Perpetual Grow - DWC/Waterfarm 432wT5 Veg, 600w HPS Flower


Well-Known Member
Took some final shots of the Blue Dream in some regular light. She's going in the dark for a day or so and then I'll trim her up and get her drying/curing. Super pleased with this lady. She rocked it!

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Put the other SourD clone into flower (Front L in first pic). She is funky shaped because of some rescuing I had to do after she had a light fall on her. Her mom took the brunt of the damage, but had to prune this one back significantly and then train her main stem to bring her height down - the lower brunches were f*cked up. She came through like a badass though. She is about 18-19" tall which puts her the same size as the other SD behind her. But, that one is in a waterfarm. She has really turned it on under the LED and I am afraid if I don't get this lady in now, she will outgrow my space. We shall se how this lady turns out:

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Well-Known Member
Thought I would show a couple of methods I have found are easy, low stress and produce a good number of tops.

My primary method is just to top at the 2nd true node (the 3rd from the bottom if you count the initial node with the cotyledons) and then let those 4 tops grow out to a point where they are about to the edge of the pot if you hold them horizontal. I tie these four down and top again to produce 8 tops total. The plants easily take to this method and you will get some nice size colas with plenty of side branching. This also significantly reduces the height issues in just letting them go or not training the branches down at all. This works best with plants grown from seed, but I have done it with clones if you take the care to cut your clone with the this kind of training in mind. You can grab a clone that has a couple of really close nodes that you can start working with.

Here is a Trainwreck that is done with her topping/training and is going to just veg out now until she is ready to flower:


Here is a Dinafem Cheese that is a little earlier in the process so you can maybe see a little better.


Another method that I use is really simple. Just get your plant in to a container, and then gently work with it as you lean it over and tie it down in that position. It doesn't have to be horizontal, just get her to lay back a little. What happens is that the branches along the side of the main stalk that are now facing more upward will grow up to meet the tops that are physically on top of the plant. Here is a Bubba Kush clone that I used this LST method on. You can see how there are multiple tops made of up branches that have grown vertically from the main stalk due to bending it over. Works great and you can top the branches that come up if you want to get even more. There is a law of diminishing returns depending on your plants size so I don't go too nuts with the topping. I have found that 8 tops finish off big and dense with a lot of smaller buds on the surrounding branches. If you get to crazy (especially in an indoor grow where you don't have the Sun as your light) you can wind up with just a bunch of little buds since the plant is trying to maintain too many main growth tips.

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Well-Known Member
Mainling the Sugar Black Rose. She looks good. In the hours since this pic she is already almost completely turned by upward. Once they grow a node or three up, I will top them down near the twist ties for 8 main colas. This is the second plant I have tried this with and so far I am really happy with the results.

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Well-Known Member
Here is the other mainlined plant. She is a THSeeds Sage n Sour and she is a furious beast! I fucking love the shit out of her for real. Ha ha. Already had to super crop her on a couple of tops. She is taking off nicely now. Hope to have her in flower in about 3 weeks depending on me getting another light in there.

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Well-Known Member
My veg is admittedly somewhat neglected, which is why I'm not posting it. I feel like I can barely keep up even putting the minimal amount of time into veg that I do. You make it sound so easy lol... I need to figure out the halfassed single tray e/f version, but I imagine part of the success is the separate containers.


Well-Known Member
My veg is admittedly somewhat neglected, which is why I'm not posting it. I feel like I can barely keep up even putting the minimal amount of time into veg that I do. You make it sound so easy lol... I need to figure out the halfassed single tray e/f version, but I imagine part of the success is the separate containers.
Oh, it is a shit ton of work, ha ha. I feel like my life is mixing nutrients sometimes. The separate containers definitely make for a lot of flexibility, but also a lot of time. I have grown in larger systems as well with multiple plants and was successful with that - especially if you can do 4-6 plants at a time and just run them through together.

Veg really is where you are going to set yourself up for success though. Flowering is pretty easy - put them in 12/12 and let em go. I spend a lot more time and thought into putting my veg stuff together and getting them to develop huge root systems that will support big thick stems and huge buds in flower. I try and spend 10-12 weeks in veg for most of my plats right now and it usually will yield a great yielding bush if you train and give them some time to tell you when they are ready.


Well-Known Member
Veg area is looking good, filling in nicely.

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In the pics are the following strains:

Several HSO Bubba Kush clones
HSO Trainwreck
HSO Desert Diesel
HSO Amherst Sour Diesel
HSO Green Crack
Dinafem Cheese
THSeeds Critical Hog
THSeeds Sage n Sour
Dr. Greenthumb's Emdog
Reserva Privada Kosher Kush

I also have some clones/seeds going in one of my cloning chambers. Will eventually move the larger plants in blocks over to another chamber like this, but right now don't need to run the extra lights since they fit fin and my cloner isn't in there currently.

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In there I have some Bubba Kush clones, a couple of Sage n Sour clones, G13 White Lavender seedling, Dinafem Cheese seedling, HSO Green Crack seedling, DNA Tangilope seedling....and a couple of artichoke plants I am growing, ha ha :)


Well-Known Member
Hey broski, sorry i havent been in here, only just found the thread again lol.
Mate that blue dream looks amazing, sooo frosty :-D

All your other girls are looking great too, your in for some top quality buds bro :)


Well-Known Member
Hey broski, sorry i havent been in here, only just found the thread again lol.
Mate that blue dream looks amazing, sooo frosty :-D

All your other girls are looking great too, your in for some top quality buds bro :)
Please....don't even sweat it. Thanks. I am super stoked on how they are developing.