palin guilty


New Member
Health care is a basic human right. If your child is sick and you don't take them to the doctor and that child dies, you are on trial for murder. Like that family that prayed for their child to get better and the kid died, now the parents are in some serious shit over that.

It is a crock of shit that a doctor or hospital can refuse to treat you, all they have to do is stablize you and send you packing. In my book turning away a person that is in serious need of care constitutes murder if the person dies.

Health care should be for everyone, I'm thankful for places like Planned Parenthood that provided care for womens health issues, since there are so many uninsured women in this country.


Well-Known Member
Saying she was "found guilty" makes it sound like she's going to jail. In fact, what she did was not illegal. Not that I'm defending her. I'm just pointing out that she is not going to be prosecuted for what she did.

I think it speaks volumes for McCain's judgment that he picked someone in the middle of an ethics investigation to be his running mate.

Meanwhile, does anyone think it's a coincidence that the Republicans started their complaints about ACORN submitting possibly fraudulent voter registration documents on the same day the Troopergate report dropped?

What a contemptible campaign McCain is running. Utterly contemptible. To end his political career this way, losing big and ugly, would be sad if he hadn't sacrificed any claim to integrity months ago. As it is, it's just pathetic.
I doubt she will go to "jail", but what she did was certainly illegal.

The panel found Mrs Palin in violation of a state ethics law prohibiting public officials from using their office for personal gain.

"I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110 (a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act," investigator Steve Branchflower concluded in the panel's 263-page report.
Legislators do not have the power to take formal legal action against the governor; that would be up to Alaska's Personnel Board.


Well-Known Member
And the fact that Clinton committed perjury wasn't a government ethics issue?
Some people are just NEVER going to get over Clinton. :roll:

This thread is about McCain's pick for VP, not some guy who left office eight years ago. Try to catch up for goodness sake.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I saw the story on Palin, and I must say hahahahahahahahahaha!Oh, but if you didn't see through her immediately, I just don't know what to say except.....I have a bridge I want to sell you.


New Member
If a person can be jailed for not seeking treatment for a minor child, that tells me it is a right. If it isn't a right there would be no cases of medical related child neglect. :wall:

However seeing as there are countless cases of child neglect resulting from child medical issues that were not attended to, that tells me that the child has a RIGHT to medical treatment.

You make me laugh, all babies MUST be born so we can refuse them health care later on in life and make sure they die in pain. Good one. :clap:

Health care is a basic human right./quote]\

From where does that "right" emanate from? And ... if you can indeed cite where the "right" comes from, how can it be exercised without violating the rights of another?



Well-Known Member
Health care is a basic human right. If your child is sick and you don't take them to the doctor and that child dies, you are on trial for murder. Like that family that prayed for their child to get better and the kid died, now the parents are in some serious shit over that.

It is a crock of shit that a doctor or hospital can refuse to treat you, all they have to do is stablize you and send you packing. In my book turning away a person that is in serious need of care constitutes murder if the person dies.

Health care should be for everyone, I'm thankful for places like Planned Parenthood that provided care for womens health issues, since there are so many uninsured women in this country.

Healthcare is not a right, despite what you would believe.

Now, do I see a problem with the fact that the cost of Health Care is rising faster than inflation? Yes!

But I don't want the government interfering in the markets. It is their interference with the markets that has caused Healthcare to continuously rise faster than inflation, just like it was their interference in the markets that caused house prices to rise faster than inflation.

I don't think the best solution is to socialize health care. The best solution is to increase the amount of competition in the market by producing more doctors. You don't address the issue of high prices and lack of health care by eliminating supply, or controlling demand. The only way to ensure that prices will fall is if you add supply to the industry. Hell, we can make it like a form of affirmative action, find some people that are from economically depressed areas and pay for their education to be doctors.

More supply means lower demand, because the doctors would be forced to compete for customers. Yes, their would be some doctors that would not be able to attract enough customers, but if allowed to do so private charities would elect to provide free health care.

The problem isn't that capitalism is evil. If Capitalism was truly evil, our great institutes of learning, Carnegie-Mellon, Princeton, Harvard and Yale would have never been founded, because the people that founded them would have kept their money to themselves.

The problem is that the only thing government regulation does is ensure a monopoly. When you require licensure of medical practitioners and pharmacists you prevent people from being able to enter the markets, by raising the cost of doing business.

