still reminds me too much of the old sugar water to make the buds weigh more trick. not my cup of tea. plus it can cause pest problems

though as i said before the scientific side of molasses is that your essentially giving the plant some of the natural sugars and energy that it needs thus saving the plant time and energy producing them essentially. but this should already be known to you seems though your using it.

molasses can be used throughout the whole growh or just in flower but if your expecting it to magically double or trebble your yield it wont. plants have what is called a genetic capability and this varies from strain to strain when working with cannabis.

breeders essentially look at the cannabis plant as a frame or a layout shall we say. its what they do modify genetic frequencies to get the desired results in the offspring and subsequent generations. hense its best to look at it as a frame and understand its genetic capabilities. afterall 2 stable low yielding strains arent really likely to cross and start producing massive buds it has to be in the genetics.

the only thing that can really achieve this is mutation and hormones.

ive mentioned u turn a few times.

i added the lemon to the water after i tested the ph before after and between same as for n p k and ph.
i just wanted to know the perfect soil mix for best plant, no testing here.
i think i explained my self wrong, i do it as a hobby which i have a few and the chances for this plant to get to majority are slim.(work)
peace to you.


Well-Known Member
i added the lemon to the water after i tested the ph before after and between same as for n p k and ph.
i just wanted to know the perfect soil mix for best plant, no testing here.
i think i explained my self wrong, i do it as a hobby which i have a few and the chances for this plant to get to majority are slim.(work)
peace to you.
its a good hobby for any man or woman to take up. damn site better than killing people, raping or stealing lol.

i told you the perfect soil mix lol. it all depends what your after.
i find the best soil mix is some good nutrient rich soil which has chicken shit in it. this is my soil compost. i say this because i put fish and mushrooms in there and with that combination all i gotta do is turn the dirt every ow and then and ive got a winning soil on ma hands. in a lot of cases the plants dont even need much or any nutes :).

just like any other plant.

for me its medical reasons :(


Well-Known Member
lol i think i preffer to just buy it.
:finger: jk
WTF :finger:

basically all your soil needs is to maintain moisture and be easy for roots to develop in. i was telling you if your just fucking around youll be able to get good results with little hastles and not to stress too much your plant is green and growing. i dont think it will die ijn a hurry unless you fuck up.

now fuck off asshole. :bigjoint: