palin guilty

Big P

Well-Known Member
This is interesting. . . according to some, the polls are actually scewed because of how they are tallied. The answers of those polled are extrapolated using the number of people registered as either Republican or Democrat. Because of Operation Chaos (Go Limabaugh!) there are a lot of people who will be voting Republican but are used in the extrapolation as Democrats because they registered as Democrats to screw up the primary. Ha/Ha!! So the polls showing that Obama is ahead isn't necessarily accurate - Of course now the Demoncrats only have three weeks to try to unravel that conundrum!

agreed, i was trying to lull these lefto liberal lunes into a false sense of security so they can go convince all thier liberal terrorist buddies that comrad Obama has almost takin over zee Vitehouse

i think its working ssssshhhhhhh:shock::bigjoint:


New Member
Apparently ACORN paid their people by how many signatures they collected. I'm assuming that those people had learned from watching the federal government that the way to get rich quick is to lie cheat and steal. It's funny, Huge corporations and heads of state cheat and steal and it just goes with the territory, but let an average everyday citizen cheat and steal and OMG off to the gallows.


Well-Known Member
Apparently ACORN paid their people by how many signatures they collected. I'm assuming that those people had learned from watching the federal government that the way to get rich quick is to lie cheat and steal. It's funny, Huge corporations and heads of state cheat and steal and it just goes with the territory, but let an average everyday citizen cheat and steal and OMG off to the gallows.
Be careful about placing the blame on the federal government so quickly. After all, a good majority of those in the federal government are democrats. They are the ones who have control of the house and the senate!;-)


New Member
Everyone in government has lied, cheated or stolen. It's doesn't matter what their party, the corruption runs that deep.

Like I said, the government set the lie cheat and steal example and now they are surprised when the citizens do it? WTF


Well-Known Member
Yes much better Dave. However, she's still unqualified to be vice president and she's a moron. Too bad your link couldn't fix that.
The troll (ex-mayor and now governor) of my closet, has more experience.:bigjoint:

I had a lemonade stand way back when; I have more executive experience then your boy, berry.
If berrys resume was palins, I'd have more faith.
Yes the governor of an iceberg has executive merritt, not much.
...but better then NOTHING.


Well-Known Member
Interesting source johnny - an ex-Drudge reporter.
Why don't you back up your statement with an explanation of what you are talking about? What exactly qualifies one as a Drudge reporter?

You cannot dispute the report therefore your only option is to go after the source. The Associated Press does not meet your journalistic standards? What exactly makes Rachel D'Oro unqualified as a journalist?

The Drudge Report has no reporters. It is a news aggregation website consisting of links to various sources. There is no original material save the occasional column written by Drudge himself.
Yes much better Dave. However, she's still unqualified to be vice president and she's a moron. Too bad your link couldn't fix that.
If you get your perspective from Saturday Night Live and the late-night comedians, such a simplistic and inaccurate conclusion is not unusual. Moreover, if Palin is a moron, how would you characterize Joe Biden a.k.a. Botox the Clown? The man who said FDR appeared on television as President in 1929? The man who plagiarized his way through law school.