Another issue that can be used to illustrate this is Medical Marijuana. Government stepped in and interfered in the markets. I have yet to hear either Obama or McCain actually state that they will legalize Marijuana. I have on the other hand heard other candidates state that they will legalize Marijuana. (Ron Paul imparticular)

Healthcare isn't a right, but it is a damn nice thing to have, but the real problem is government regulation and interference in the markets. If I had to describe the Medical Industry in one term, I would describe it as a perpetually inflating bubble. Until the government gets its hands out of the medical industry it will continue to be that way.

Even more hypocritical is the fact that Obama wants to tax people that make more than $250,000 more. The majority of the people that I know that make more than $250,000 a year are doctors, and I can state with a high degree of confidence that they are going to raise their prices to counteract any tax hikes. Thus, once again it is the American Public that ends up stuck paying for the retarded ideas of our public officials.


New Member
If a person can be jailed for not seeking treatment for a minor child, that tells me it is a right. If it isn't a right there would be no cases of medical related child neglect.

"The Person" isn't being jailed for denying a right, "The Person" is being jailed for not accepting the responsibility to provide treatment for a child. Big difference.

Now then, how about answering the question I posed to you:

From where does that "right" emanate from? And ... if you can indeed cite where the "right" comes from, how can it be exercised without violating the rights of another?


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
But should these parents be punished because they can't afford healthcare?We all have the right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.Gotta be healthy to do that.
If a person can be jailed for not seeking treatment for a minor child, that tells me it is a right. If it isn't a right there would be no cases of medical related child neglect.

"The Person" isn't being jailed for denying a right, "The Person" is being jailed for not accepting the responsibility to provide treatment for a child. Big difference.

Now then, how about answering the question I posed to you:

From where does that "right" emanate from? And ... if you can indeed cite where the "right" comes from, how can it be exercised without violating the rights of another?



New Member
But should these parents be punished because they can't afford healthcare?We all have the right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.Gotta be healthy to do that.

Under federal law, every hospital emergency room in the country is obligated to accept patents ... even if they don't have insurance. So, insurance isn't the issue ... parental neglect is.

Now again for "Miss:" From where does that "right" emanate from? And ... if you can indeed cite where the "right" comes from, how can it be exercised without violating the rights of another?


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Ever had a hospital nag you about the bill?They treat you MUCH differently when you don't have insurance.That being said,I would still take my kid if it was life or death.But I don't like getting things I can't pay for.
But should these parents be punished because they can't afford healthcare?We all have the right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.Gotta be healthy to do that.

Under federal law, every hospital emergency room in the country is obligated to accept patents ... even if they don't have insurance. So, insurance isn't the issue ... parental neglect is.

Now again for "Miss:" From where does that "right" emanate from? And ... if you can indeed cite where the "right" comes from, how can it be exercised without violating the rights of another?



New Member
Ever had a hospital nag you about the bill?They treat you MUCH differently when you don't have insurance.That being said,I would still take my kid if it was life or death.But I don't like getting things I can't pay for.

Yes, I had an uninsured surgery years ago. I had agreed to pay the balance off in six months. At the end of six months I had only paid half the bill. The lady who works in the collection department of the hospital threated to turn me over to a collection agency. I asked her if they were serious about selling the account to a collection agency for fifty-cents on the dollar and she said yes. So ... I told her that I would agree to pay the account off that very day if she would agree to take sixty-cents on the dollar. Stone silence on the other end of the line. ~lol~ So I told her to stop lying and pressuring me. She did. I paid the rest of the bill in full over the next four months.

Sometimes a simple "fuck you" works wonders with these bullshit collectors. I mean, they have no real power other than your fear and their bullshit. :lol:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
They have the power to annoy.And I don't like to be belittled.(which is what they do to you if you're uninsured.)
Ever had a hospital nag you about the bill?They treat you MUCH differently when you don't have insurance.That being said,I would still take my kid if it was life or death.But I don't like getting things I can't pay for.

Yes, I had an uninsured surgery years ago. I had agreed to pay the balance off in six months. At the end of six months I had only paid half the bill. The lady who works in the collection department of the hospital threated to turn me over to a collection agency. I asked her if they were serious about selling the account to a collection agency for fifty-cents on the dollar and she said yes. So ... I told her that I would agree to pay the account off that very day if she would agree to take sixty-cents on the dollar. Stone silence on the other end of the line. ~lol~ So I told her to stop lying and pressuring me. She did. I paid the rest of the bill in full over the next four months.

Sometimes a simple "fuck you" works wonders with these bullshit collectors. I mean, they have no real power other than your fear and their bullshit. :lol:



Well-Known Member
They have the power to annoy.And I don't like to be belittled.(which is what they do to you if you're uninsured.)

They actually are violating the law if they are harassing you, threatening you, or insulting you. What they can or can not do is actually rather strictly limited under law.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
What about the attitude the nurse gives you when you're uninsured?Noone should have to feel bad because medical facilities are run by greedy asshats.
They have the power to annoy.And I don't like to be belittled.(which is what they do to you if you're uninsured.)

They actually are violating the law if they are harassing you, threatening you, or insulting you. What they can or can not do is actually rather strictly limited under law.


New Member
If government has the right to prosecute parents for not taking their children for treatment, that tells me that the government believes that health care is a basic right. If the government did not believe that health care is a basic right they wouldn't bother prosecuting parents for not seeking treatment.

Doctors take an oath to help the sick and the dieing. That tells me that doctors believe there is a basic right to health care. Doctors do not include in the oath to care only for the properly and fully insured.

Having air to breathe is a right, people have a right to food, (even though many people go without) people have a right to shelter. It makes no sense to have perfectly good houses sitting empty while people are living on the street.

Making money has taken a front seat to caring and compassion. It is sickening. I know Vi, you are a lot stingier than the rest of us. You don't need to point it out AGAIN.


New Member
If government has the right to prosecute parents for not taking their children for treatment, that tells me that the government believes that health care is a basic right. If the government did not believe that health care is a basic right they wouldn't bother prosecuting parents for not seeking treatment.

Doctors take an oath to help the sick and the dieing. That tells me that doctors believe there is a basic right to health care. Doctors do not include in the oath to care only for the properly and fully insured.

Having air to breathe is a right, people have a right to food, (even though many people go without) people have a right to shelter. It makes no sense to have perfectly good houses sitting empty while people are living on the street.

Making money has taken a front seat to caring and compassion. It is sickening. I know Vi, you are a lot stingier than the rest of us. You don't need to point it out AGAIN.
I'll ignore your personal attack and just ask you ... if people have the "right," say to food, are you suggesting that the creation of that right somehow makes me responsible to provide that right?

How can a right for one be provided by violating the right of another? The only systems that can force a person to give up a right is slavery or prison. Which one are you suggesting?



Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So do these wall street fat cats have more of a right to a bail out than the poor folks have a right to be helped?
I'll ignore your personal attack and just ask you ... if people have the "right," say to food, are you suggesting that the creation of that right somehow makes me responsible to provide that right?

How can a right for one be provided by violating the right of another? The only systems that can force a person to give up a right is slavery or prison. Which one are you suggesting?



New Member
Seeing how my rights are already infringed on, I'm paying for social security for my entire life and will never see that money again. Right now as it stands between my husband and I we've paid in nearly 40 thousand dollars.

I'm being forced to pay medicare tax, and have been for 10 years now. I know that there is no way I will ever see anything out of those dollars either.

So when you charge a medical visit to medicare, you are infringing on my rights. When you collect a social security check you are infringing on my rights a second time.

Lets think of all those people out there working jobs that don't pay shit being jacked for these 2 taxes when they have no health insurance. Do you think that just maybe they might like to use that money on health insurance seeing as how when they are old enough to retire there is going to be no more social security or medicare. :wall:

So before you speak of people who are starving infringing on your rights think about how you are infringing right back. Now get off the fucking cross, somebody might need the wood. :fire:

I'll ignore your personal attack and just ask you ... if people have the "right," say to food, are you suggesting that the creation of that right somehow makes me responsible to provide that right?

How can a right for one be provided by violating the right of another? The only systems that can force a person to give up a right is slavery or prison. Which one are you suggesting?



Well-Known Member
I gotta agree with Vi on this one. Why should I have to pay higher taxes for another's medical costs??? Free healthcare sounds good in theory but, as we all should know, more government bureaucracy is never a good thing:wall:

If u don't have medical insurance (like me) and have an emergency, just do what I do. Use a fake name, number, and address in the ER. They'll fix you right up and you won't be getting anyone harassing you for money later, I promise you:bigjoint: